Weekend plans thread: Sept. 7/8

What are you doing?

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I am going to try and give myself a break from too much work. I will likely do a little, but I am going to try to relax.
I will work on my novel a little at least (Iā€™m saying this for accountability)
Some errands
maybe getting together with a friend
super exciting over hereā€¦

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Lots and lots of college football. But, more importantly we are watching our 9 month old grandson for his first night away from his mom and dad.

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I think OK State has a home game but campus didnā€™t seem as nutty as last weekend - last weekend there was a home game.

That sounds fun! I wonder if you will have to take turns holding Baby all night? Please provide a report.

This has been a rough week, but we received good news in the last 24 hrs. My daughter (senior in high school) was accepted to her college of choice and she auditioned for/ was awarded an understudy role (pretty sure itā€™s not a regular role) in the high school musical. My daughter has never auditioned like this (singing & dancing) before. Post-Covid, she had severe social anxiety & had an IEP because she cried constantly at school. She has come a long way!

This has been a tough/tiring week, so my plan is to exercise and relax and work a little because I have to make my billable hour requirement. I wrote a note to myself today because I heard myself say, ā€œI canā€™t stand it.ā€ In fact, I can stand it.

Unfortunately, flying home after a wonderful eight days In Montana/Yellowstone/Tetons/Jackson.

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Itā€™s our 9th wedding anniversary. Nothing too crazy planned, thereā€™s some new outdoor floating spa we are going to hang out at for a few hours then go for dinner.

Aside from that we have an end of summer neighborhood potluck thing on Sunday.

Should be a nice, social weekend which is much needed after several weeks of relative chaos in August.

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Iā€™m sorry you have had a tough week.
I like your sign. Iā€™ve had people make signs for me when they say things that are useful for me - I had a cousin write ā€œwe were built for hard thingsā€ after she said that and it resonated. I keep the pile of signs in a folder that is with me all the time.

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Happy anniversary!

I wrote myself another nice note this morning for some fresh affirmation. lol And I ran/hiked around my lake at 6:30 am (!) with my friend. Itā€™s very hot here, so we had to go early.

I saw a TikTok yesterday evening of affirmations. Mass-produced affirmations seem kind of cool, but Iā€™m going to try small-batch, artisanal affirmations written by me. I suppose recycled affirmations are a good idea, for efficiency. So I will recycle affirmations to myself. Iā€™m not picky. :slight_smile:

I plan to make pumpkin cookies later today so I can send them to my son at college. This morning, my younger kids are going to the theater for their work there, and they are doing a sleepover tonight. This is a fun day.


I saw this guy today.

Flew back to Sao Miguel today. Would have loved to have spent more time on Sao Jorge, it was magical! Pico was beautiful! Had the local ā€˜Vulcanicā€™ wine. Saw a bullfight in the street last night. There were 4 bulls they let out at different times and the locals would ā€œfightā€ the bull. Basically taunting it with umbrellas and jumping up the wall when the bull got too close. Drove a stick shift for the first time in a gazillion years. It does come back, but the roads are incredibly steep and windy and narrow. You rarely get out of 3rd. So glad itā€™s not my clutch! Will spend the next week exploring Sao Miguel. I already want to come back! The Azores are amazing!!