Weekly accountability thread: July 29 Edition

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for this coming week?

goals for this week are below. Made a smart decision this AM not to swim as shoulder was super achy yesterday, even though it felt ok overnight taking an extra day between swims is the smart choice.

  1. 7/7 healthy coping so will be at… ONE HUNDRED TEN next week done! 110 days in a row!
  2. journal daily I journaled a couple times. I was super busy. I expect to have some time to catch up today
  3. practice the 2 min pauses (it’s a calm down strategy) didn’t practice - might have used? I don’t remember
  4. eat the # of calories I am supposed to mostly done, yesterday was probably 1900 instead of 2000 but I think that’s ok because some days were a little higher than 2000
  5. do PT as directed done
  6. be grateful for what I can do sport wise done

I put this on last week’s thread but my weight at my doctor’s appt on Thursday was +0.4 lbs from the week before, bringing it back to the number it was 2 weeks ago, which is the same # it has been most weeks since May 30. So - stable, which is good (I keep repeating this to myself even though I don’t like watching it go up, even if the “up” I am pretty sure is normal variation). I keep thinking " I will be grateful for keeping up w the calories and keeping my weight stable when I have a period next month". Calorie goal is still 2000, that gets re-evaluated Thurs. I think part of why it feels high is I’m just never all that hungry, but I’ve been under an intense amount of stress lately (family stuff, worried about injuries/sports) and stress tends to shut off my appetite.

M - 1.2 mi walk
T - 1200 yd swim, 0.62 mi walk, shoulder PT
W - 1.3 mi walk, hip PT
Th -1200 yd swim, 0.62 mi walk, shoulder PT
F - 1 mi walk, hip PT
S - rest
S - 1200 yd swim, 0.62 mi walk, shoulder PT

goals this week
**1. 7/7 healthy coping, promising myself next week we’ll be celebrating day 117 **
2. journal daily
3. practice the 2 min pauses
4. eat the # of calories I am supposed to
5. do PT as directed
**6. be grateful for what I can do sport wise **

shameless bump, getting through a hard day over here

It’s race week! Travel to France tomorrow to take on the fearsome Alpe d’Huez triathlon (on Thurs). Going with a crew from my tri squad, so should be a great trip socially. Goal for race is simply to relish the experience.

Goal achieved, and there was much to relish. Swam in a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains; biked up several mountains, culminating in Alpe d’Huez of course; ran (and walked … I was relishing, not slogging) through a scene from The Sound of Music. It was sunny, it was hot (but mercifully less hot than usual). There were teammates scattered across the Alps. And afterwards, a ride back down the mountain - to our house beneath Hairpin #21 - and many tales. If you ever have a chance to do this race, don’t hesitate.

Goals for this week:

  • recover from race and transition back to normal training (and life!)
  • no reading phone at bedtime
  • good nutrition
  • spend a bit of time each day on new project Mon-Fri (I have already failed but let’s see if I can manage Tue-Fri)
  • watch a lot of the Olympics

It’s <3 weeks until next race - the Aberfeldy Middle Distance Triathlon (Scottish championships). I will swim in a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains; I will bike up a mountain (sort of); I will run (not walk) through a scene from Local Hero. There will be teammates scattered across Perthshire. If it’s anything like usual, it will be raining and feck’in freezing.

Have a good week everyone!

I am pretty sure is normal variation

I agree with this. I’m currently working on getting back to what I consider my optimal body composition (this manifests as ‘good nutrition’ on my weekly goals). As part of this I’m weighing myself every morning and over a period of weeks I am seeing a trend in the direction of my goal but at times I see a daily variation +/- 0.3kg: it’s just what happens with humans. The amount of variation you noted is a very small % of the weight of any human (easily accounted for by the timing of bladder/bowel functions, monthly cycles, hydration status).

Glad you enjoyed the race!

111 days in a row of healthy coping
Journaled yesterday
Used the 2 min pause skill
Somewhere between 1900 and 2000 calories eaten; I had some stuff I purposefully didn’t measure and some stuff I couldn’t measure -
We were at the beach and a seagull swooped in and took part of my sandwich, so I made another, then another full took part of that, so I made a third sandwich and managed to eat that one to finally get to 600 or so calories for lunch, via my estimates
Last night I had a nightmare I got on the scale and my weight was +3 lbs over this base value. Not a good dream!!! Would like to trade for see dreams please!!

Doing the “you can do two more days at 2000 calories, think how happy you will be when you have a period in august” thing

112 days in a row of healthy coping
1870 calories yesterday, that’s what I could get down w the level of family stress

Thurs update - 113 days of healthy coping in a row, journaled on Wed., used the “2 min pause” skill on Wed
Wed calories low 1510 cal; had a TOUGH day.
My drs appt went well. My weight was exactly the same number as last week. Calorie goal is 1900-2000 as exercise will be less in the next few days - doc put cortisone in my hip today shoulder hurts so no swim, so some low movement days coming up.

I’m still surprised when I eat 2000 calories and burn 100 cal in exercise and don’t gain weight… I don’t want to say my weight number in case it is “triggering” for anyone but I’m small and my BMI is technically underweight… It just seems like lots of calories. High metabolism I guess? All that muscle? IDK. I’m not complaining, I’m just routinely surprised.

Sounds like a good result at the weekly Dr check-up, in amongst a tricky week otherwise 💪 Saw another post about family stuff going on - hope that’s resolved soon.

Sounds like a good result at the weekly Dr check-up

yes it was :slight_smile:
thanks for the support.

114 days in a row healthy coping!

Thurs - 2020 calories, wrote in journal

“keep this body” and “bone has a long memory” are my current go-to motivational phrases to keep eating when I don’t want to, that and Chowder’s “come back and tell me the number is too high when you’re having regular periods and swimming and running again”. I keep a stockpile of helpful stuff :slight_smile:

WHERE IS MADMIKE100? Paging madmike!

WHERE IS MADMIKE100? Paging madmike!

First of all, Chowders: What a great attitude you have!

Tigerchik: Keep it together. I’m sure it’s really tough right now, but I expect you’ll appreciate life much more when things are better. (There’s a Jewish story about a farmer that comes to mind.) Family issues can also be a major downer, so I think it’s amazing you’re holding in there. Getting you healthy is priority number one, even if it goes against your gut feeling. (Pun semi-intended.)

I haven’t really been able to set a plan this week (as you will see below), and so I’ve mainly been lurking.

I’ve had a lot of troubles since the bee(?) sting last Friday(?) (The swelling has been huge, to the point where my ankle was not visible. I managed 4 miles (in crocs on the treadmill) on Saturday and Sunday along with 10 on Monday, but it was causing me more issues, so I really had to back off. I ended up measuring the distance inside the house where I pace when doing academics. (80 laps/mile), and that’s been what I’ve been doing (only counting “intentional” laps, at the rate of 2-3 miles/day.) Yesterday it was quite a bit better, so I tried 1/2 mile outside. It was OK (a little sub-15 minute/mile pace) but I could feel the welts and swelling becoming chafed, so I returned to my indoor laps. Finally, today the heel behind the ankle is narrower than the ankle, so I’ll try again with shoes. There’s still swelling behind and to the right of the Achilles, but I expect I should be able to start up again.

But it’s an ill wind that blows no good. The neck is not much of a problem except in moments. Yesterday I started alternating between studying physics (my favorite professor at U.Md. is teaching a quantum class in the fall), violin (2+ hrs total) (getting stamina back), cleaning/organizing (about 2 hrs), and walking (about 3 miles taking about 1 1/2 hrs because of so many turnarounds) and I managed to stick with it for about 12 hours. So I hope this is a workable plan to keep me from getting burned out on any one thing.

That’s all for now. I’ll try to post if I can actually walk in shoes without causing a problem…

glad to hear from you and I hope the swelling goes down.

115 days of healthy coping in a row
got 2000 calories down yesterday, and journaled.

today hasn’t been easy so far but I’m doing it. I thought “it’s hard to play the long game because it takes long to see results” but I realized getting a period in August is a marker of being on the right track so I’m hoping that will happen. The actions I am taking are contributing to that it should (as I had periods the last two months doing more exercise and eating the same amount so less exercise and eating the same amount should be → period).

Thanks to everyone for the support. It helps to have other people on this thread more than you know.

…and I CAN walk in shoes. (Just proof of concept, but 20 mins. on the treadmill.) So happy…

Now just rinse and repeat…

(Let’s give those ellipses a workout…)

Later that night: Completed a little over 13 1/2 miles for the day. (Along with almost an hour of practicing, lots of cleaning, and lots of studying.)

Really awesome day!

116 days healthy coping in a row
1900 calories yesterday despite a lot of family stress, so I met that goal. Still convinced I will gain weight this week.
didn’t have time to journal but did some texting with a friend sorting out some feelings

22 miles today, but nothing else really. 6 miles in the morning at 13 min/mile, 10 treadmill miles in the afternoon at 15/mile (I’m always slower on the treadmill), and 6 this evening at 13.5/mile. I’m going faster because I’m rapidly shuffling the downhills now, but never running (aka both feet off the ground at the same time.) I’m trying to keep to my promise that the first 672-mile leg is just base and that I won’t run any of it. (It also keeps me in fat-burning territory, which is the first step to getting back in shape.)

Balancing has been out the window because the a**holes behind me are making loud parties again. (Today blasting their speakers starting at noon with only about 5 people, so studying/practicing was out.) (Yesterday their party started at about 3 pm, so I was able to get some practicing done, and my studying was done before they started.) I’ll have to go back to the town council. Oh well.

My eldest daughter turns 18 this Friday, so this week will be a bit crazy cleaning up the house for her party that day. (My wife thinks teenagers just come over to see what hasn’t been cleaned!) As a result I don’t know what I can do this week (and may be away from next week’s thread until after the dust settles. (OMG, a dad joke!)) My youngest turns 11 next Sunday, but her friends are away, so we’ll have to clean up again in early September.

I will say, though, that I want to put in at least 70 miles next week.

That’s all I’ve got for now…

your body feeling ok with that mileage?
how is your neck?

18 is a big bday :slight_smile: