Has anyone tried out velopro training? What did you think? https://www.velopro.bike/
I saw the post on reddit and gave it a shot, although there are a few things that I would like, so far it is great for me to get a good look at everything. I’m on the trial but when it is up, the way things are looking now I will be happy to pay the (small) fee for a year. I’m not sure what a TRIMP score is but its in red and in italics so must be important. Although I’m not sure it can set up training plans or anything the graphs and charts really do give me some good feed back making sure my ride was the same thing I planned it to be.
Disregard all I said, I need to read better, All these biking websites sound the same - anyway I was responding an imaginary post that could have been - velo hero and if any of you have tried that, then read what I said above - Sorry.
I tried it for a few days, but cancelled.
It does bring Strava-like simplicity and elegance to some important concepts like periodization, and progressive overload, and season planning. All based on power data.
I think it might be on to something. Lots of tools are great at telling you how fit you are, and how fit you were. E.g. WKO, Golden Cheetah, Strava, etc. None of them, afaik, are all that great at planning out a strategy to have peak fitness when you want it. They are descriptive, not prescriptive.
But it wasn’t quite flexible enough to justify $500/year to me. I gave it a ‘B’ race in February and an ‘A’ race in June. And I told it my current 20’ CP is 310W. I didn’t like the selection of workouts it was giving me leading to the “A” race I’d given it, and there’s apparently no way to tailor your own selection of workouts. I also didn’t like how it planned for my 20’ CP to drop under 300W before building back up prior to February. I don’t want my CP to drop any further!
Cool. I was interested most in the training plan aspect. I’ll wait until more people have tried it for additional reviews. I’m using trainingpeaks training plans right now but it feels very outdated