Weak Summer

We’ve always known Summer Rappaport couldn’t bike well, but what the hell is going on with her? She has regresed to epic levels. She’s just embarassing herself at this point. Her mentality is that of a gazelle, not a lion. Weak AF.

Arse comment Ken, where did that even come from? She had a nasty crash a while back smashing her face up and then some tough injuries. Her confidence would be pretty dam low after this, no one needs shit threads like this to smash their confidence even further.

Dear Richard Cranium:

More than a bit unhinged…

Dear Richard Cranium:

More than a bit unhinged… hold on now, he’s THE ken brown :wink: that’s gotta count for something! … wtf… :frowning:

richard cranium, hadn’t heard that one in a bit, cheers!

1-You suck as a person.
2-She had an extremely bad crash while already juggling a host of other injuries. Her recovery time was very long and not fun.
3-She’s won and podiumed multiple WTCS’s and World Cups.
4-You have obviously never met her. She’s only a gazelle when it comes to running to the finish tape.
5-Congrats on getting the responses. You still suck.