War on Christmas, shot fired!

There’s a person where I work who absolutely hates Christmas. I’ve listened to her go off on it (or other Christian holidays) before in various contexts. She’s just very resentful that her holidays get ignored while we cater to Christians.

I don’t know if the situation in Israel has pushed her over the edge or what, but recently in response to a question asked in class, a student replied something about decorating a Christmas tree, which was a perfectly fine answer. Instead of saying something like, yes that would be appropriate and if they were Jewish or Muslim or Hindi they could do…she snapped at the student that there would be no mentioning of Christmas in her classes.

Just happened to be another teacher in the class observing, who rightly thought she needed to say something because this was a violation of the professionalism and ethics we try to instill in the students regarding cultural competency, respecting different cultural practices, religions, etc. that a health care worker should have. So she did report it, and then students came forward as well complaining about it.

When confronted about it, she was defensive, and basically went with it’s not the same thing if it’s the culturally dominant religion/holiday that you are failing to respect. Her argument is that whenever people talk about Christmas it’s oppressing her, literally this is what she said. There was a lot more to it. She did eventually recognize or at least acknowledge that she was in the wrong and apologized to the class.

The irony (or at least it seems ironic to me) is she’s the one person who really pushes the JEDI stuff, but seems to have also got to the really woke position that it’s alright to discriminate/disrespect if it’s against the group with power. Although in this case, I’m not even sure what that group is nowadays since I would think for a lot (majority?) of Americans Christmas is more akin to Thanksgiving than an explicitly religious holiday like Easter.

Sounds like she is hanging on by only a few threads and that should be addressed for her personal well-being.

That’s unfortunate and I hope she is able to square some of those circles in her mind otherwise those individuals find a very difficult time going through life.

Sounds like she is hanging on by only a few threads and that should be addressed for her personal well-being.

That’s unfortunate and I hope she is able to square some of those circles in her mind otherwise those individuals find a very difficult time going through life.

She’s also the sort of person who feels she just has to say something and can’t keep her mouth shut, which predictably antagonizes other people.

She asked me about whether or not she should say something about something entirely unrelated to this because she was afraid it would make her look like a stick in the mud if she did. I told her that’s just what it would make her look like and asked why she felt the need to say anything at all, because she could just ignore it. It was a trivial thing that was just asking for volunteers basically to put together a party. She kind of looked at me with an astonished look on her face. I think I’ve been in her dog house for the last couple of weeks over that exchange. Although she did wisely just ignore it, or at least never sent out an email to everyone about it.

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

There’s a person where I work who absolutely hates Christmas. I’ve listened to her go off on it (or other Christian holidays) before in various contexts. She’s just very resentful that her holidays get ignored while we cater to Christians.

I don’t know if the situation in Israel has pushed her over the edge or what, but recently in response to a question asked in class, a student replied something about decorating a Christmas tree, which was a perfectly fine answer. Instead of saying something like, yes that would be appropriate and if they were Jewish or Muslim or Hindi they could do…she snapped at the student that there would be no mentioning of Christmas in her classes.

Just happened to be another teacher in the class observing, who rightly thought she needed to say something because this was a violation of the professionalism and ethics we try to instill in the students regarding cultural competency, respecting different cultural practices, religions, etc. that a health care worker should have. So she did report it, and then students came forward as well complaining about it.

When confronted about it, she was defensive, and basically went with it’s not the same thing if it’s the culturally dominant religion/holiday that you are failing to respect. Her argument is that whenever people talk about Christmas it’s oppressing her, literally this is what she said. There was a lot more to it. She did eventually recognize or at least acknowledge that she was in the wrong and apologized to the class.

The irony (or at least it seems ironic to me) is she’s the one person who really pushes the JEDI stuff, but seems to have also got to the really woke position that it’s alright to discriminate/disrespect if it’s against the group with power. Although in this case, I’m not even sure what that group is nowadays since I would think for a lot (majority?) of Americans Christmas is more akin to Thanksgiving than an explicitly religious holiday like Easter.

What was she teaching? Please tell me it was a “studies” class.

So if the observer teacher had not been there her anti-Christian indoctrination/discrimination would have gone unchecked?

Disrespect of another’s religious holiday is okay because a lot of people celebrate it?

Does she actually understand what the word oppressed means?

The sooner people “wake up” to the fact the Leftists pushing DEI are totalitarians hell bent on oppressing and silencing those that disagree with them the better.

The Supreme Court declared Christmas secular awhile ago.

Let me guess…tenured can’t be fired.

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

Because she is an open Evangelical of leftist “woke” positions it seems. But continue to cowardly stick your head in the sand.

least never sent out an email to everyone about it.

Seriously? She’s that mentally weak?

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

Because she is an open Evangelical of leftist “woke” positions it seems. But continue to cowardly stick your head in the sand.

Duly noted, you’re also an intellectually lazy cave person. Proceed as we always expect you to.

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

I don’t particularly like the word, but I would say it’s fairly appropriate for what seems to be the extremist position that basically it’s alright to subject the dominant group to the exact behavior you think is wrong in the first place. Sorry you took it as a political jab, I was using it more in it’s traditional sense. I consider myself pretty far left, just not the extreme far left that throws common sense and even decency out the window.

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

Because she is an open Evangelical of leftist “woke” positions it seems. But continue to cowardly stick your head in the sand.

Duly noted, you’re also an intellectually lazy cave person. Proceed as we always expect you to.

Very early to go to personal attacks. Indicates a weak position on your part or that I hit too close to home.

Carry on comrade.

There’s a person where I work who absolutely hates Christmas. I’ve listened to her go off on it (or other Christian holidays) before in various contexts. She’s just very resentful that her holidays get ignored while we cater to Christians.

I don’t know if the situation in Israel has pushed her over the edge or what, but recently in response to a question asked in class, a student replied something about decorating a Christmas tree, which was a perfectly fine answer. Instead of saying something like, yes that would be appropriate and if they were Jewish or Muslim or Hindi they could do…she snapped at the student that there would be no mentioning of Christmas in her classes.

Just happened to be another teacher in the class observing, who rightly thought she needed to say something because this was a violation of the professionalism and ethics we try to instill in the students regarding cultural competency, respecting different cultural practices, religions, etc. that a health care worker should have. So she did report it, and then students came forward as well complaining about it.

When confronted about it, she was defensive, and basically went with it’s not the same thing if it’s the culturally dominant religion/holiday that you are failing to respect. Her argument is that whenever people talk about Christmas it’s oppressing her, literally this is what she said. There was a lot more to it. She did eventually recognize or at least acknowledge that she was in the wrong and apologized to the class.

The irony (or at least it seems ironic to me) is she’s the one person who really pushes the JEDI stuff, but seems to have also got to the really woke position that it’s alright to discriminate/disrespect if it’s against the group with power. Although in this case, I’m not even sure what that group is nowadays since I would think for a lot (majority?) of Americans Christmas is more akin to Thanksgiving than an explicitly religious holiday like Easter.

What was she teaching? Please tell me it was a “studies” class.

So if the observer teacher had not been there her anti-Christian indoctrination/discrimination would have gone unchecked?

Disrespect of another’s religious holiday is okay because a lot of people celebrate it?

Does she actually understand what the word oppressed means?

The sooner people “wake up” to the fact the Leftists pushing DEI are totalitarians hell bent on oppressing and silencing those that disagree with them the better.

The Supreme Court declared Christmas secular awhile ago.

Let me guess…tenured can’t be fired.

The comment really had nothing to do with what she was teaching, it was in response to someone mentioning “decorating a Christmas tree” as an answer to a question.

Students came forward to complain about it, so it would have likely been addressed even if another teacher didn’t observe it.

We don’t have tenure, but rolling contracts.

I don’t think this really had anything to do with disagreeing with anything. She just hates hearing about Christmas since it’s not her holiday. She said to the person who talked to her about it, how do you think you’d feel if you lived in Israel and had to listen to Jews talk about their holidays all the time when you don’t celebrate them.

Sounds like the system worked as designed.

She knows it’s not okay. Now give her a cookie and a hug and tell her you’re sorry she’s stressed out this holiday season and move on.

Unless you care more about bitching about wokeness than actual people.

Sounds like the system worked as designed.

She knows it’s not okay. Now give her a cookie and a hug and tell her you’re sorry she’s stressed out this holiday season and move on.

Unless you care more about bitching about wokeness than actual people.

God damn, I wish I hadn’t used that word. I didn’t intend this to be an attack on wokeness in general.

I just thought it was a example of a weird, even quirky and ironic attack on Christmas that people bitch about all the time, but rarely provide any concrete example of. Usually it’s something like calling what use to be the Christmas party a Holiday party, or saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas.

There’s a person where I work who absolutely hates Christmas. I’ve listened to her go off on it (or other Christian holidays) before in various contexts. She’s just very resentful that her holidays get ignored while we cater to Christians.

I don’t know if the situation in Israel has pushed her over the edge or what, but recently in response to a question asked in class, a student replied something about decorating a Christmas tree, which was a perfectly fine answer. Instead of saying something like, yes that would be appropriate and if they were Jewish or Muslim or Hindi they could do…she snapped at the student that there would be no mentioning of Christmas in her classes.

Just happened to be another teacher in the class observing, who rightly thought she needed to say something because this was a violation of the professionalism and ethics we try to instill in the students regarding cultural competency, respecting different cultural practices, religions, etc. that a health care worker should have. So she did report it, and then students came forward as well complaining about it.

When confronted about it, she was defensive, and basically went with it’s not the same thing if it’s the culturally dominant religion/holiday that you are failing to respect. Her argument is that whenever people talk about Christmas it’s oppressing her, literally this is what she said. There was a lot more to it. She did eventually recognize or at least acknowledge that she was in the wrong and apologized to the class.

The irony (or at least it seems ironic to me) is she’s the one person who really pushes the JEDI stuff, but seems to have also got to the really woke position that it’s alright to discriminate/disrespect if it’s against the group with power. Although in this case, I’m not even sure what that group is nowadays since I would think for a lot (majority?) of Americans Christmas is more akin to Thanksgiving than an explicitly religious holiday like Easter.

What was she teaching? Please tell me it was a “studies” class.

So if the observer teacher had not been there her anti-Christian indoctrination/discrimination would have gone unchecked?

Disrespect of another’s religious holiday is okay because a lot of people celebrate it?

Does she actually understand what the word oppressed means?

The sooner people “wake up” to the fact the Leftists pushing DEI are totalitarians hell bent on oppressing and silencing those that disagree with them the better.

The Supreme Court declared Christmas secular awhile ago.

Let me guess…tenured can’t be fired.

The comment really had nothing to do with what she was teaching, it was in response to someone mentioning “decorating a Christmas tree” as an answer to a question.

Students came forward to complain about it, so it would have likely been addressed even if another teacher didn’t observe it.

We don’t have tenure, but rolling contracts.

I don’t think this really had anything to do with disagreeing with anything. She just hates hearing about Christmas since it’s not her holiday. She said to the person who talked to her about it, how do you think you’d feel if you lived in Israel and had to listen to Jews talk about their holidays all the time when you don’t celebrate them.

Well if it is a comparative religion class question vs. sociology vs. electrical engineering I think it goes to how off base it is.

I’m glad your students feel empowered enough to come forward, that’s not always the case.

But not a firing offense? Imagine if she had gone on a rant about affirmative action.

What’s her holiday then? I have good friends that are Jewish, Hindi, and atheists (born in Communist China) and they are HUGE celebrants of Christmas. Now they don’t do the Church part but everything else all in (the atheists actually “celebrate Hanukkah” too. Menorah and Christmas tree up IIRC.)

If I was in Israel for Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, I’d be respectful and not degrade it. Hell I live here and have gone to seder. Best Jewish holiday…Purim since it’s a encourages boozing!

Sounds like the system worked as designed.

She knows it’s not okay. Now give her a cookie and a hug and tell her you’re sorry she’s stressed out this holiday season and move on.

Make sure it’s a Christmas cookie.

Sounds like the system worked as designed.

She knows it’s not okay. Now give her a cookie and a hug and tell her you’re sorry she’s stressed out this holiday season and move on.

Unless you care more about bitching about wokeness than actual people.
I didn’t intend this to be an attack on wokeness in general.

You should have though, since it’s malignant as practiced by many

Sounds like the system worked as designed.

She knows it’s not okay. Now give her a cookie and a hug and tell her you’re sorry she’s stressed out this holiday season and move on.

Unless you care more about bitching about wokeness than actual people.

**God damn, I wish I hadn’t used that word. I didn’t intend this to be an attack on wokeness in general. **

I just thought it was a example of a weird, even quirky and ironic attack on Christmas that people bitch about all the time, but rarely provide any concrete example of. Usually it’s something like calling what use to be the Christmas party a Holiday party, or saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas.

I just found this thread. I slept in this morning and just woke up, uh, I just waked up. Don’t want you attacking me too. :slight_smile:

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

You realize “woke” is in the dictionary right? And it describes a person who is attuned to issues especially racial and social justice issues.

Now read the OP again and see if that word is appropriate to describe his coworker.

There’s a person where I work who absolutely hates Christmas. I’ve listened to her go off on it (or other Christian holidays) before in various contexts. She’s just very resentful that her holidays get ignored while we cater to Christians.

I don’t know if the situation in Israel has pushed her over the edge or what, but recently in response to a question asked in class, a student replied something about decorating a Christmas tree, which was a perfectly fine answer. Instead of saying something like, yes that would be appropriate and if they were Jewish or Muslim or Hindi they could do…she snapped at the student that there would be no mentioning of Christmas in her classes.

Just happened to be another teacher in the class observing, who rightly thought she needed to say something because this was a violation of the professionalism and ethics we try to instill in the students regarding cultural competency, respecting different cultural practices, religions, etc. that a health care worker should have. So she did report it, and then students came forward as well complaining about it.

When confronted about it, she was defensive, and basically went with it’s not the same thing if it’s the culturally dominant religion/holiday that you are failing to respect. Her argument is that whenever people talk about Christmas it’s oppressing her, literally this is what she said. There was a lot more to it. She did eventually recognize or at least acknowledge that she was in the wrong and apologized to the class.

The irony (or at least it seems ironic to me) is she’s the one person who really pushes the JEDI stuff, but seems to have also got to the really woke position that it’s alright to discriminate/disrespect if it’s against the group with power. Although in this case, I’m not even sure what that group is nowadays since I would think for a lot (majority?) of Americans Christmas is more akin to Thanksgiving than an explicitly religious holiday like Easter.

What was she teaching? Please tell me it was a “studies” class.

So if the observer teacher had not been there her anti-Christian indoctrination/discrimination would have gone unchecked?

Disrespect of another’s religious holiday is okay because a lot of people celebrate it?

Does she actually understand what the word oppressed means?

The sooner people “wake up” to the fact the Leftists pushing DEI are totalitarians hell bent on oppressing and silencing those that disagree with them the better.

The Supreme Court declared Christmas secular awhile ago.

Let me guess…tenured can’t be fired.

The comment really had nothing to do with what she was teaching, it was in response to someone mentioning “decorating a Christmas tree” as an answer to a question.

Students came forward to complain about it, so it would have likely been addressed even if another teacher didn’t observe it.

We don’t have tenure, but rolling contracts.

I don’t think this really had anything to do with disagreeing with anything. She just hates hearing about Christmas since it’s not her holiday. She said to the person who talked to her about it, how do you think you’d feel if you lived in Israel and had to listen to Jews talk about their holidays all the time when you don’t celebrate them.

Well if it is a comparative religion class question vs. sociology vs. electrical engineering I think it goes to how off base it is.

I’m glad your students feel empowered enough to come forward, that’s not always the case.

But not a firing offense? Imagine if she had gone on a rant about affirmative action.

What’s her holiday then? I have good friends that are Jewish, Hindi, and atheists (born in Communist China) and they are HUGE celebrants of Christmas. Now they don’t do the Church part but everything else all in (the atheists actually “celebrate Hanukkah” too. Menorah and Christmas tree up IIRC.)

If I was in Israel for Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, I’d be respectful and not degrade it. Hell I live here and have gone to seder. Best Jewish holiday…Purim since it’s a encourages boozing!

It’s off base regardless of what class it was in because an aspect of training future health care workers is one thing you try to instill in them is a professionalism to work with people of any background respectfully.

No way is it a firing offense, I don’t think it even arises to a disciplinary offense of any kind in light of the fact that she apologized to the students.

She’s Jewish.

Hell we do Christmas, entirely secularly with the family. We’ve sort of done Hanukah, at least the gifts part, in the past because my wife’s side of the family is half Jewish. My wife also does an Advent calendar with the kids. I’m not even sure what that is exactly, is it Catholic thing?

woke position

Just lost all interest right there. Such an intellectually lazy schoolyard style political jab.

Do I get to come up with some cool moniker for all the “invent my own world bubble conspiracy theory evangelical” family members I have?

Why can’t crazy just be crazy again? She sounds crazy, like probably needs to not be called crazy but actually needs help situation.

You realize “woke” is in the dictionary right? And it describes a person who is attuned to issues especially racial and social justice issues.

Now read the OP again and see if that word is appropriate to describe his coworker.

I’ll take full blame. I did not take into account how triggering of a word it has become, and of course massively misused by those on the right to mean anything to the left of center.

I should have just said “extreme left” or something similar.