Way to go Justin Harris!

It was HOT in NYC today and I saw a lot of pro’s huffing and puffing. I saw Pip Taylor walk by and she looked PISSED.

BUT…Justin Harris pulls in a top 10 overall, including pros. Nice!!

He was awesome! And I think the result qualifies him for his pro card (based on a conversation we had a couple months ago, so not 100% sure on that). Since we’re Facebook friends, I say it was my witty status updates that gave him such amazing strength :slight_smile:

Congrats Justin!

Man am I all smiles right now. I come onto my favorite website after a fantastic day of racing and see that I made top 10 overall in the NYC Tri Race Report --been waiting to get my name in there for two years now. And THEN, I come into the message boards to see a thread with my name in it. Def. caught me by surprise.

Thanks Zach and Dan for the support. I started the year trying to shed some light into the grey area that is Elite Amateurs newly recognized Professionals. To finally break through after my near miss at Columbia, in my home-state, and to watch my two training partners Rebeccah and Laurel Wassner go 1-2 was just a bit too surreal for this guy.

Robert Wade and Brian Duffy put up a good fight and made it a race worth watching as with 5k to go we all were within 30 seconds of each other.

Hope everyone else out there had a great experience!

–Justin Harris

Awesome result, Justin. You are definitely one fast dude!

So now we know why you were sitting it out last weekend - sandbagger. :wink:

NICE job!!! I just hope you avoided getting chicked by Rebeccah and Laurel! hahaha!!!

Justin awesome job!! You smoked it!! Do you know what happened to Big Matty? Coming out of water up on deck he was in the lead pack with five others the he took a few steps and looke like he got his toe stuck between docks metal decking/ He was limping bad. Which sucks!!! I was in the first responders division and snagged 4th overall in the first responder division. I definetly paced myself slower on run then I should have. But have blown up on Harlem hills before. Could have done at least 3-4 minutes better. But it was the bike course hills and bike traffic that really took a toll on me this year. And man do I need to learn how to swim straight !! Started on outside and had FR wave lead at 300 m mark . Next thing i knew I was near the wall and I had started on the far outside. Oh well but back to you congrats dude you were crazy fast

I saw in the Slowtwitch RR that he whipped out going into T2 and called it a day. Tough guy though.

Congratulations - well earned.

That sucks!!! hope he is not hurt banged up that bad…I mean at all.