Stab in the dark for anyone that might have some knowledge on the 06’ series Quintana Roos (Caliente, Seduza, Lucero and Ti-Phoon all have the same seatpost setup). I love the bike itself, but the seat adjust on these bikes is straight up difficult. I can’t quite get the seat angle right as the tip is just a bit up past horizontal.
Similar to the Thomson Elite posts, these posts have two bolts in front and back to adjust the seat angle. I have the front bolt threaded all the way down where the “rod” will set the seat rail in place. However, in order to get the seat completely tightened and not wiggling at all, the rear bolt has to be tightened to where the tip of the seat raises the tip of the saddle just past horizontal.
Is anyone familiar with this issue? I am wondering if it is the saddle itself, maybe the rails just don’t quote work with this seat post. I use Specialized Sitero on all of my bikes and have no issue with them otherwise.
QR support just told me to take it to the shop, so not much help there.
Thanks in advance!
Try flipping the seatpost mount head around so the front bolt is now the rear bold and the rear bolt is not the front bolt. It might be that you have it backwards. I’m not familiar with the QR seat post but the Thompson seatpost head has a front and rear and if you face the head the wrong way one of the bolts will not be long enough.
Unfortunately the seat post head is all one piece connected to the post itself - and the post is a teardrop shape so cannot be flipped around.
I appreciate your help though!
Got it. Are the bolts the same length? Can you remove both bolts and put the short one in the front and the long one in the rear? Or perhaps cut one bolt shorter than the other?
Nope unfortunately not - the front bolt is actually seated at a stop inside the seat post itself. It is already shorter though. I’m actually going to try a couple other saddles to see if the rail position is a potential issue.
Ok I’m out of ideas. Sorry no solutions. My last idea would be to try a different saddle with higher and/or longer rails which you are doing. Good luck