Watts to go 40K in 1h?

I already did it once, in the middle of my 3h training. I avg 41.5km/h in 1h, but I had a light breeze on my tail.

So, If we assume that I have a decent aero position on my bike, which I have :slight_smile: and: Kask Bambino helmet, Canyon Speedmax, 808 firecrest front, 1080 or disk at the back, how many watts should I avg to go 1h in no wind conditions.

For the first time in my life I signed for Oly distance (already did a 2 IM and 4 70.3) in Abu Dhabi, so just wandering about the times over there…

If it’s matter, I am 185cm (6.1) and 77kg (170lbs)


I would guess ~300W or a tiny bit less at your weight on a flat course, but you could also use BestBikeSplit as a reality check.


I would guess ~300W or a tiny bit less at your weight on a flat course, but you could also use BestBikeSplit as a reality check.

This has always been one of my bike goals. My research on an indoor trainer indicates 300W.

The TDF riders do this all the time, somewhere there should be some data to figure this out.

With a good position 300 watts will make you go scary fast.

I would guess ~300W or a tiny bit less at your weight on a flat course, but you could also use BestBikeSplit as a reality check.

No way. 300w with a decent position at around 170 will get you there way faster than an hour.

I would say 250 - 260w for an hour would give you 40km/hr speed.

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With a good position 300 watts will make you go scary fast.

With a bad position 300 watts will move a lot of air around.

Yeah, you definitely don’t need 300 watts to go 40k in an hour. Most of the amateur 4-5 race fields complete 40k TT’s in 56 to 58 mins and most do not have FTPs that high. Body positioning is key, but if you have that covered, you can get away with an FTP in the 280’s and still be under an hour.

Thank you all.
There is no way that I could maintain 300W/h, and I really think that I don’t need to.
My guess was something around 250-260max, and that probably I could do… If I’m wrong… OK I will go more than 60’. It will not be the end of the world:)

For 6’2", 195lbs I probably need to be just over 300W for 40kph but it depends on conditions too.

On a ‘no wind’ day 317W / 42.0 kph.
On an out-n-back course with a nasty headwind on the way back 329W / 41.2 kph.

Exact same bike setup & gear for both.

I went 56:20 on a 25mmi TT (~55:13 40k time) on 245w in August. I ride a SpeedConcept with 808/disc cover, bell javelin aero helmet and Scody sleeved trisuit. You definitely don’t need 300w to go under an hour unless your position and equipment are poor.

6’0 168lbs.

I routinely go sub-hour in olympics w/ an avg. power of 285w. You don’t need 300w, but you should be pretty comfortable pushing that for a bit to get close to an hour. I don’t see how 250w would go sub hour… I’m clearly shaped like a brick if that’s the case. I’m using a speed concept w/ Flo 60/90 and an LG Vortice.

I went 56:20 on a 25mmi TT on 245w in August. I ride a SpeedConcept with 808/disc cover, bell javelin aero helmet and Scody sleeved trisuit. You definitely don’t need 300w to go under an hour unless your position and equipment are poor.

I’m 6’2" 175 and it takes high 200s, pretty close to 300W to go sub 1 hours over 40 Km.

Yep, you should be way under 300w for 40kmh. I had a bad TT in Cascade Classic a couple years back where I only averaged 300w and I went 46.5kmh on a rolling course: https://www.strava.com/activities/68359006#1318603824

Admittedly I am pretty aero but I don’t think that is worth 15%+ in speed. Probably 250w in a good position on a flat, windless course you will fly past 40kmh. Add some altitude and you could probably do it on 230-240!

5-8, 135lbs. But yeah perhaps a better estimate would be w/kg.

Should have mentioned these were training intervals on the TT bike, no aero lid or wheels. I just wanted to show that conditions can affect things (push 10 extra W / almost a kph slower)

For 6’2", 195lbs I probably need to be just over 300W for 40kph but it depends on conditions too.

On a ‘no wind’ day 317W / 42.0 kph.
On an out-n-back course with a nasty headwind on the way back 329W / 41.2 kph.

Exact same bike setup & gear for both.

I went 56:20 on a 25mmi TT on 245w in August. I ride a SpeedConcept with 808/disc cover, bell javelin aero helmet and Scody sleeved trisuit. You definitely don’t need 300w to go under an hour unless your position and equipment are poor.

I’m 6’2" 175 and it takes high 200s, pretty close to 300W to go sub 1 hours over 40 Km.

My height/weight are identical to yours and pushing 290W gets me 61-62 minutes, hence my original guess of 300W for this guy who is 170lb. This thread makes me want to go back to my fitter…

I went 56:20 on a 25mmi TT on 245w in August. I ride a SpeedConcept with 808/disc cover, bell javelin aero helmet and Scody sleeved trisuit. You definitely don’t need 300w to go under an hour unless your position and equipment are poor.

I’m 6’2" 175 and it takes high 200s, pretty close to 300W to go sub 1 hours over 40 Km.

My height/weight are identical to yours and pushing 290W gets me 61-62 minutes, hence my original guess of 300W for this guy who is 170lb. This thread makes me want to go back to my fitter…
You are just about there. You can probably find those 1-2 minutes with a better fit. Possibly better equipment depending on what you got. And shave your legs. :smiley: That’s 50-80 seconds:


I’m 6’2" 175 and it takes high 200s, pretty close to 300W to go sub 1 hour
40 Km.

I’m 6’3" 175, and I’ve gone 53 minutes for 40k @ around 300W. And it wasn’t fast course. I think the others here who say 250ish are about right. If it’s taking 300 you’re pushing air or rolling on squares.

then i have to work on my position.a bit more a 245 watt ride takes me to 37.4km/h. and 40km/h is ±290Watt
with high wheels. (no skinsuit and no TT helmet)

ftp is 280 so 40k in 1 hour is still a bit a problem
height 191 weight 86kg