Weekly accountability thread: June 10 edition

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for this coming week?

Goals met!

  1. 7/7 days of healthy coping - done! 61 days in a row. Last night was a challenge but I got through it
  2. Swims at around 2400 yds or 40 ish min - done. Proud of self for a day out of the pool too
  3. PT exercises as directed - done
  4. Practice 2 min pauses for real - did sometimes, and used the skill a few times
  5. Journal daily - just about. I did it when I needed it

M - 2400 yd swim, 3.2 mi walk
T - 2400 yd swim, 2.8 mi walk
W - 2400 yd swim, 4 mi walk
T - 2200 yd swim, 3.4 mi walk
F - 2500 yd swim, 3.4 mi walk
S - 2500 yd swim, 3.1 mi walk
S - 3.4 mi walk

Goals this week:
0. 7/7 health coping skills! I keep my promises to myself. I will get the milestones of 62 days (two months straight), 63 days (7 weeks), 64 days (it’s 8 squared which is a lot of eights. Eight of ‘em in fact. I’m a mathematician…), 65 days (multiples of 5 sound big)… and I think my “pr” from fall was 77 in a row and once I hit that I can PR every single day so how cool is that?

  1. PT exercises as directed
  2. Hopefully try running (see PT this afternoon) and stick to plan there
  3. No increase in total swim volume from last week. I am traveling and am anxious about how things are going to look this week but the goal remains No Pain.
  4. Related to the above, hard 3000 yard (or 2700m) cap on any given swim
  5. Pauses! For real!
  6. Journal daily

Thanks to everyone who posts on this thread. These weekly threads help me a lot

Congrats for all the good work, Tigerchik.

I haven’t done great since I last posted, but I’ll give a rundown anyway.

Got excited and allowed myself to VERY gently jog some downhills when doing 5 miles about 10 days ago and pushed my recovery WAY back. Had to take a couple of days completely off, then just tried to stay a little active but not focused on it. Have not gone back to the doctor about the left foot as I don’t know what to make of it. Sometimes, when practicing violin, I have to sit after 20 minutes because it’s bothering me; but my wife, the (3) girls and I went to the aquarium for 8 hours, followed by 2 hours of shopping and with 2 hours of driving to boot and it didn’t hurt at all.

While violin has been 4 times/week instead of 5, my practice sessions lately have been over 40’, and some of the technique is starting to return, so that is acceptable.

I haven’t been good with my diet lately either, but also not horrible, so I haven’t gained back any of the weight I’ve lost (about 5 lbs in the last month; only 28 to go.)

I also have not managed my academics to my liking (i.e. putting in the committed time every day), although the progress has been reasonable. In the analysis I’m about 2/3 of the way through a detailed review of what I covered about 50 years ago (i.e., I’ve redone chaps. 1-5 in baby Rudin); two weeks ago I was looking at several sources for linear algebra, which I got most of the way through, but last week I switched to Artin’s Algebra book, 2nd ed. (I actually have the 0th edition, i.e. class notes, as I took the class from him when the dinosaurs roamed the earth), and I’m over 100 pages in. In physics I was doing K&K and muscled through (most of) the non-fixed-axis rotation chapter. (Interestingly, the various errata sources seem to have copious entries both before and after this part, but none in this section.) So last week I switched to the Greiner series and am almost 100 pages into the first book (Point Particles and Relativity).

So more detailed than necessary, but done so you know what I’m doing, Tigerchik.

So goals for this week (reduced for obligations to the kids):
(1) Get up each day between 7 and 8am (depends on not having to force the kids to sleep at 3am)
(2) Sports: (a) Walking: at least 10km/day (15km done today!); (b) Bike: >=3X30min; (c) Swim: No guarantees (d) Daily stretching as appropriate
(3) Academics: (a) Analysis: finish Rudin to chapter 7 (b) Algebra: >=1hr/day (c) Physics: >=1hr/day
(4) Violin: >=5X30min
(5) Get back on the diet

It’s 3 weeks until ‘A’ race. Sh*t!
Training plan roughly same as last week.
Smoothies 5/7
No phone in bed 7/7
See physio about my sore shoulder and the weird hip squint-ness I’ve been feeling.
Do not fiddle with TT bike position.

Training was solid: 10k swim (bit limited by sore shoulder), 9hrs bike, 4hrs run; got most of my S&C done (missed out some upper body due to shoulder). Did heat prep sessions. Happy with bike position (and didn’t fiddle with). Swam in 28C degree pool with tri-suit and swimskin on (race is borderline non-wetsuit so that might be race-day set up) … kinda cooked myself but lasted about as long as I’d have to last in the race :-0
Smoothies 6/7 :slight_smile:
No phone in bed 7/7 :slight_smile:

Saw physio about shoulder - initial assessment showed up some weakness/imbalances as likely root cause of some tendon inflammation. New rehab exercises to add to the schedule - yey! Weird hip squint-ness less conclusive … physio suggested getting running gait video’d as a next step … one for after my race perhaps.

It’s 2 weeks until ‘A’ race (well, 12 days now). Taper time and don’t do anything stupid.
Sticking with 5/7 target for smoothies and 7/7 for no phone in bed.

Good work 💪

Got excited and allowed myself to VERY gently jog some downhills when doing 5 miles about 10 days ago and pushed my recovery WAY back.


I get getting excited. It’s hard. I’m sorry it set you back.

So more detailed than necessary, but done so you know what I’m doing, Tigerchik.

I like detail :slight_smile:

1/1 for the week
SIXTY TWO days in a row. Two whole months :slight_smile: I am so proud. It feels like a lot longer. I will occasionally get urges to use the unhealthy coping skill I have been free of but the urges are less strong and less frequent

I kept to my swim plan this AM! That (sticking to the plan) feels like it is getting a little easier too.

2/2 for the week
63 days - 9 weeks - in a row!

Super anxious today :frowning:

64 days in a row! 8x8 :slight_smile: that is a lot of 8s

Anxiety has been super high but am coping in healthy ways

4/4 for the week and 65 days in a row! Multiples of 5 always seem like milestones

Updated goal: swim time cap back to 30 min to let shoulder settle a bit and keep small spot from becoming Big Deal

Goal met this AM

5/5 for the week and 66 days in a row!
Stuck to 30’ min swim plan despite shoulder feeling ok

6/6 for the week and 67 days in a row
I’m super tired today so self care is the priority