Weekend Plans— Aug 24-25 (Fantasy v Reality)

Where is Tigerchik? Yoo hoo!

Fantasy: I buy one of those really long hedge trimmers— with 6’ blades, and carve up hedges all weekend. That looks like fun!

Reality: work, rest, beg my kids to go to sleep, or alternatively, just tone it down & let me sleep. Walk in neighborhood & make note of general pleasantness while lamenting my own physical decline. WTF A year ago, I was in decent shape. Right now, I am in bad shape. I think I need to do a 100/100 of incremental gains to get myself where I want to be. My motivation is bubbling up

Tigey, plans? What?

This afternoon we are heading to a coworker’s cabin on the lake for some fun.

Sunday we go to the mountains for a quick camping trip before the boys start school on Thursday.

I was… doing PT, had a dr’s appt, then working

my weekend will be work, maybe working on my novel, reading, hanging out w a friend, maybe zooming with a LR friend

Go exercise, Barks!

Yes, Tigey. I will exercise. Thank you.

Fix exhaust on visiting daughters car.

Tape up and sandblast the bottom of my 78 civic. (I have it disassembled and mounted on a homemade rotisserie).

A run, a drink, some contemplation.

Fantasy: Be fast enough to be hanging out with Monty at the Masters Nats swim meet.

Reality: Recovering from an ear infection, so lay low, read, catch up on TV and stuff.

Where is Tigerchik? Yoo hoo!

Fantasy: Seeing Green Day in a small local club

Reality: Seeing Green Day in a MLB stadium

Where is Tigerchik? Yoo hoo!

Fantasy: Seeing Green Day in a small local club

Reality: Seeing Green Day in a MLB stadium

I’m seeing them next week at a soccer stadium!

Fantasy: Be fast enough to be hanging out with Monty at the Masters Nats swim meet.

Reality: Recovering from an ear infection, so lay low, read, catch up on TV and stuff.

Oo la la! Masters Nationals is in Mission Viejo! That’s right up the road from me. But kind of far, when you consider staying home and not driving at all. lol

I hope your ear medicine works quickly. Two recent movie recommendations: Night on Earth (not the nature documentary with the mouse that howls at the moon) and Paterson. Paterson is apparently kind of slow, so I plan to use it to fall asleep. Falling asleep in movies is my new favorite thing.

We have had a really interesting week in Washington DC.
This will be a bit of a civil war weekend for us. On Saturday we will visit Harper’s Ferry and on Sunday Gettysburg.
Do some exercise B&P!

Fantasy was going to Newfoundland for a quick trip brook trouting and berry picking. Reality was that yesterday I drove 3.5 hours to local trout stream fished for four hours and drove back home. I still have Sat, Sun and Monday though.

Fantasy: work out several hours and magically lose 10 lbs.

Reality: spent yesterday afternoon resting after straining back picking up some boxes (it’s better today). But I did get to see our neighborhood bobcat while walking in the evening!

Today, I had breakfast with my dad while the hubby is doing other forum things. Took a box for shredding. Hair appt later today.
Tomorrow-- ???

Fantasy, hike to an alpine lake up at the Pass with blue skies and a trail to myself.

Reality, watch the heavy rain fall. I can’t complain, we need it. But it feels like October. Slowly start packing for trip to the Azores next week.