I was thinking that some of you guys here on ST would like to meet up the friday before B2B for lunch.
The place is called Fat Tony’s Italian Pub. It is located in downtown Wilmington, within walking distance from the expo. Let’s shoot for 11:30.
You can look them up at Fatpub.com
Just kinda like a pizza, pasta, and salad kind a place. Not expensive, outdoor seating and a great atmosphere.
Shoot me a PM and let me know if you will be able to make it. I will also be able to give you directions if need be. And an idea who to look for. (me)
I look at this as a good opportunity to meet some of the people on here and I am sure you guys are wondering what kind of guy has a name like NC fartstorm. So it will be a good chance to put faces to names and swap war stories.
Hopefully I will see you there!