We Want YOU to Write For Slowtwitch

Hey all–

We’re looking to recruit some new writers for the front page for 2024.

Areas of opportunity include:
race coverage for select IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3, PTO Tour, Challenge eventsRun Shoe ReviewsOther niches / pitches upon request.
Our requirements:
Must be authorized to work in the United States. Ideally, you’re based here.Must be able to operate on a deadline.Content is exclusive to Slowtwitch.com.
Pay range is $100-$200 per article, depending on a variety of factors including but not limited to length, experience, topic, and more.

Please send interest to my email – Ryan at Slowtwitch dot com.

If you have questions, we’ll answer them here so as to give others some insight.


Hey all–

We’re looking to recruit some new writers for the front page for 2024.

Areas of opportunity include:
race coverage for select IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3, PTO Tour, Challenge eventsRun Shoe ReviewsOther niches / pitches upon request.
Our requirements:
Must be authorized to work in the United States. Ideally, you’re based here.Must be able to operate on a deadline.Content is exclusive to Slowtwitch.com.
Pay range is $100-$200 per article, depending on a variety of factors including but not limited to length, experience, topic, and more.

Please send interest to my email – Ryan at Slowtwitch dot com.

If you have questions, we’ll answer them here so as to give others some insight.


I would love to see a dedicated page for indi races as well. One of the reasons I love(d) this place way back when I first started is this was the place to come find great races. I found out about the DeSoto Triple T and the Willmington Half both from Slowtwitch. Ironman gets more than they need, talk about the overlooked awesome races. :slight_smile:

I am writing a grassroots race series this year, featuring an article per month.

This is not for this, though.

semi unrelated, but does ST have the server ability to host a results archive? i’ve been perusing the waybackmachine.com site and have been able to find my results from 20 years ago, and it was a trip looking back through some of those names and events. with coolrunning.com gone, there isn’t any really accessible archive, other than athlinks which does have some, but who knows, that site could be gone at any point…

“tech” and “performance” are a very broad term, but what is your inclination on aero, rolling resistance, other performance parameters…

It seems to have little coverage on the front page.

If someone can write competently on the subject, with the budget that we have available for it (see above), we would entertain it.

If someone can write competently on the subject, with the budget that we have available for it (see above), we would entertain it.

I was more curious if it’s something we can expect more, or less of. It doesn’t sound like it’s high on the totem pole, that’s cool. More curious than anything.
Many it’s something less interesting for the masses

I vote for Brooks Doughtie to do the WTCS post-race write-ups!

And here I’ve been thinking for the last week that I should send you a message about doing shoe reviews

Yes. Yes you should.

semi unrelated, but does ST have the server ability to host a results archive? i’ve been perusing the waybackmachine.com site and have been able to find my results from 20 years ago, and it was a trip looking back through some of those names and events. with coolrunning.com gone, there isn’t any really accessible archive, other than athlinks which does have some, but who knows, that site could be gone at any point…

Much of the problem is with privacy issues with the data and/or ability to pull the data from event sites.

See the downfall of obstri.com or the complete irrelevance of Athlinks nowadays.

This is way more of a headache than it’s worth.

I have the entire NCAAA Triathlon 10 year update all written in my head. There is some moving parts but give me a month and I’ll have it sent to you!

(Free total giving back to the sport and update from the original ncaa announcement written 10 years ago)

And here I’ve been thinking for the last week that I should send you a message about doing shoe reviewsYes. Yes you should.

Not that this would have any reflection on you or your contributions, but Fleet Fleet recently caught some crap for (allegedly) plagiarizing content for their socials (their IG, I think, from what it looks like?)


Kind of ironic, considering that Mark Remy (allegedly) plagiarized from a Philly sports blog while he was at Runner’s World


I don’t think we have any Fleet Feets near me, but it would be nice to see some shoe review content, aside from super shoes, if possible?

As a (Canadian, therefore unqualified for your purposes) participant in the 100/100 Run Challenge I am curious about the average age of the runners and the preponderance of older runners in the results. There are only 5 runners under the age of 40 in the top 50 results (as of now).

All of those older runners are probably dealing with age related injuries, wear or doing some advance " care taking".

These are also often people with largest discretionary spending options (unless they’re as cheap as I am).

With the explosion of shoe choices we now have there should be some interesting and relevant information that those runners could provide or be interested in learning. And, I fancy, more than a few luddites driving current attitudes. I know one superb runner who still loves barefoot running shoes, even though they can no longer actually run because of the damage they have done to themselves hanging onto their beliefs. I would also think that manufacturers could benefit from taking more of this.

In going through the subjects on this site I can find nothing that addresses this.
Of course I might be wrong there, I usually am.

We need a new sub-forum, maybe?

“OldTwitch” or “SilverTwitch” come to mind


GetOffMyLawnTwitch, for the cranky old people

Riffing off of my DumbRunner post …

Does content have to be “serious” so to speak?

Looking at the “Weirdest Thing You’ve Seen” thread, the “Shit My Pants” thread, the “Race Day F-Ups” thread, I’m sure there’s a lot of entertaining things happening within our community; just to break things ip

Also, how about poetry, haiku, sonnets, etc.?

But then, as fun as they might be to read, might not necessarily worth $100-200 a pop to you. Maybe just let those inputs stay on the forum vs. Front Page

Some of my content will fill the Mr Irrelevant niche quite well.

And that’s pretty much “free” relative to the rest of my writing budget.

So you see where I was going then? LOL