Weekly Accountability Thread: Jan 13 Edition

Solid week of training last week. Only thing I missed in my plan was a recovery swim on Sun, which sort of doesn’t matter (not least as I had a nice day on Sunday having had wee overnight trip away with MrsC) but is slightly annoying as I have a ‘soft target’ (i.e. I’ll plan for it but if I’m not going to hit it I won’t chase it) of swimming 10k pw for the first 12 weeks of the year. Swim 8.6k, Bike ~5hrs, Run 35k; got all my strength work and rehab done. Achilles feeling 100% and shoulder feels the best it has since before I made it angry. Feel like my swim technique has improved (linked to the shoulder issue) but RPE vs pace is a struggle … hoping it’s just fatigue from strength work and better times are ahead!

This week is the final week of winter strength block. My brain knows it, as motivation to keep pushing the weight up has diminished - so I’ll probably finish off using the same weight as last week and that’s ok and good progress vs where I got to last winter. Otherwise, week training plan is same as last week, with a little more run volume again.

Have a great week everyone! @Dr_Tigerchik hang in there - thoughts with you and wishing for speedy medical appointments for you.