
Wife and I sat through a re-enrollment meeting at her kids’ private Christian school yesterday morning. Ten minutes into the superintendent’s presentation he says “now I know this is going to sound like a conspiracy theory…” and then proceeded to talk about UNESCO, Chariman Mao, brainwashing, something called “Feminist Math,” and other curious things that I think he was trying to imply is the model for public schools here in the U.S… He then played a Prager U. video saying something to the effect of Trump thankfully pulling us out of UNESCO but Biden rejoining (both are true but not for educational or philosophical differences, best I can gather; also, Obama suspended funding during his term, something to do with Palestine, and later reinstated; prior to that Reagan had pulled us out, and later GWB rejoined in hopes of providing leadership, from what I’ve read). I didn’t sit through the whole meeting but the wife informed me it didn’t get much better from there. Apparently he never really closed the loop as to why he was talking about those issues.

I know this line of isolationist, anti-globalist thought is deeply entrenched in the American religious conservative community but I don’t dismiss it out of hand as meritless. We’ve seen the UN beclown itself with who it assigns to certain councils, and similar with WHO (who doesn’t remember Trump congratulating the NK dictator for gaining a seat at the WHO table), but what specifically is the gripe with UNESCO aside from it being an outgrowth of the UN, when it comes to early childhood education in the United States?

*If you’re wondering why the kids attend there if we don’t agree with their philosophy, it’s a lesser of evils. Public schools here are atrocious. My wife spent half of her early years there and had a great experience overall. She doesn’t plan on keeping them there through high school and we balance out the fundie stuff with what they see and learn at home. It is what it is.

I wish l could learn lots more about this feminist math stuff. Sounds interesting!! Christian schools are so lucky, they get to do all the fun stuff!

Paging Dr Tigerchik to explain feminist math to us?

That part about got her blood boiling. Didn’t help that he couched it by saying they disposed of the regular math “those mean old white guys came up with.” He made some follow up comment about not hiring them as engineers for the planned renovation.

I think he specifically said “feminist algebra” and described it as numbers and solutions just being whatever you want them to be. It was hard to follow.

I got nothing. New to me. I barely know what UNESCO is, so my all-public education must have carefully hidden the role of UNESCO.

I wish l could learn lots more about this feminist math stuff. Sounds interesting!! Christian schools are so lucky, they get to do all the fun stuff!

Paging Dr Tigerchik to explain feminist math to us?

Feminist math is the FOIL method - address issues “first outside, then inside, (come) last”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOIL_method

Actually, that’s probably a toxically masculine mathematical response. So be it. I have no bloody idea what feminist math is.

I wish l could learn lots more about this feminist math stuff. Sounds interesting!!

How many men does a feminist need? Zero, infinity. I kid!

There is a very highly regarded, at least in my 'hood, Christian school near me. It is located in the affluent, very conservative suburb near me. I won’t bore you with the how/why, but I got invited to a talk they were sponsoring and hosting with a pretty far right wing wacka-doo. I read through what they stood for and was blown away.

I appreciate there are strong feelings and opinions about which way the tide should pull our country. But there is no misunderstanding in my mind where the bigger waves of power, money, and influence come from.

I got nothing. New to me. I barely know what UNESCO is, so my all-public education must have carefully hidden the role of UNESCO.

That’s how you know they’re winning. The best trick the Devil ever came up with is convincing you he doesn’t exist.


Wife and I sat through a re-enrollment meeting at her kids’ private Christian school yesterday morning. Ten minutes into the superintendent’s presentation he says “now I know this is going to sound like a conspiracy theory…” and then proceeded to talk about UNESCO, Chariman Mao, brainwashing, something called “Feminist Math,” and other curious things that I think he was trying to imply is the model for public schools here in the U.S… He then played a Prager U. video saying something to the effect of Trump thankfully pulling us out of UNESCO but Biden rejoining (both are true but not for educational or philosophical differences, best I can gather; also, Obama suspended funding during his term, something to do with Palestine, and later reinstated; prior to that Reagan had pulled us out, and later GWB rejoined in hopes of providing leadership, from what I’ve read). I didn’t sit through the whole meeting but the wife informed me it didn’t get much better from there. Apparently he never really closed the loop as to why he was talking about those issues.

I know this line of isolationist, anti-globalist thought is deeply entrenched in the American religious conservative community but I don’t dismiss it out of hand as meritless. We’ve seen the UN beclown itself with who it assigns to certain councils, and similar with WHO (who doesn’t remember Trump congratulating the NK dictator for gaining a seat at the WHO table), but what specifically is the gripe with UNESCO aside from it being an outgrowth of the UN, when it comes to early childhood education in the United States?

*If you’re wondering why the kids attend there if we don’t agree with their philosophy, it’s a lesser of evils. Public schools here are atrocious. My wife spent half of her early years there and had a great experience overall. She doesn’t plan on keeping them there through high school and we balance out the fundie stuff with what they see and learn at home. It is what it is.

Anytime someone says “I know this is going to sound like a conspiracy theory” you can pretty much guarantee it is.

I wish l could learn lots more about this feminist math stuff. Sounds interesting!! Christian schools are so lucky, they get to do all the fun stuff!

Paging Dr Tigerchik to explain feminist math to us?

Feminist math is the FOIL method - address issues “first outside, then inside, (come) last”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOIL_method

Thanks, man, you just made me spit out my coffee!!


There have been a couple gripes with UNESCO over the years, including their recognition of Palestine. The perceived anti-Israel bias has been a major issue. That’s what then-President Trump cited as the major reason for leaving, and it’s part of why Pres Obama withdrew funding.

I suspect for MAGA conservatives, the fact that Trump left is reason enough, and then they pile on whatever xenophobic anti-globalism messages on top of that. General distrust of the U.N., dislike of UNESCO and UN response to the pandemic, etc.

That part about got her blood boiling. Didn’t help that he couched it by saying they disposed of the regular math “those mean old white guys came up with.” He made some follow up comment about not hiring them as engineers for the planned renovation.

I think he specifically said “feminist algebra” and described it as numbers and solutions just being whatever you want them to be. It was hard to follow.

I saw the asterisk in your original post, but given this post, I can’t imagine why you would let your children anywhere near that school. I wouldn’t.

I wish l could learn lots more about this feminist math stuff. Sounds interesting!! Christian schools are so lucky, they get to do all the fun stuff!

Paging Dr Tigerchik to explain feminist math to us?

Maybe it is the whole girl math/boy math memes that got mean to boys.


But it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone knows girls can’t math.

Not my biological children or choice to make.

Feminist math? My wife isn’t good at math, but she makes up for it in history. She can remember every snide remark that I’ve ever made about her mother.

Just kidding. I save the snide remarks about her mother for the kids - she never hears them. :slight_smile:

Feminist math? My wife isn’t good at math, but she makes up for it in history. She can remember every snide remark that I’ve ever made about her mother.

Just kidding. I save the snide remarks about her mother for the kids - she never hears them. :slight_smile:

It’s kind of funny, my kids say worse stuff about my MIL than I ever have.

Safe to say your school and it’s headmaster will not be recognizing World Logic Day in a couple of days then.

Glad you and yours are thinking openly and passing this down to kids. The MAGA isolationist close mind is accepting of the only one "true " culture and cult. UNESCO represents the antithesis to this. They catch the heat of world politcs and power plays involved in determining priorities because they represent a welcome mat for all of the world’s cultures.

No, probably not.

The school is extremely selective about what kinds of parents and students they admit. Kids pay for the sins of the parents, so to speak. Kids from gay couples are not permitted for example. Extrapolate from that what is and is not tolerated. If they knew we are atheistic at home they would be expelled, so it’s a balance to maintain until we figure out a workable alternative that doesn’t involve hours of driving.

So when I walked out at the Trump rally part it was somewhat conspicuous and I tried to be discreet as possible. Halfway across the gymnasium my phone slipped from my hand and slammed into the hardwood floor, bounced off my forward moving foot and shot forward a good 10 yards before crashing into the refreshment table leg.


*If you’re wondering why the kids attend there if we don’t agree with their philosophy, it’s a lesser of evils. Public schools here are atrocious. My wife spent half of her early years there and had a great experience overall. She doesn’t plan on keeping them there through high school and we balance out the fundie stuff with what they see and learn at home. It is what it is.

I went to a Baptist school for kindergarten and 1st grade and I turned out alright.



Well at least I didn’t end up religious.