Uses and aplicabilities of ChatGPT for you as a triathlete, coach



Eager to stay up-to-date with the latest tech tools, I’m curious if any of you have already incorporated ChatGPT into your daily routine as an athlete or coach. Personally, I’ve been experimenting with it for programming in Python or HTML and running calculations for Training Stress Score (TSS) based on my Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). However, I’m confident that there are numerous applications for programming workouts across various training software platforms. Have any of you delved into the possibilities of this powerful tool? I’d love to hear about your experiences!

Edited with ChatGPT! :wink:

Feel free to jump on a free trial at as an athlete to experience how we’re leveraging it for session analysis. Or read Alistair Brownlee’s guest post on the topic here. Happy to answer questions.

I’ve never used a real coach before, but I have enjoyed the AI feedback on sessions on Athletica.



Eager to stay up-to-date with the latest tech tools, I’m curious if any of you have already incorporated ChatGPT into your daily routine as an athlete or coach. Personally, I’ve been experimenting with it for programming in Python or HTML and running calculations for Training Stress Score (TSS) based on my Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). However, I’m confident that there are numerous applications for programming workouts across various training software platforms. Have any of you delved into the possibilities of this powerful tool? I’d love to hear about your experiences!

Edited with ChatGPT! :wink:
Do I understand your post correctly, you are using Chat GPT to generate code for python or HTML or using Chat GPT to add inputs to Python or HTML code… I think Chat GPT did not help with the edits :wink:

Lol the edits made were, well, interesting.

Anyway, I think it might have some magic to suggest workouts or load based on what it sees. But I feel the magic of some of it would be having something to analyze performance during sets to adjust the workout as you go. Like you think you’re done and it adds a short set to the end. Or mid way lowers the % from 100% to like 98% based on something.

Feel free to jump on a free trial at as an athlete to experience how we’re leveraging it for session analysis. Or read Alistair Brownlee’s guest post on the topic here. Happy to answer questions.


I’m a coach (beginner to professional triathletes) with some interest in this and see there’s an athlete package and a coach one. Is there a way I can test this on myself before taking it on to use for coaching?

Thank you,

Feel free to jump on a free trial at as an athlete to experience how we’re leveraging it for session analysis. Or read Alistair Brownlee’s guest post on the topic here. Happy to answer questions. Thank you!



Eager to stay up-to-date with the latest tech tools, I’m curious if any of you have already incorporated ChatGPT into your daily routine as an athlete or coach. Personally, I’ve been experimenting with it for programming in Python or HTML and running calculations for Training Stress Score (TSS) based on my Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). However, I’m confident that there are numerous applications for programming workouts across various training software platforms. Have any of you delved into the possibilities of this powerful tool? I’d love to hear about your experiences!

Edited with ChatGPT! :wink:
Do I understand your post correctly, you are using Chat GPT to generate code for python or HTML or using Chat GPT to add inputs to Python or HTML code… I think Chat GPT did not help with the edits :wink: Basically I am playing with it to explore what posibilites it can bring…

Feel free to jump on a free trial at as an athlete to experience how we’re leveraging it for session analysis. Or read Alistair Brownlee’s guest post on the topic here. Happy to answer questions.


I’m a coach (beginner to professional triathletes) with some interest in this and see there’s an athlete package and a coach one. Is there a way I can test this on myself before taking it on to use for coaching?

Thank you,

Absolutely CMac. What I suggest to all coaches is to drop in first as an athlete.

Consider your email choice as you need a separate email account for your athlete account and your coach account, respectively. Train using the AI coach yourself to experience it (including GPT feedback) as this is what your athletes are going to be getting too. Even if only a couple sessions.Don’t forget here that your athletes will also get the back-and-forth between you, your assistance in navigating key sessions, your education of terms and experience, what matters and what doesn’t, which sessions they should miss, not miss, etc.You’ll need the same skills you apply yourself during athlete onboarding (A/B race declaration; low, mid, high volume; thresholds, etc) when you onboard your individual athletes (beginner to professional), so this is not wasted time.
Once you’re comfortable with how Athletica functions to train individual athletes, you’re ready to start your coach account.
Register for free as a coach (all coach accounts are free)Onboard your athletes or tell them toCreate your own sessions in your library (Today’s Plan coaches note we are working on library import option for you)Organize billing (you pay or athlete pays)Plan, adjust, communicate and coach
Any questions please feel free to reach out directly - paul at athletica

One thing I think is missing from plans today is adjustments based on temp, dew point and humidity. There’s some data out there on how to adjust your pace when temps or dew points are “high”, but nothing out there that I’m aware of that adjust workouts. Down here in Texas, as an example, I ran in 52f thre or four days again and today it was 72f. Even during the same day, the swing can be great and your pace would adjust based on when you do the workout. Yesterday it was 39f in the morning and 69f in the afternoon. Big difference that would affect TSS.

Feel free to jump on a free trial at as an athlete to experience how we’re leveraging it for session analysis. Or read Alistair Brownlee’s guest post on the topic here. Happy to answer questions.


I’m a coach (beginner to professional triathletes) with some interest in this and see there’s an athlete package and a coach one. Is there a way I can test this on myself before taking it on to use for coaching?

Thank you,

Absolutely CMac. What I suggest to all coaches is to drop in first as an athlete.

Consider your email choice as you need a separate email account for your athlete account and your coach account, respectively. Train using the AI coach yourself to experience it (including GPT feedback) as this is what your athletes are going to be getting too. Even if only a couple sessions.Don’t forget here that your athletes will also get the back-and-forth between you, your assistance in navigating key sessions, your education of terms and experience, what matters and what doesn’t, which sessions they should miss, not miss, etc.You’ll need the same skills you apply yourself during athlete onboarding (A/B race declaration; low, mid, high volume; thresholds, etc) when you onboard your individual athletes (beginner to professional), so this is not wasted time.
Once you’re comfortable with how Athletica functions to train individual athletes, you’re ready to start your coach account.
Register for free as a coach (all coach accounts are free)Onboard your athletes or tell them toCreate your own sessions in your library (Today’s Plan coaches note we are working on library import option for you)Organize billing (you pay or athlete pays)Plan, adjust, communicate and coach
Any questions please feel free to reach out directly - paul at athletica

Excellent, thanks Paul. I’ll try it out!

That’s was odd to read! There are a couple of cited references (mmmk, Alistair), and then there’s “a mostly self-driving car may outperform a human driver in 99.9% of circumstances…”

I do have respect for AB, not sure about stuff like this though.

Simple for sport, just use it to create Zwift custom workouts ( .zwo) files based on the workout I want. Got the idea from somewhere I don’t remember.

Super simple, copy-paste to text file, save and load Zwift.

No matter, you need a good prompt.

I ask for each interval to be as % FTP expressed as between Zero and One to match the .zwo specification (and so the workout uses the Zwift FTP setting). Or just give it the exact power you want.


One thing I think is missing from plans today is adjustments based on temp, dew point and humidity. There’s some data out there on how to adjust your pace when temps or dew points are “high”, but nothing out there that I’m aware of that adjust workouts. Down here in Texas, as an example, I ran in 52f thre or four days again and today it was 72f. Even during the same day, the swing can be great and your pace would adjust based on when you do the workout. Yesterday it was 39f in the morning and 69f in the afternoon. Big difference that would affect TSS.

On our development list is to integrate a weather app like and others have done. But I’m not sure we can do too much with the external pace we prescribe per se (I could be wrong). We know that pace and power in the heat naturally falls in an anticipatory fashion like you mention. So the way we’re going about this now at Athletica is we push zone 2 workouts and below to Garmin with heart rate guidance. That way, irrespective of your heat acclimation status, you’ll still be moving at the pace that’s appropriate for your body’s cardiovascular capability. If you’re in the situation you describe, getting only random days of heat, you might be less acclimated and slow more naturally. But if you follow the heart rate prescribed method, then at least then the internal stress you are under is appropriate compared to if you had tried to hold a pace/power that you just can’t in the heat. Such sessions are characterized by a heart rate that sharply rises to exhaustion. To your point, TSS (external load) could be way off. What is best to get right in this context is your internal stress load, and you can do this in the heat by following heart rate.

I mean, I used ChatGPT to write my “take-home summary” mid-recording on a podcast episode with Paul… so there’s that.

I mean, I used ChatGPT to write my “take-home summary” mid-recording on a podcast episode with Paul… so there’s that.

That was pretty funny Rob… recall that it/you nailed it :slight_smile:

Another thought I had, and it doesn’t pertain to me much, is adjustments for elevation. It would adjust power downward when one starts training at elevation, watching HR to increase power as acclimation occurred. And if it was really “smart” it would adjust to higher watts if someone spent two or more weeks at elevation and then travelled to a lower elevation. So, maybe someone trains at elevation and then travels to a sea level event, shouldn’t they be able to put out more power, whether S, B or R? Again, it would adjust downward over a few days as red blood cell count dropped (higher HR for same effort).

Changing to HR for z2 workouts is a “first step” solution, but for biking power is king and there are a lot of us who prefer pace for running (probably not good, I realize, but I still haven’t caught up to the 21st century😎).

Another thought I had, and it doesn’t pertain to me much, is adjustments for elevation. It would adjust power downward when one starts training at elevation, watching HR to increase power as acclimation occurred. And if it was really “smart” it would adjust to higher watts if someone spent two or more weeks at elevation and then travelled to a lower elevation. So, maybe someone trains at elevation and then travels to a sea level event, shouldn’t they be able to put out more power, whether S, B or R? Again, it would adjust downward over a few days as red blood cell count dropped (higher HR for same effort).

Changing to HR for z2 workouts is a “first step” solution, but for biking power is king and there are a lot of us who prefer pace for running (probably not good, I realize, but I still haven’t caught up to the 21st century😎).

These are great thoughts LEBoyd. However the solution for altitude (lower partial pressure of O2) is simply the same as for heat. Power will be initially lower for any given metabolic exercise intensity. But by following your internal load marker (heart rate) at altitude while monitoring your external load marker (power or pace) you get the best solution all around. You’ll see the adaptations you describe, which are highly individual.

On a related note to your “power is king” comment, one of our most popular podcasts last year was that with pro cyclist trainer Dr Peter Leo. Its worth a listen and in it he describes with examples how cyclists with the mindset of only using power output are really missing out. Always challenging to make new habits I realize, however I believe that putting on the chest strap is well worth our time.

While I believe there is high potential for AI in endurance training, I think it has a long way to go. I recently used a trial of the Humango platform and was very disappointed. During the trial, I ended up with a very bad upper respiratory infection and even though I “told” their virtual coach Hugo, via the check-in/feedback function that I was sick, plus my RHR was higher than normal and my HRV lower than normal, the AI generated training plan still had me doing intervals at a much higher % of VO2Max than I would been comfortable doing, in fact I took those days as rest days because I was that sick.

While I believe there is high potential for AI in endurance training, I think it has a long way to go. I recently used a trial of the Humango platform and was very disappointed. During the trial, I ended up with a very bad upper respiratory infection and even though I “told” their virtual coach Hugo, via the check-in/feedback function that I was sick, plus my RHR was higher than normal and my HRV lower than normal, the AI generated training plan still had me doing intervals at a much higher % of VO2Max than I would been comfortable doing, in fact I took those days as rest days because I was that sick.

Hey @WayneH. Appreciate the comment and having a go. Sorry you had a bad experience. From what I’d gather, you were speaking to a large language model (likely ChatGPT) and while you may have been getting some form of prudent advice around your rough situation, the feedback loop (i.e., doing something with the info) wasn’t yet closed. I can’t speak for Humungo, but at Athletica we always remind the user to trust their feelings and subsequently provide multiple ways in which you can move/delete sessions or use alternatives (i.e., our Workout Wizard). At this point in our development and/or evolution of AI-based platforms, we always try to remind the user to cooperate with the AI as they would cooperate with a self driving car. AI is not omniscient.

Thanks for the reply Paul and the additional info/context around the use of AI. is on my list to try, right now, I’m giving AIEndurance a spin, while very different to Humango, I was intrigued by the use of DFA1. I am finding the planning and workout tracking function to be lacking so am not using it. Best - Wayne