USAT Age Group Olympic Nats Roll call 2014 - Milwaukee, WI

M45-49 here from Omaha. I qualified at a Regional Qualifier and made it on the 33% bubble so I’ll be fighting for last place in my age category. Just really excited to be going and competing against the fastest Ag’rs in the country! Good luck everyone!

Im in.

A little off topic (one post in…) but I went to school in Omaha and have to ask - where on earth do you train? Do you live out west somewhere?

I’m in for the sprint. (45-49)

I’d like to get on Team USA again but I won’t be in the top 10. I’ll either be 15th or 40th :confused:


I’ll be racing the m35-39 sprint the next day, but five of my teammates are racing the Olympic. We’ll be the folks in the obnoxiously green kits - say hi! I’m the tall one.

In for the Oly. M40-44. I should be one of the first out of the water . . . then will hold on for dear life after that hoping for the best! :slight_smile:

Birdman–Yeah I live out west and have beautiful rolling hills and farmland just a few miles from my house in Elkhorn. Usually head North of Maple around 225th. I’m on the trainer alot in my garage too.

Im doing the Oly for M25-29. Qualified at a very small race, so the goal will be to try to do better than DFL

I will be participating in the M OLY 45-49. Please note the qualifier…

My only goal is not to be DFL. I have been focusing on my first IM for training and just finished a big volume week yesterday. I expect my legs to be pretty dead next weekend.

I would likely never travel to Nats since I am not competitive on that level, but Milwaukee is only an hour away, so why not?

I am in for the sprint as well, racing in the 50 - 54, hoping to qualify in the 55 - 59 for Worlds next year.

I’m in for the Olympic in the 25-29 group. Goals: Don’t die in the water. Pass people on the dry parts.

I’m racing the Sprint M30-35. Heading all the way from Salt Lake City, UT.

Would love to make top 25, and based on last year’s times I would be somewhere around 15-18th … so depending how many more BAMFs show up this year hoping to get to Chicago I’ll be on the bubble.

I’m in. Racing M40-44 for the Oly and Sprint.

M15-19 Sprint and Olympic

M45-49 qualified on the bubble at a small local sprint. Feel a bit of a poser for that reason, but i decided to make 2014 about experiencing races since I took 2013 “seriously” for an IM. NOLA, Escape, SOS, so decided to add AG Nationals to the list, because frankly no clue as to when or if I’d ever qualify again. It’s a bit of an expense from So Cal, but that’s why I work :slight_smile:

i’m in for the olympic. qualified as part of team usa 2013.

In for both races! M25-29, not sure where I qualified (I race way too much and I know it). Making the long drive from NY starting Wednesday morning, staying in Cleveland, then getting in Thursday to buy some downtime and not stress too much.

I’m in for the Olympic 50-54 AG. Will only be my 3rd Olympic distance race, so I’m hoping not to embarrass myself…

Both races 40-44. Looking forward to ending the season on a good note.

I might actually get to meet you? :slight_smile:


Racing the sprint - 55-59. A relative long shot for the top 25. I’m going to have to pull something special out of my suitcase of courage. First short course nationals since the mid 90s in Chicago and probably my most important race in more than a decade. Looking forward to racing a major event with my best friends and teammates.