Uss stinky

I hear they couldn’t log in to the forum.

Good to see women taking charge!!!

It is just such a stupid way to ruin your career. Maybe worse than watching pron at work.

She lied about it- not once, not twice, but three times.

So stupid.

US Navy leadership is not looking great this week.

There was also this guy…

When I saw this right after the photo came out, I wondered if someone was pranking him by putting the scope on backwards. To now see that he was relieved of duty makes me wonder if someone did it to intentionally make him look bad which caused leadership to wonder the same thing and start an investigation.

Given the outcome, that’s a pretty mean prank to play. But even if it’s a prank, that the commander didn’t notice does say something about him.

Personally, I think relieving him of command is a bit harsh. If he had the barrel pointed the wrong way and didn’t notice - yeah that’s bad.

But we don’t know if they are related. It could be what you said, or not. You would think he would wonder why his target looked so very far away though.

It would be impossible for him to not notice. My guess is that he was firing into open water in a situation where the photo was the entire point and didn’t want to interrupt to point out that obvious fact and have to ask or explain why. But obviously that’s a wild ass guess.

He clearly knew the scope was on backwards.

At present, there’s no evidence (that I’ve seen) that the photo is the cause of this officer’s relief. The media outlets, in their infinite laziness, are employing post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning. It came after the photo, so let’s suggest it was because of the photo.

It’s possible that’s what prompted the firing, but it seems unlikely to me. More likely is that he was fired for something unrelated, or the photo caused someone to look more closely at the ship and they found other things that were problematic.

The Navy isn’t doing itself any favors by letting it appear that the photo was the reason, if it wasn’t.

Exactly what slowguy said

Dropping latin bombs in the new forum OK go off.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam malesuada hendrerit eros, in rhoncus lectus pretium non.


One thing that should definitely cut down on all these embarrassing issues like illegal WiFi, guys being arrested in Venezuela, or backwards scopes…axing the recruitment requirement that recruits get at least 30% on the ASVAB. :slight_smile:

I jest, I think the practice of putting guys who score low through some additional training isn’t necessarily a bad one.

And, yes, I know the officer cohort is held to higher standards, so it’s irrelevant to backwards-scope guy (regardless of what the real reason for his departure is)

So the latest reporting indicates that this Commanding Officer was relieved as a result of an incident earlier this summer where his ship sustained a serious steering casualty while alongside an oiler for refueling. Rather than take the standard immediate actions, the ship apparently remained alongside for 10mins trying to address the issue before the crew finally pulled away from the pier, damaging some equipment on both ships. I’m sure there were likely other procedural and maintenance issues. Hard to tell how much blame belongs to the CO, how much to the crew, how much to the Navy maintenance organizations, etc. But the CO is always ultimately responsible.

I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the attached article, but it’s the only thing I’ve seen other than the initial flurry of articles about the rifle photo.