Wedges...Cleat, heel or in the shoe?

How do you use these and how do you differentiate when to use which. Personally I have some in the shoes wedges I will use to see if wedging is a viable solution. If it seems to be, I will move to cleat wedges. Never played with heel wedges, but was reading Steve Hogg, and he feels they are an essential tool in the quiver.

Again, thanks for reading. I am trying to sharpen up before going DOWN DEEP at the end of this month. Anyone else attending the inaugural workshop?

I too am looking forward to learning about heel wedging, have looked at Hoggs’ using them. I have used forefoot wedges quite consistently over the years, and am expecting Paul Swifts’ new book and heel wedges today.

Looks like we’ll get to meet at Down Deep!

An increase in my running miles has changes the shape of my foot, so my once-comfortable cycling shoes are now torture chambers for my feet. Better arch support and cleat wedging helped, but not completely. After reading Steve’s post, I decided to stack some cleat wedges under my insoles as an experiment. Three varus wedges under each heel. Improved comfort and stability right away, but it felt like there was too much varus tilt, so I removed the cleat wedges before the second ride. Much better. Knees and ankles now feel “neutral”.

A few weeks later I see a podiatrist, but I don’t tell him about the wedges under my heels. Near the end of the exam, he pulls out some foam heel wedges and tells me to put them in all my shoes. I mention the cycling shoe solution and he agrees that heel wedging will be more effective than cleat wedges.

So - long story short: my personal experience with heel wedges has been positive. I’ve yet to start using them in my client’s shoes, but I will soon. I just wish they were more readily available.

heel wedging works great. I use the yellow Bike Fit cleat wedges in the heel and they work. Now Bike fit have their own heel wedges as well as the Steve Hogg ones. I have all three options, heel, toe, and cleat and 90+% of the time use only heal unless there is too much build up in the heel then a cleat wedge is in order.