Utah folks - tell me about SLC

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do



We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Have you been to Utah?
I have. Never had a problem finding beer or spirits

Depending on forecast, which often is scorching hot, I would plan early morning, evening activities or head up in elevation. SLC also has the most amazing city pools I have ever seen.

A two hour boat ride on the lake, where you can hop out and float in the salt water. I was so skeptical, as I thought it would be unnatural and like swimming in the sewer, but it was a surprisingly fun few hours, especially for kids.

Minor league baseball or a Real Salt Lake Game.

A day in Park City.

American Fork Canyon and Timpanogos Cave. Drive up, hike up to the cave for a tour, then complete the Alpine loop. For a accessible full-day hike, there’s Mount Timpanogos.

Also, the Butterfly Biosphere in Lehi.

Temple Square is under renovation, so no baptisms for the dead there.

There’s the Olympic ice rink.

Bruges Belgian Waffles.

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Not at all.

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do



Well you had a different experience in Utah than me

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Have you been to Utah?
I have. Never had a problem finding beer or spirits

I have been… there weren’t liquors stores close by, no booze in the grocery stores, no bars nearby. It wasn’t SLC but Saint George

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Have you been to Utah?
I have. Never had a problem finding beer or spirits

I have been… there weren’t liquors stores close by, no booze in the grocery stores, no bars nearby. It wasn’t SLC but Saint George

Saint George isn’t SLC.


We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Have you been to Utah?
I have. Never had a problem finding beer or spirits

I have been… there weren’t liquors stores close by, no booze in the grocery stores, no bars nearby. It wasn’t SLC but Saint George

Saint George isn’t SLC.


It’s very Mormon and SLC is the Vatican for LDS.

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Have you been to Utah?
I have. Never had a problem finding beer or spirits

I have been… there weren’t liquors stores close by, no booze in the grocery stores, no bars nearby. It wasn’t SLC but Saint George

Saint George isn’t SLC.


It’s very Mormon and SLC is the Vatican for LDS.

Says someone who’s obviously never been to SLC. SLC gives West Hollywood a run for its money in being liberal and LGBT friendly. Sure, the Mormon church has its headquarters there, but that means so little.

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

My understanding is the drink part may be hard to do

Have you been to Utah?
I have. Never had a problem finding beer or spirits

I have been… there weren’t liquors stores close by, no booze in the grocery stores, no bars nearby. It wasn’t SLC but Saint George

Saint George isn’t SLC.


It’s very Mormon and SLC is the Vatican for LDS.

Says someone who’s obviously never been to SLC. SLC gives West Hollywood a run for its money in being liberal and LGBT friendly. Sure, the Mormon church has its headquarters there, but that means so little.

I believe I’ve been quite upfront about never having been to SLC.

Not really talking about gay rights but booze


A two hour boat ride on the lake, where you can hop out and float in the salt water. I was so skeptical, as I thought it would be unnatural and like swimming in the sewer, but it was a surprisingly fun few hours, especially for kids.

Minor league baseball or a Real Salt Lake Game.

A day in Park City.

American Fork Canyon and Timpanogos Cave. Drive up, hike up to the cave for a tour, then complete the Alpine loop. For a accessible full-day hike, there’s Mount Timpanogos.

Also, the Butterfly Biosphere in Lehi.

Temple Square is under renovation, so no baptisms for the dead there.

There’s the Olympic ice rink.

Bruges Belgian Waffles.

This is a good list. I would add visiting Antelope Island to the Great Salt Lake trip. Having a stare-down with nearly, but not entirely tame bison ( from your car) is quite the experience.


Hike the Mid-Mountain trail from Deer Valley to Park City

Go to the No Name Saloon for a burger and beer afterwards.

Hike from behind the Olympic Ski Jump and connect to BOA going to the top of The Canyons, you can take the chairlift back down from the mid station lodge.
to drink a beer you need to buy 50 cents worth of nuts or crackers.

Normal Ice Cream is super good soft serve - fancy soft serve. Highly recommend
Taco Taco downtown - get the cauliflower and squash blossom ones

Go hiking! Mt Olympus is fun but anything that gets you out of the valley and UP will be beautiful

Some of the ski resorts have disc golf in the summer

I will need a report of what you do!

We’re looking at 4 days in SLC coming up soon. Will be there Mon-Thurs. We’re still relatively fit, looking for stuff to see and do, eat and drink and be merry. Looking at a range of hikes and sights, etc but thought I’d ask around here for recommendations since y’all do get around. What’s not to be missed? Salt Flats worth the drive?

I used to spend a lot of time in UT for work, my suggestions…

Bring lots and lots of water if you go hiking. I would take a drive up one of the Cottonwood canyons and go for a hike. It’s a really nice drive up there and the higher up you go… well it starts to get noticeably cooler. Snowbird is in one of the Cottonwood canyons also has a tram that goes up the mountain, but it can get a bit pricey if you’re on a tight budget. I’d also plan a hike in the morning in Park City as well as it looks like they have some brutally hot temps ahead and it’ll be noticeably cooler there too, and is a nice drive.

Despite what others have said drinking is difficult in SLC. Getting a bottle of wine, booze, or beer over like 6% you basically have to go to what feels like the DMV, many of which close fairly early and at times have lines out the door just to get in. Doubles pours are not allowed anywhere. Everything is classified as a restaurant or a bar. If you order any type of alcohol at a restaurant you must order food, if you go to a “bar” you have to be 21 to get in. If you have kids and wanted to go to a brewery you can rule that out as you must be 21 to get into breweries there.

There wasn’t any not to be missed aspects of downtown SLC to me as the food mostly sucks and it’s too religious for me.

Salt Flats are not worth the drive.

Normal Ice Cream is super good soft serve - fancy soft serve. Highly recommend
Taco Taco downtown - get the cauliflower and squash blossom ones

Go hiking! Mt Olympus is fun but anything that gets you out of the valley and UP will be beautiful

Some of the ski resorts have disc golf in the summer

I will need a report of what you do!

Well, we made it back home despite the computer shenanigans (flew home that day and only 3 hrs late getting in, so pretty fortunate as far as travel issues go). Here’s the report that you requested:

Based on intel provided by STers (thanks!), we changed home base to Park City and found a nice AirBnB condo half a block off Main St. Arrived Sunday noonish in SLC, drove to PC and had a late lunch/early dinner. That evening, saw Josh Ritter at the Egyptian Theater in PC (about a 3 min walk from ‘home’). Show was o.k. - just him solo with an acoustic guitar - didn’t play many of the songs we wanted to hear, but spent a lot of time working out new stuff - some decent, some not so much. Entertaining and gracious nonetheless. Picked up some beers, went back and planned next day’s activities. Mon - walked 2 mi to the Armstrong trailhead in PC and put in about 8 mi hiking - Armstrong/Dawn’s/Spiro/CMG/Jenni’s and then back home to clean up. Lunch at the Eating Establishment on Main St and then home to chill. Walked around town and ended up having dinner at a Thai at a place we’d seen earlier (Baan Thai?) - pretty darn good. Tues - double hike - drove out to Aspen Grove and hiked the Stewart Falls Trail up to the lower falls - crazy crowded trail, so a bit frustrating. Next stop was the Timpanogos Cave hike - >900 ft gain in 1.5 mi up to the cave for a guided tour - very steep, very cool! Back to PC to clean up and then a beer and pizza at Davanza’s. Wed - beautiful loop hike (Crystal Lake trailhead) outside of PC - about 10K, plus a couple of add-ons - moderate trail that goes by about half a dozen mountain lakes - SPECTACULAR. Back home to clean up and then late lunch and a beer at No Name Saloon. Back out later for an appetizer and a beer on the upper patio of The Spur - a bit of a fancy crowd for us. Thurs - drove out toward Deer Valley and hiked up to Bloods Lake - started toward Lakawaxen Lake, but decided to head back down, as our knees were not looking forward to the steep descent from the top. Back home to clean up, leftover Thai for late lunch and then just walked around town. Took the free bus out to Canyons Village for a free outdoor concert and then back to PC - went to Tekila for an appetizer and a beer. Home on Fri.

Net, >32 mi of hiking in 4 days, not including walks about town. Really pretty area - Park City itself is a little weird - an odd mix of high-end and ‘townie’ and LOTS of $$$ around there. Thanks all for the tips!