Unity! (1)

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan endorses Joe Biden
Republican Voters Against Trump on X: “Former Georgia Lt. Gov. @GeoffDuncanGA: “Going against the grain as a Republican and supporting Democrat Joe Biden for president is not easy…There are political ramifications to this decision, but they pale in comparison to four more years of Donald Trump.” https://t.co/sTGAH7UQ1x” / X

“Going against the grain as a Republican and supporting Democrat Joe Biden for president is not easy…There are political ramifications to this decision, but they pale in comparison to four more years of Donald Trump.”

Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger endorses Joe Biden
Republican Voters Against Trump on X: “Powerful words from @BulwarkOnline contributor @AdamKinzinger in Atlanta, Georgia: “The stakes of this moment are way too high…I am proud to stand up here today as a conservative Republican and endorse Joe Biden.” https://t.co/sNgiqLDtEm” / X

“The stakes of this moment are way too high…I am proud to stand up here today as a conservative Republican and endorse Joe Biden.”

Nice to seem Republicans put country over party.

“If you ain’t MAGA, you’re a RINO” -some chucklefuck on Truth Social

Actually it would be:

“If you ain’t MAGA, your a RINO”

or tylertri or SDG here.

this is the second thread Nutella has started today.

in front of tomorrow’s debate.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with getting marching orders…

but his posts are starting to get more and more desperate for a guy who doesn’t want to be woken up until Sept.

and he’s back to pushing the “party over country” talking point he pushed when he first arrived on the scene

For poll-lovers, I was surprised to read this one, fwiw. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4740775-donald-trump-joe-biden-swing-state-deciders-democracy-2024-presidential-election/

“The poll, conducted by The Washington Post/Schar School, surveyed voters across six swing states and identified a subgroup of respondents labeled as “deciders.” It found that 38 percent of “deciders” said Trump would do a better job of handling threats of democracy to the U.S., while 29 percent said Biden and 23 percent said neither.”

For poll-lovers, I was surprised to read this one, fwiw. https://thehill.com/...esidential-election/

“The poll, conducted by The Washington Post/Schar School, surveyed voters across six swing states and identified a subgroup of respondents labeled as “deciders.” It found that 38 percent of “deciders” said Trump would do a better job of handling threats of democracy to the U.S., while 29 percent said Biden and 23 percent said neither.”

Trump currently holds a 6 point lead in GA with 7% saying “other”

but never forget that the former LT gov of GA is endorsing Biden.

and Kinzinger. KInzinger!!! this race is over.

I assume Nutella is holding back the crucial Liz Cheney endorsement for his “October surprise”

Is it just me or are these threads starting to smack of desperation and frustration.

by the way. Dem on Dem violence is going on all over this country related to Israel.

a member of the squad just got their ass handed to them after AOC and Bernie stumped for him this weekend (Fing BERNIE!!)

the Dems are having a referendum on Biden tomorrow night disguised as a debate.

Gavin Newsome is out giving speeches more nationwide and CA related.

And Nutella wants to talk about UNITY in the Rep party… using the former LT gov of GA and KINZINGER!!!

maybe he’ll cite Amosh for us next

If you’re railing against Joe Biden AND Geoff Duncan, you need to reassess what you stand for because you are squarely in the deplorable crib. Geoff Duncan is a <2012 conservative’s wet dream. The kind of guy who would generate a lot of Democratic support. Yet our party here in Georgia allowed the insurrection leader to run him off. Insane how insane the party has become.

For poll-lovers…

The people frothing over polls in June are the folks who know nothing about American elections.

Back on topic, you going to vote for the felon, rapist, fraudster?


If you’re railing against Joe Biden AND Geoff Duncan, you need to reassess what you stand for because you are squarely in the deplorable crib. Geoff Duncan is a <2012 conservative’s wet dream. The kind of guy who would generate a lot of Democratic support. Yet our party here in Georgia allowed the insurrection leader to run him off. Insane how insane the party has become.

Did he take Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Dick Cheney’s daughter, and kinzinger with him when he was such a staunch conservative that he allowed himself to be “run off???

The talking points are strong in front of the debate today

Speaking of unity remember when Biden ran on uniting the country?

I can’t remember if that was before he compared 1/2 the country to Bull Connor or not

I thank Nuts for the public service notification about Republicans moving forward without Trump. I look forward to the day, when serving Senators and Representatives can in unity declare themselves rid of Trump.

When we can make america as good as it can be along with the others and go back to the once accepted definition and the drastically reduced population of RINO’s, then all will be right with my world. Don’t know about yours.

this is the second thread Nutella has started today.

in front of tomorrow’s debate.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with getting marching orders…

but his posts are starting to get more and more desperate for a guy who doesn’t want to be woken up until Sept.

and he’s back to pushing the “party over country” talking point he pushed when he first arrived on the scene

Are you all prepped for tomorrow night’s debate?


Back on topic, you going to vote for the felon, rapist, fraudster? No use pretending you didn’t already know I have always been a never-trumper.
And, not being in a swing state, my solitary vote isn’t going to have any significant effect on where my state’s electors go.
Maybe I’ll do a write-in this year.

Back on topic, you going to vote for the felon, rapist, fraudster? No use pretending you didn’t already know I have always been a never-trumper.
And, not being in a swing state, my solitary vote isn’t going to have any significant effect on where my state’s electors go.
Maybe I’ll do a write-in this year.

No use pretending that millions of Republicans who claim to be “never Trumpers” will vote for Trump.

Republicans, including detractors, embrace Trump in return to Washington after Jan. 6 - ABC News (go.com)
Once Critics of Trump, These Republicans Are Now Playing by His Rules - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Republicans used to call anyone not in their tribe a “cuck”. Funny how they don’t use that term as much since they have surrendered to Dear Leader.

Back on topic, you going to vote for the felon, rapist, fraudster? No use pretending you didn’t already know I have always been a never-trumper.
And, not being in a swing state, my solitary vote isn’t going to have any significant effect on where my state’s electors go.
Maybe I’ll do a write-in this year.

no use trying to reason with someone who’s this bitter and frustrated. Have you noticed how all the Dear Leader, Party over Country, Trump groupies conversation of bitterness has now crept back into the venacular. It’s loser talk 101, and Nutella is all over it.

Have you noticed how the polls don’t mean anything this early, except:

  1. the fact that both these candidates already have a track record as President
  2. this is the earliest candidates have been decided and their parties have UNITED (well except for the fact that Biden’s performance tonite will decide whether the party keeps him or not)
  3. you can count on 2 hands the number of voters who don’t know enough about either candidate to have made a decision by now.
  4. one of the candidates has 2 impeachments, 937 felony convictions, is Hitler reincarnated who’s going to shoot Whoopi Goldberg the first day he takes over as dictator and (insert whatever else has or can be thrown at him).

It’s almost like “too early to believe polls” is an excuse for not liking what the polls are saying.

the polls I see which are too early to believe show 7 states still within the margin of error. Biden needs to run the table on all 7 to get to 270. Trump needs any one of the 7.

but I’m sure that means nothing and in no way contributes to Nutella’s general loser talk and clear frustration. Because, you know, it’s too early.

Back on topic, you going to vote for the felon, rapist, fraudster? No use pretending you didn’t already know I have always been a never-trumper.
**And, not being in a swing state, my solitary vote isn’t going to have any significant effect on where my state’s electors go. **
Maybe I’ll do a write-in this year.

so your vote counts about as much as the votes of all those bitching about Trump here then.

Except for Blep and a few of his Canuck friends and most likely Nutella and his European citizenship.

pretty sure from his posting history that geetee isn’t old enough to vote so…

the polls I see which are too early to believe show 7 states still within the margin of error. Biden needs to run the table on all 7 to get to 270. Trump needs any one of the 7.

you keep on saying that but it isnt true. Assuming the 7 toss ups are arizona, nevada, Michigan, georgia, penn, wisco, minn.

Biden doesnt need to win all 7. Penn/wisco/mich/minn are enough.

if you want to say there are four toss up states, and biden needs all of them then sure. (two of them are really toss ups - wisco/penn and minn/mich are leaners towards biden). Its more than likely that there are 4 toss ups, and Biden needs to win Wis/Penn (nevada doesnt matter), and its unlikely he wins arizona without Wisco).


Back on topic, you going to vote for the felon, rapist, fraudster? No use pretending you didn’t already know I have always been a never-trumper.
**And, not being in a swing state, my solitary vote isn’t going to have any significant effect on where my state’s electors go. **
Maybe I’ll do a write-in this year.

so your vote counts about as much as the votes of all those bitching about Trump here then.

Except for Blep and a few of his Canuck friends and most likely Nutella and his European citizenship.

pretty sure from his posting history that geetee isn’t old enough to vote so…

You sound worried about how Orange Foolius will perform tonight.
