Ultrarunner's big toenails surgically removed (not safe for squeamish)

the whole story here:


As bad as losing a toenail is, I can’t imagine saying goodbye permanently . . .

I’d be more than happy to have several of my nails removed permanently. Although I’ve recently changed shoes, so it shouldn’t happen so much in the future, I would lose a toenail after every marathon, and they always grow back even worse than they were before.

This was a bit of DIY after my last marathon:


the end result:


Unfortunately the hospital here wouldn’t cauterise the remains to stop a fresh nail growing back.

Cheers, Rich

I’ve never been so grateful for a slow computor and internet connection… …


I’m retitling this post :>

welcome to the world of self modification for sport specifity. Where some mods will become better than drug doping, is it considered doping? Regardless that is not my question - Are toenails vestigial body parts or do they have any function at all? It was once though the appendix was vestigial but recently found it helps the immune system.

how long were you out of running after doing this? i have this as a result of IMTX and going to the doc to get them removed. I have had this issue about 6 yrs ago after NY marathon. I have done well with shoe selection to not have this happen recently, but i guess this time around something happened. I believe my shoes got too wet and my feet were sliding around more than i thought. anyway, back to my original question. How long were you off your feet from running?

I had the two big one permanently removed a few years back. I don’t miss them at all. Had the next toes’ nails removed about 6 weeks before IMTX. Surprisingly they took longer to heal and were way more painful. Maybe choosing to do it right during heavy training had something to do with it. There was no good time for the procedure, so I just said get it over with. I got tired of always having ingrown, black, falling out, etc nails. Who needs pretty feet anyway?

The last time I had to pull some out as a result of black toenails/blisters - I ran the next day No downtime.

Not sure what/if downtime is involved in having them permanantly removed.