Videoing yourself swimming?

I really want to video myself swimming but was curious how people do it and what they use? I thought about putting my iphone in a ziploc bag and somehow hanging it off the side of the pool but I don’t know how well that would work… I see really good videos online of people swimming and just don’t know how they do it. Also I swim alone so I don’t really have anyone to video me so it would have to be something I can do by myself.
Any ideas are appreciated

GoPro or similar on a stick and get a mate to handle that

There is a podcast episode on this very subject.

Ah thanks. Ill check it out

GoPro. Set it on deck for the above-water shots, then I use a coat hanger to hang it underwater against the wall for underwater head-on/away and side shots.

I got a cheap GoPro knock off from Amazon that had a waterproof housing. Then I used a cheap spring clamp to hold it. The clamp forms a stable base on the bottom of the pool.

Got a refub Gopro and a suction cup mount. My pool’s gutters are steel, so the suction cup pops right on. Nice for underwater shots looking straight down the lane. Also easy to pop up and get above water shots.

If you’re interested, I have a Kodak portable video thingy that I bought (used, off ST classifieds) for my wife to use for just this purpose. She found another solution, so it’s been unused since I bought it. It’ll need a new battery, but it was good to go when I bought it. Can’t remember the spec’s, but if you are interested, I’ll send the pertinent info. Can’t remember what I paid, but it’d be priced to move since it’s been sitting unused.

Thanks for the offer but my bro in law has an old gopro that he thinks is water proof anyway lol so Im gonna try it and if it turns out not to be waterproof then I might take you up on that

Is it a private pool?

I’m always interested how folks do it at a public pool. I swam at a public pool that was very strict about photography on deck (and paddles/fins/etc…)

My condo has a 50m pool. Lots of folks with phones and kids around. My son swims in the school squad and they’ve got some quite pragmatic guidance on photography at the pool - inevitably parents want to video their kids at meets, etc…

Just curious how this is handled - and whether best to get permission from the management of a public pool first.

Is it a private pool?

No, but good question and one that I’m lucky enough to not be an issue.

My pool is huge: 8 indoor 25y lanes, 2 indoor 50m lanes, 8 outdoor 25y lanes, and 2-4 outdoor 50m lanes. There’s almost always a lane open or a 2 person split available as long as it’s not a weekday afternoon.

If this was a crowded 4-lane gym pool I’d probably not try it out of respect for the other swimmers.

But not that it seems to bother gymtok people anyway…

I am in a public pool too but also lucky enough that it wont be a problem. My pool is only 4 lanes but is empty 80% of the time but if there is anyone else then I know them.

Let me know how you get on, as I also need to get some footage of myself swimming for my coach.

My idea is a GoPro and their ‘shorty’ tripod. I only hope it’s negative enough buoyancy-wise to sit on the bottom.