Valere Strength App Reviews?

Anyone here tried the Valere strength app that Joe Skipper has been promoting over the last ~year? Wondered if there were any reviews from this group? The woman behind the programming generally seems pretty reasoned in the podcasts I’ve heard from her.

I tried it. I liked the workouts and the fact that they have different plans for bodyweight, bands and dumbells, or gym. I often find myself wanting a strength routine when I travel for work and you could pick your workout based on what’s available at the hotel.

The app just seemed like it has a lot of bugs to work through, and ultimately those made the user experience not worth the money for me.


You can choose if you want a 30/45/60 minute workout, but the resulting workout didn’t seem to change based on what you picked.

I had a lot of issues with my phone screen turning off mid-workout, or it would forget that I’d already completed an exercise

I haven’t tried it but have used FirBod for several years and been very happy with the results. I don’t use it as much anymore simply because we got a Tonal a few months ago so I now use their app/program. I do still use FitBod when we travel though.

I’m interested but waiting on the Android app…they told me 10-12 weeks about 10 weeks ago…