USAT Membership Renewal Question

I assume I’m not the only one running into this…

My current membership goes through June 2025, I’m trying to register for a July 2025 race but the USAT # is required and mine is not considered as valid since it will expire ahead of the race. If I renew today however it will only be valid through July 2025 and I’m essentially paying twice for 2025… which is ok in the grand scheme of things and a small cost compared to the race entry but still a little frustrating.

Anyway to register without USAT # or go around this? Also, looks like the option to combine USAC / USAT was a one off and that there are no options to buy an international triathlon license like it exists in cycling?

Paying for 4 memberships in different countries is just getting a little pricey!

I don’t think this is the case. If you renew today I believe your membership will run to June of 2026. I had the same issue last year registering for a race that would take place after my membership expired. I renewed it and it just extended my current expiration date for another year.

Thank you. I went ahead and indeed it added a year to my existing membership.

I’m glad it worked out. Certainly confusing since we have to register for key races so far in advance these days. I still regret not purchasing that $1K lifetime membership when they offered it.