US Election hypothetical

Say the election is today - 3 candidates - Biden, Trump, and Haley.

Who do you vote for? Who wins?



I am puzzled, there will only be 1 republican and 1 democrat in the general presidential election. And, barring any true miracles, Haley won’t be in the running.



However, this election will come down to the effects of third party candidates in swing states, so I’m not sure why news outlets keep talking about national head-to-head polls.

I am puzzled, there will only be 1 republican and 1 democrat in the general presidential election. And, barring any true miracles, Haley won’t be in the running.

irrelevant to the question.

I guess you’re saying that Haley will be the R nominee, right?

Biden in a landslide, Trump second as an independent, Haley way last.

Trump never concedes , goes through all the same old BS and starts campaigning for 2028 right away. Dies at one of his rallies and his fans start a new religion around him with the two semi-retarded sons as it’s leaders.

Say the election is today - 3 candidates - Biden, Trump, and Haley.

Who do you vote for? Who wins?


It’s funny, Trump has tens of millions of loyal voters but none of them have found their way to the LR

Say the election is today - 3 candidates - Biden, Trump, and Haley.

Who do you vote for? Who wins?


It’s funny, Trump has tens of millions of loyal voters but none of them have found their way to the LR

out of curiosity, what do you think the ratio is of lurkers to posters in the LR?


Say the election is today - 3 candidates - Biden, Trump, and Haley.

Who do you vote for? Who wins?


It’s funny, Trump has tens of millions of loyal voters but none of them have found their way to the LR

out of curiosity, what do you think the ratio is of lurkers to posters in the LR?


I can’t imagine why a Trump supporter doesn’t regularly participate in this room.

there sure is a lot of effort put into turning anyone who criticizes Biden into a Trump supporter.

Say the election is today - 3 candidates - Biden, Trump, and Haley.

Who do you vote for? Who wins?


It’s funny, Trump has tens of millions of loyal voters but none of them have found their way to the LR

out of curiosity, what do you think the ratio is of lurkers to posters in the LR?


It’s probably higher than that, I’m not sure of the relevance.

Out of curiosity, why did you choose to jump into this thread while ignoring the original question.

Well I wanted to pose the hypothetical, which should probably indirectly answer your question.

Say the election is today - 3 candidates - Biden, Trump, and Haley.

Who do you vote for? Who wins?


It’s funny, Trump has tens of millions of loyal voters but none of them have found their way to the LR

out of curiosity, what do you think the ratio is of lurkers to posters in the LR?


I can’t imagine why a Trump supporter doesn’t regularly participate in this room.

there sure is a lot of effort put into turning anyone who criticizes Biden into a Trump supporter.

yea, it’s truly baffling.

I guess you’re saying that Haley will be the R nominee, right?

Biden in a landslide, Trump second as an independent, Haley way last.

Trump never concedes , goes through all the same old BS and starts campaigning for 2028 right away. Dies at one of his rallies and his fans start a new religion around him with the two semi-retarded sons as it’s leaders.

Not politically correct, but you’re damn funny!!

Now l have coffee all over my phone …

Haley would beat Trump in a two way general election. Haley would beat Biden in a two way general election.

But in a three way general election Biden would probably win. I am not sure it would be as easy as others suggest. It depends on how the swing states settle out. There would be a good chance that no candidate would get 270 and the states would decide. That would probably be a win for Trump.

Well I wanted to pose the hypothetical, which should probably indirectly answer your question.

So what about the OP’s question, do you care to chime in?

I’d vote for Trump, because I know it’d be the best way to trigger you libs.

there sure is a lot of effort put into turning anyone who criticizes Biden into a Trump supporter.

yea, it’s truly baffling.

I’m not sure what that has to do with my question though?

I’m really just trying to figure out where the political winds are down south of the 49th parallel. I have my suspicions, but that’s all they are.

My take… Trump is toxic. Independents will vote for anyone but Trump. But they don’t vote in the Primaries. Biden is old and represents the middle of the road Dem, i.e. not really progressive on anything. He’s fine, but that’s it. just…fine.

If Haley can get the nomination… an uphill battle for sure, but she has money and Trump is tied up in courtrooms… then she has a chance of beating Biden.

That’s why I’m framing the question the way that I am. Who is actually the most popular candidate at this point? Take the primaries out of the picture and put them all on the ballot, regardless of party.



Haley would win few, if any, states. Biden would lose some votes to Haley, but the Ds would overwhelmingly stay loyal to Biden.

there sure is a lot of effort put into turning anyone who criticizes Biden into a Trump supporter.

yea, it’s truly baffling.

I’m not sure what that has to do with my question though?

I’m really just trying to figure out where the political winds are down south of the 49th parallel. I have my suspicions, but that’s all they are.

My take… Trump is toxic. Independents will vote for anyone but Trump. But they don’t vote in the Primaries. Biden is old and represents the middle of the road Dem, i.e. not really progressive on anything. He’s fine, but that’s it. just…fine.

If Haley can get the nomination… an uphill battle for sure, but she has money and Trump is tied up in courtrooms… then she has a chance of beating Biden.

That’s why I’m framing the question the way that I am. Who is actually the most popular candidate at this point? Take the primaries out of the picture and put them all on the ballot, regardless of party.

It doesn’t, really. (your first sentence)

Your original question is a good one, no doubt, and it’s one that will be taking up the newswaves of America/the World for the next 10 months.

I’d vote for Trump, because I know it’d be the best way to trigger you libs.

Wow, you’re just like me. Because l only vote for Biden to trigger the nutters.