On behalf of DrT:
How are you? How was your week? What are your goals for the coming week?
On behalf of DrT:
How are you? How was your week? What are your goals for the coming week?
Last month I enrolled in swim classes to:
They start tomorrow and I am starting to be a bit nervous (not because of the swimming lesson but because I live in country which language I don’t speak very well yet - still learning )
Pep talk from the coach and the changes we made to the schedule seem to have done the trick. Feeling generally happier and more positive about training. It also helps that the long range forecast is starting to show days of potentially rideable weather. Let’s see if they actually materialise closer to the time.
@aedhana - is the lesson in a group setting or one on one? I hope it goes well!
We are 6 swimmers and 1 trainer
We are not all triathlete but I think that even if it is only 45 min, I will have enough focus from the trainer to progress
I will post about it there
@Chowders thx
bad news, learned some of the arm symptoms may never resolve (severe tingling). am in shock, though not surprised given how 5.5 wks post op have felt
goals were
-day 327 next week (en route to 321, which is descending digits, tomorrow)… and 325 (multiples of 5 always feel big, and we’re getting to 333 which is the palindrome for the 300 “level”
-do a little better w food intake than I did last week (this is a LOW bar)
YES now, tues, 328 days in a row and 3/3 for mar
YES did better
goals this week
-334 days in a row on mon
-meet calorie goal each day
report from mon was healthy coping, and 200 cal under
@aedhana let us know how swim class goes! language and water part
@Scheherazade good deal on feeling positive
Rough news
Last week was a bit of a grind - was feeling more tired than usual - but got most planned training done. 10k swim, 6hrs bike and 41k run and most of my strength work. Stuck on indoor trainer for Sat longer ride - feeling a bit over that - need to get outside more.
This coming week is 7th week of 10 weeks general base work. Am I getting slightly bored of this routine? I’m certainly boring myself writing it down like this every week. Perhaps I’ll just take off on my bike with only my credit card and see where the universe takes me (if only). So, anyway: 11k swim, 7.5hrs bike, 44k run and strength work.
Hope everyone is having a good week. @Dr_Tigerchik I know you are likely not - pls keep support network close.
@Chowders am still in disbelief. processing, planning to get more info. thx
good news:
4/4 march, 329 days in a row! tomorrow will be reporting 330, a multiple of ten! 329 also = 49 wks
met calorie goal yesterday
hugs everyone
@aedhana how was swim?
@Dr_Tigerchik as we say in french: bon courage! Thanks for taking the time to ask about us despite everything
@Chowders nice work! Any chance you might do some trainings with friends or training mates to help with the boring side?
Regarding my swim, it went well! I had to rush because I stayed late ar work but I think it was for the best for it didn’t give me the time to overthink what I was doing. I ran, changed in my swimsuit and got to the pool before I realised what I was doing
The trainer was kind enough to speak english but we agreed to do most of it in german because the point is also to learn the language of the country welcoming me.
It went well. We didn’t do a lot of distance but rather some technical exercices. He offered to orientate my lessons towards effortless swim. I googled it afterwards and it looks like a good idea for long distance triathlon
So yeah, good experience, nice group and looking forward to getting back in the water
@aedhana glad it went well!
5/5 march
330 days in a row (CROSSED ANOTHER TEN!)
coming up on a year
met calorie goal yesterday
So happy to hear it went well. Good job to put yourself out there.
Sounds like the perfect mix - working on language skills, but with english back up if you need it.
6/6 march
331 days in a row, coming up on a year
ate 150 cal more than baseline requirement yesterday and head is NOT having it (yeah yeah I know healing and stuff)
tomorrow when I wake up = 1 week of mar done
7/7 march
332 days in a row
cal yesterday 140 under goal, freaked out over eating more th
8/8 march
333 days in a row
cal yesterday 100 under goal, all days feel rough right now, yesterday I tried, I really did, that was best I could do