
I know that I said “bye for now”. I have even posted the occasional tirade. I did keep my promise to come around on occasion.

Through the generosity of Dan, I have another article published here on Slowtwitch. I am the obsessive soul who cleans bikes. I hope that all of you enjoy the article. I hope that if you have never been taught the proper way to clean a bike (the way that won’t damage it), you will peruse this article.

Thank you, Dan, for publishing my article.

On one unrelated note: I was shocked to hear about Mr. Rabe. I did not know the man, but do know about his contributions. I extend my condolences to his friends and family.

Great article…just wanted to add that when you remove the chainrings, if they are shimano ramped/pinned make sure that when you put them back on, the pin is facing away from the bike and lined up with the crankarm. also make sure the arrows are facing in and line up with the pin on all the chainrings. can’t tell you the number of times i’ve seen improperly mounted chainrings from customers who want to know why their bike keeps dropping its chain.

Great article, bunnyman,


can’t tell you the number of times i’ve seen improperly mounted chainrings from customers who want to know why their bike keeps dropping its chain.

DOH! Guess I’ve got something to check when I get home…

Would that be a drop when shifting from the big to the small ring?

How much time does the cleaning process you suggest require? I do want to take care of my bike so that I can enjoy my rides without worrying about greasy/dirty parts not working correctly, but I also only have a very limited amount of time with which to do all the maintenance. (Sleep is a wonderful thing that I’ve become addicted to now that I’m out of college.) Another question is whether there is a ‘good’ way to clean a bike if you don’t have a mechanic’s stand. I don’t want to drop my bike while working on cleaning it - so if there is a better method than simply leaning it against the garage/wall/etc. I’d be interestedto learn.>My plan is to take some time and go hang out at my LBS and get some pointers/tips from them, but thought I’d ask here as well so that I could be better prepared.

Thanks for the informative article.


This was well-timed. My husband has spent the last couple of evenings obsessively cleaning both of our bikes after the muckfest that was Wildflower.

And that’s a very creative use for old underpants. I’ll start adding them to the stack of ugly race t-shirts.

I dont have a stand either and I have a bike rack that goes on the trunk of my car and use that.