Wahoo SYSTM workout recommendations?

As part of my ACL rehab I get my bike setup on my KickrCore trainer for use exclusively inside.
Rehab is going well and I can cycle without discomfort but I’m still not allowed to run. So I’m depending on cycling for all of my cardio at the moment. I feel pretty clueless as to what kind of workouts to aim to complete each week that will increase my fitness.

Each workout has a summary under the title with the duration, TSS (training stress core) and IF (intensity factor). I tend to pick the duration based on how much time I have as I’m trying to fit a workout in before I go to work etc. I don’t really get why there is both a TSS and IF - I would’ve thought they’d be essentially the same thing???

When I look at the next screen there is a profile of the workout with sections classified as neuromuscular power (NM), anaerobic capacity (AC), maximal aerobic efforts (MAP) and Functional Threshold Power (FTP). I gather the FTP pace sections are supposed to be what you could do for an hour so those tend to be between the intervals and make up most of the workouts.

I haven’t seen any workouts yet with NM sections and I don’t know what that really is so I have no idea of whether I need to find some workout with NM portions?

I’m aiming to get back to sports that require very high intensity efforts over a short time. So I assume I need to select workouts with a high IF a few times a week. Maybe one with more AC efforts and one with more MAP efforts. However is one of each type really optimal given I don’t have other forms of cardio? Would you try to fit in more?

How many less intense workouts would you have in between these? I am required to complete 3 heavy leg weight training days per week as part of my rehab. I assume the workouts with MAP efforts are ok to do on the same day as they seem to be fast but not heavy - unless I have some settings wrong on the trainer… which is entirely possible!

Do other people here use the app or some kind of equivalent app / program? If so can you recommend a generic program structure? Or is there a website / book you can refer me to so I can come up with a plan?
