User of Motion Logic 3D

Some of you here are using the Motion Logic 3D of Lloyd Thomas ?
Thanks. Joël.

Hello Joel,

although I am not using the system, I have seen it at trade show.
I can put you in contact with Lloyd Thomas if you like?


Hello Joel,
although I am not using the system, I have seen it at trade show.
I can put you in contact with Lloyd Thomas if you like?

Hello Anne, thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
I lead a network of 8 fitter here in France and 6 of them are using Lloyd Thomas System.
So I know him but we need spare parts for the system and he’s not really quick to answer so I try to find were we could buy these spare parts.
Cheer, Joël :slight_smile:

ah, wonderful! Yes and know I look at your website, very impressive.
I can ‘bother’ him via Facebook, we are connected there…of course everyone busy at holiday time.
best of luck!

ah, wonderful! Yes and know I look at your website, very impressive.
I can ‘bother’ him via Facebook, we are connected there…of course everyone busy at holiday time.
best of luck!

Thank you.
There is months that I wait for the spare parts :slight_smile:
I’ll try another way but thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards. Joël.