Weekly accountability thread: July 15 Edition

How are you? How was your week? What are your goals for this week?


  1. 7/7 healthy coping - done, now at 96 days in a row. Ask me for tips to stop using your unhealthy skills because I am a queen :slight_smile: for real though am happy to share and check in soon to see the 100 day mark
  2. Journal every day - no but did a little bit. I like journals I was just so busy!
  3. Keep to half an hour of cardio a day- done
  4. PT as directed- done
  5. Hit calorie goal- 6/7 as yesterday was low. I will get back on track today. Weight was stable on thurs at my appt, I had a period last week, I don’t need to gain weight (yay! So much yay) but I do need to eat what I am supposed to
  6. Practice pauses - did sometimes and used the skill

M - 1200 yd swim
T - 1 mi walk
W - 1 mi walk
T - 1200 yd swim, .44 mi walk
F - 1 mi walk
S - 1200 yd swim, .44 mi walk
S - off

Goals for this week are the same as last plus keep gratitude for what I can do (eg a little swim and walk, I am not in a cast, I am not on crutches, I am not in a wheelchair etc) I am going to hit day 100 this week :smiley: this is the “trying to eradicate a particular unhealthy skill” count and I am so proud. The urges to use that skill mostly have gone down; I still have them (did yesterday) but resisted
Thanks to everyone who chimes in!

Im 16 weeks away from my race - 70.3 Buenos Aires

Monday: 2700 m swim
Tuesday: 1:22 Hr Bike Indoor + Strenght
Wednesday: 3200 m Swim + 55 Min running
Thursday: 1:30 Hr Bike Indoor
Friday: 2700m + 58 Threadmill
Saturday: 2:30 Hr bike indoor
Sunday: 30 Min bike Indoor + 1:20 Hr Running + 30 Min yoga

Total time: 12:30

This week didnt have much Vo2/Threshold series, ive got this week ahead before the rest week.

I need to loose 4kg 'til my race, so i’ll be checking calories a lot more

Goals for this week:

  • solid week of training with good execution of key sessions and a last long hard ride as prep for the appropriately terrifying prospect of the Alpe d’Huez triathlon in 17 days time!
  • get all strength & prehab/rehab work done (shoulder has still been sore … been quite a while now … try not to fret and just trust rehab)
  • good nutrition every day
  • no reading phone at bedtime

Solid week of training done: 7.5k swim, ~12hrs bike, ~3hrs run, got my key sessions done
Strength, shoulder rehab and other prehab (except a 10min session one day) all done
Good nutrition - 6/7 days
No reading phone at bedtime - 7/7 days

I’m finding posting here helpful. There was a day I had a thought about reading the news in bed and the prospect of having to own it here stopped me! Nice to see a few more people joining in too.

Goals for this week:

  • another solid week of training, easing off a bit towards the end of the week (race is the following Thursday)
  • get all strength and prehab/rehab done
  • good nutrition every day
  • no reading phone at bedtime
  • spend a little time on new project each day

Another good week for you - congrats. How were your niggles/pains?

I’m finding posting here helpful. There was a day I had a thought about reading the news in bed and the prospect of having to own it here stopped me!


your post from last week is still in one of my tabs, so you know

Solid week of training done: 7.5k swim, ~12hrs bike, ~3hrs run, got my key sessions done
Strength, shoulder rehab and other prehab (except a 10min session one day) all done
Good nutrition - 6/7 days
No reading phone at bedtime - 7/7 days

good deal!

New to the accountability thread, but I read last week’s thread and saw such an awesome example of being supportive, I couldn’t help but join in.

Last week was ok, not bad, but not ideal.

TSS - 507
Total duration - 8:10
3 sessions shortened vs. plan
3 swims missed entirely

I’ve been tired recently, stayed up later than works for my goals. Not exactly sure why, but working on getting normalized there. Good news is that my long run included the most outdoor running without pain I’ve had in quite a while. Hip replacement (Birmingham hip resurfacing) 10+ years ago, been progressively getting back into tris with one half last year, and two this year (one complete, one in September).

The big news was that I pulled the trigger and signed up for IM Ottawa. So now I’m scheming my season plan for after my half in September. Good thing I have that to distract me for several weeks still!

This week’s schedule is setting up where I should be better on hitting the plan, though I may miss one swim due to lightning, but too early to say.

New to the accountability thread, but I read last week’s thread and saw such an awesome example of being supportive, I couldn’t help but join in.

chowders is kind of bada$$ :slight_smile: glad you’re here!

Another good week for you - congrats. How were your niggles/pains?

shoulder has been okay
hamstring (I have called this “hip”) improving

Thanks for asking. While I’m updating I have had 1600 calories today so the 420 I have planned for dinner (that’s the calorie amount I plan to eat, not a reference to drugs) and I will have made it. :slight_smile:

madmike100 waiting on your check in! xoxo

madmike100 waiting on your check in! xoxo

…ended up very kid-oriented lately, so personal goals mostly out the window or reduced lately. (Before the last 5 years I was very kid-oriented for about 20, and that’s led for the need to work hard to try to get back in shape. Every ride had to be with the kids, etc.)

At least I did 40 miles of walking in the last 6 days (a lot on the treadmill) and haven’t missed a day. The neck is still a bit painful when walking (and is usually the limiting factor). The left foot has been acting up again some, but it’s mainly aggravated when I’m not moving, such as standing during a swim meet. Walking doesn’t seem to exacerbate the problem. The tendons which have been problematic (mostly left achilles and some right hamstring) seem to be responding well, as I’m now comfortably walking a bit faster than before (after warming up), usually 4-4.1mph.
We’ve been dealing with scorching temps here in the DC area (99,101, and 98 in the next 3 days, and most days lately have hit 95), and that’s dampened the ability to exercise. As well, I’m still supposed to avoid submerging my neck, so swimming is out.
But I’ve been able to get the kids to swim practice (6:30-8:30am M-F), summer music camp (9am and 3pm M-F),swim meets(Sat&Sun), as well as various other demands from the kids.
Also dealt with a rental re-inspection today. I’ve been very distractible lately, which I’m not pleased about. Part of it may be that I haven’t been planning well.

Diet hasn’t been very good. For example, I got doughnuts for the concessions at our swim meet on Saturday, and they were so popular that I had to do a second run. Unfortunately, a tragedy befell some of the doughnuts and those never made it to concessions. :wink: (They’re huge and about 500 cals each.)

Academically I’ve been in the doldrums. I hoped to always have at least one subject which felt easy, but right now all feel like it’s a major battle just to cover one page.
And neck (pain) issues have kept me from playing violin.

All right, enough kvetching.

So what are my goals for this week? Very loosely:
(0) Control/reduce time-wasting activity. I’ve been doing too much of that when what I’m working on is difficult.
(1) Plan ahead daily.
(2) Exercise: (a) Walk about/at least 10 miles/day, according to “taste” (b) Bike/swim: whatever the doc says I’m allowed to do (on Wed.) that doesn’t cause pain (mainly from raised blood pressure?)
(3) Diet: Don’t worry about it if I manage at least 8 miles/day walking. I need to stabilize that first. But STOP the doughnuts and be careful not to be foolish. (The scale has forgiven my sins of the last weeks so far.)
(4) Academics: Keep fighting, even if hard; ideally 3-5 hrs/day (physics, algebra, topology, analysis)
(5) Violin: up to 1 hour on any given day, depending on how the neck feels. (Not up to it yet.)
(6) Perform transport and other services for the kids without raising my voice (too much) and remain calm when my wife gives guidance as though Stevie Wonder is driving. Average about 1 hr/day organizing, although that might only be just enough to undo the disorganizing done nightly by our cat Lily (aka Clouseau), who seems to enjoy doing “body bowling” with the items on my night table and in my office.
(7) Post here daily to hold my feet to the fire.

All right. Please forgive my stream-of-consciousness post. (I feel as though I have violated that maxim “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool…”)

I hope the neck pain decreases for many reasons, one of which is so you can get back to violin. Good to hear from you.

97 days


I hope the neck pain decreases for many reasons, one of which is so you can get back to violin. Good to hear from you.


I didn’t do anything last night, and realized the ache was making me tired. The (neck) pain bothered me when I walked as well as when tilting my head down to read a book. Since I (finally) noticed it is worse later in the day, I decided to get more done earlier in the day (when possible).

So today I walked a brisk 5 miles before 8am (during kids’ swim). (We’re supposed to hit 103 this afternoon.) That should make it easy to hit 10 miles (via treadmill).

I also found an article yesterday about Age Activated ADD, which fits me to a ‘T’. The main idea is that you start by doing one thing, but then you notice a second thing that needs doing, so you drop the first to do the second. Of course, the second thing never gets finished because you see another thing that’s not right, etc. (You can think of all the little cats in “The Cat in the Hat Comes Back”, or, for computer science types (like me), it’s like doing depth-first search and never getting back up the tree.) I think that this is motivated by the fear (or certainty?) that the problem noticed en route will be forgotten about if not done immediately. (Posting here helps me avoid this recursive descent when working on academics.) A A ADD makes someone feel like they’ve been busy all day but have nothing to show for it. So I’m going to look for something where I can make quick (auditory) comments to remind me about subsequent tasks while completing the first (as in breadth-first search). (Sort of like the old dictation machines.)

I will be seeing the doctor tomorrow about the neck and what I’m allowed to do. I can’t see (and don’t want to see) the incision because it’s on the back and part of the side of the neck, but the glue line feels like it’s about 5" long, so I wonder if some disgruntled gang member got in the operating room when they weren’t looking…

I will be seeing the doctor tomorrow about the neck and what I’m allowed to do.

make sure to update us please!

98 days - 14 weeks in a row - of healthy coping skills!
2010 calories eaten yesterday (or thereabouts from estimates vs things like yogurt where I know the calories in the container)

I will be seeing the doctor tomorrow about the neck and what I’m allowed to do.

make sure to update us please!

Saw doc this morning. Said the tests they’ve done so far are good (benign, and “edges” look good), and if nothing bad on the others then OK, and the probability of cancer going forward is as though I never had it.
No submersion (i.e., no swimming) for the next 2 weeks, probably OK afterwards. (No follow-up appointment scheduled, so go by “feel”.)
Will be dealing with the neck pain for up to several months, but deal with it. Tylenol/Advil are fine. Just don’t do stuff that feels like I’m causing the neck a problem.

Didn’t do more exercise yesterday, as I was more focused on family the rest of the day.
Did morning walk during kids’ swim this morning (5.2 miles) and lightly jogged a little of the downhills. Swim-a-thon fundraiser for the (swim) team this evening, but 2 of the 4 kids sick.
Upper 90s today, but no higher than upper 80s for the rest of the week.
Got to go, so this is brief…

Said the tests they’ve done so far are good (benign, and “edges” look good)

Glad to hear it! Hoping the neck pain/restriction improves soon … don’t be too hard on yourself in the meantime! (I hate it when people say things like this to me because my motivation tends to come from ‘proving people wrong / fighting against things’ … and here I am saying it to you 🙄)

Said the tests they’ve done so far are good (benign, and “edges” look good)

Glad to hear it! Hoping the neck pain/restriction improves soon … don’t be too hard on yourself in the meantime! (I hate it when people say things like this to me because my motivation tends to come from ‘proving people wrong / fighting against things’ … and here I am saying it to you 🙄)
Thanks. Took it easy this morning by not driving my kids to swim this morning (my wife did), so I could focus on my walking; got in about 8 (muggy) miles, with a little VERY light jogging on the downhills. Stopped when I felt my form slipping (hips), but was at about 13-1/2 min/mile. Neck this early is good. (I’ve also got my monitor on a box on my desk to raise it enough so it’s at eye level.)

I understand your motivation, as I have some of this as well. I have some “impossible” goals to do by the end of next year (although I’ll probably allow 2 years for violin), but even if I only get partway there, I’ll consider the time as being successful. I don’t discuss the longer-term goals because I’m tired of hearing people talk about all the amazing things they’re going to do, getting a lot of attention, and then not doing it. This board helps me stay on track; it helps that everyone understands the sports (and the injuries), and I can give extra info about my math/science that Tigerchik (and others) get. It also REALLY helps all the positive vibes on this board. Hopefully I’m able to help others as well.
I hope to check in later today after some academics and some more walking.

always happy to hear the math geekiness… and whatever else people want to talk about!