Ultraman Arizona Mar 15-17, 2024 (Michelle Vesterby racing)

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Anyone here racing, crewing or have friends racing?

Looked like a cold rainy first day yesterday.

Honestly I dont know how this series is still around. Had like 20 at the World champs, looks like about 20 here too. I mean its great that someone is footing the bill for the few that want to do this sort of thing, but from the heyday it seems to have lost all interest.

Some strange weather for this area this time of year, could have been very hot. Probably better for cooler temps for such a long duration on the roads. Where did they swim?

It feels like Ironman may arrive 10 years from now where Ultraman is already. I don’t think the younger athletes are getting pulled into this really long distance stuff in any reasonable volume . I hope I am wrong. I think having the requirement of a personal crew makes ultraman a really ultra expensive endeavor at least for the Hawaii version.

I crewed at UMFL last mo th and we had about 50 athletes. Yes, it’s small, but WOW! The family atmosphere among the teams was beyond belief. If you ever get a chance to experience it, all questions will get answered.

Michelle ran a 7:44 and won overall.

I crewed at UMFL last mo th and we had about 50 athletes. Yes, it’s small, but WOW! The family atmosphere among the teams was beyond belief. If you ever get a chance to experience it, all questions will get answered.

I agree with this. I’ve crewed at UM WC in Hawaii and what a terrific weekend.

They swam in Lake Pleasant - which was 62-64 fahrenheit :slight_smile:

I’m Michelles coach and was her crew chief all weekend - and yes! The weather was crazy - we had ‘everything’… but she kept it together and we had 3 great days !

I think the magic of these events would be gone if it had more than 40-50 participants :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update and congratulations on your athlete and the adventure. I too have been crew chief of endurance events, and they are very personally satisfying and fun, but not for the faint of heart for sure.

My comments about the overall numbers declining was just an observation, not sure why. I recall in the old days the races would get those 50 person fields, with some top talent throwing their hands into the ring to see what it was all about. You’re right in that having 100’s would dilute the experience, kind of like what happened to Ironman over the years…

Anyway glad they are still going on, but as a former RD of over 60 triathlons, I do wonder how long they can keep going with entires at all time lows these days…You’re in the thick of it, what do you think is causing folks to give these epic races a miss these days?

Ultraman and Ultra515 events have become horrendously expensive. I am priced out of those races at this point.
We discuss it here on Larry Ryans Ultra515 podcast.


Thanks for the update and congratulations on your athlete and the adventure. I too have been crew chief of endurance events, and they are very personally satisfying and fun, but not for the faint of heart for sure.

My comments about the overall numbers declining was just an observation, not sure why. I recall in the old days the races would get those 50 person fields, with some top talent throwing their hands into the ring to see what it was all about. You’re right in that having 100’s would dilute the experience, kind of like what happened to Ironman over the years…

Anyway glad they are still going on, but as a former RD of over 60 triathlons, I do wonder how long they can keep going with entires at all time lows these days…You’re in the thick of it, what do you think is causing folks to give these epic races a miss these days?

With all due respect monty I believe your observation (all-time low) to be incorrect. The numbers in Ultraman branded events aren’t trending downwards, rather have stayed somewhat consistent. UMWC Hawaii has always had a 40 athlete cap, and a quick look sees 40 in 2018, 28 in 2019, 40 in 2022, and 23 in 2023 (with 2 3pax relay tams). The recent UMArizona is a 3 year old race: 37 in 2022, 21 in 2023, and 20-whatever in 2024. UMFlorida is consistently seeing 30-45 athletes/crews, this year even more. In its recent iteration (2019 onwards) UMCanada is 15-20 athletes a year. I don’t see any evidence anywhere that numbers were higher “back in the day”.

I’ve completed three of these, and crewed at about 10 others. And honestly I’ve noticed more younger folks lately being both drawn to the distance and the camaraderie embedded within these ultra events. And frankly, any more than 40 athletes (imo) becomes a logistical cluster when you consider the crews, the vans and added impact all of that makes on small communities, often neighborhoods, traffic, etc… I remember a Ragnar event out here on the Big Island some years ago with about 150 teams, and all those vans pulling off, slowing down, etc created such a ruckus they got themselves completely banned from the county and closed Kohala mountain road for good for all future events. Ultraman really does live by its founding principles of Aloha, Ohana, and Kokua, and most likely wouldn’t want to to tread so heavily on its host communities.

(This isn’t a response to anyone specific, just my 2 cents)

I think the general ultra numbers are shifting due to increase in number of Ultra-type events. A lot of the athletes attracted to Ultraman type events are also interested in “testing their limits” in other races. Each Ultraman event has a handful of Ultraman veterans, but a higher presence of first-timers.

Florida, historically, has more numbers than most of the other Ultraman brand races. Arizona is still newer and this was the first year where there was not a larger number of veterans. Canada is TBD. It doesn’t seem that there is a lot of interest, so far, this year.

The popularity of Ultraman is dependent on those who have raced before. The community, volunteers and staff of each race make the experience like none other. Those who have seen and felt the support have to spread the word to others who want to scratch the Ultraman itch.

Unfortunately, the cost is unavoidable. Small number of athletes, logistics of racing over 3 days, including a welcome breakfast the day before and a awards ceremony the day after. If it were made any cheaper then it would certainly go under. These race directors are not putting on Ultraman events to get rich.

Here’s my plug for all the Ultraman virgins: For anyone who hasn’t attended an Ultraman race, you’d be amazed at what these athletes can accomplish. Most of the athletes are everyday age groupers with full time careers and families. If you thought training for an Ironman was tough, you should see what these athletes are able to pull off.

My .02

I have crewed/supported the event in AZ have friends that have done it in FL and HI. I might do the relay but as for the event, I would never pay that much. I have enough dumb friends that we would just go do the course on our own.

My friend in AZ created his own crazy event DIrkMan. Swim 2.4mi ina local lake. Ride up to Flagstaff, run/hike to the top of Humphries Peak. Some did the whole thing. Some just biked. Some just ran/hiked. Same vibe and experience.

To me 20-40 people isn’t a race.

To a pro, besides the run, it’s a long training weekend.

Good to hear that UM-AZ got some press.

I’m doing a piece on the Canadian Ultra scene for an upcoming issue of Triathlon Magazine.

Yep, an actual paper-based magazine!

We used to be called Triathlon Magazine Canada but now that we are the “last man standing” in print form, we changed the name.

I’ll be doing a not-so-short part on the history of the ultra, take a look at how ultra athletes differ from iron athletes, and some other interesting things.

They swam in Lake Pleasant - which was 62-64 fahrenheit :slight_smile:

I’m Michelles coach and was her crew chief all weekend - and yes! The weather was crazy - we had ‘everything’… but she kept it together and we had 3 great days !

I think the magic of these events would be gone if it had more than 40-50 participants :slight_smile:

Lars- Y’all were an awesome crew and helped make this past weekend even more special. Thanks again for your help at the finish line.

The pleasure was all mine :slight_smile:

This was a new experience for both Michelle and I - we didn’t knew what to expect, but we were both smiling all the way home!

I believe this is a GREAT way to find new motivation for training. If you’re having trouble finding your “why” in training, sign up for an ultra - either as an athlete or as a crew.

The 3 days “in the car” had me doing - between 32-35k steps. My HRV and resting HR took a bigger hit, than a 3 days VO2max block in training.

Can’t wait to do that again :wink: