Weekly Accountability Thread: Aug. 12 Edition

How are you, how was your week, and what are your goals for the coming week?

goals this week
1. 7/7 healthy coping, promising myself next week we’ll be celebrating day 124
2. journal daily
3. practice the 2 min pauses
4. eat the # of calories I am supposed to
5. do PT as directed
6. be grateful for what I can do sport wise

  1. WELL WELL WELL we are indeed celebrating day 124 in a row of healthy coping skills :slight_smile:
  2. I journaled most days
  3. I used the skill!
  4. The calorie goal was 1900-2000; I had one day at 1850 which isn’t a huge deal so giving myself a win there. My weight was stable at my Thurs appt.
  5. Done
  6. “sport wise” is a phrase I need to change as what I can do right now is a little physical therapy exercises, and a little walking, so it isn’t really sport. I did a good job of practicing gratitude for what I can do physically, like walk around the house/errands (the daily activity stuff), drive myself places, etc. I am not in a cast, sling, or wheelchair. And I am very grateful for that.

Body-wise I’m trying to just get out of pain via doing daily activity, sometimes with a short walk, and doing PT exercises. Last Fri AM I had a botox injection in my R teres muscle to try and calm a knot down there that wasn’t responding to other stuff (but had responded to a trigger point injection with a steroid a month ago - the botox should be longer lasting). The idea right now is to just build up hip and shoulder muscles to get out of pain w daily activity, and hopefully eventually get back to sport. The week looked like

M - off
T - off
W - off
Th - less than 1 mi walk
F - 1 mi walk
S - 1 mi walk
S - off

Goals this week

  1. 7/7 healthy coping which will mark the following milestones: 125 days at the conclusion of today, 18 weeks at the conclusion of tomorrow, 130 days later in the week
  2. Related to (1), tomorrow is a very long day which makes me feel particularly vulnerable to using the unhealthy coping skill I am trying to avoid. I am going to pull out all the stops and get through the day healthfully. Will probably check in here throughout.
  3. Journal daily
  4. Practice the 2 min pause skill and use it when needed
  5. Eat the # of calories I am supposed to (1900-2000)
  6. Do PT as directed
  7. Continue to be grateful that my body will let me do daily activity, I’m not in a cast/sling/wheelchair, my brain works really well

I fly back to OK tomorrow (this is why it’s going to be a super long day). I see my doctor there on Friday so there’s continued care while I try to climb out of the anorexia relapse.

I hope everyone has a great week; thanks to everyone who chimes in on the thread.

Goals this week:

  • solid week of training (races coming thick and fast: half-IM in 2 weeks and then a standard dist 2 weeks after that, so not much chance to build training load but it’ll be fun)

  • focus on improving major swim technique flaw

  • no reading phone at bedtime

  • good nutrition

  • spend 8hrs on new project

  • watch a lot of the Olympics

  • solid training week: 9k swim, ~8hrs bike, ~4hrs run; got my key sessions done; got most of my strength/rehab work done

  • using the ‘stick of correction’ seems to be a good approach for sorting out my major swim technique flaw (shoulder less sore this week)

  • no phone at bedtime 7/7 :slight_smile:

  • good nutrition 6/7 :slight_smile:

  • time spent on new project … maybe not quite 8hrs but a decent amount done … although lost some work when computer shut down :frowning:

  • Olympics :slight_smile:

It’s race week! Scottish middle distance champs on Sunday! Not a full taper for this one so a bit of training early in the week and then a few days to freshen up before the race.


  • no phone at bedtime
  • good nutrition
  • any time on new project will be a bonus as son back from abroad this week

Have a good week everyone!

  • using the ‘stick of correction’ seems to be a good approach for sorting out my major swim technique flaw (shoulder less sore this week)

good deal!