UEFA Euro 2024 & Copa America are

… underway. Who’s following?

Denmark vs. Slovenia just ended… Sweet pair of goals.

England vs. Serbia about to start.

Some of the traditional powerhouses have notched wins to start.

Good slate of game days ahead.

… underway. Who’s following?

Denmark vs. Slovenia just ended… Sweet pair of goals.

England vs. Serbia about to start.

Some of the traditional powerhouses have notched wins to start.

Good slate of game days ahead.

Im tuned into the College World Series, once that ends I’ll tune into the knockout rounds of Euro and Copa.

England are meh…

Croatia lost :frowning: badly. But so did Serbia, just less bad.

I’m watching as much as I can. And fuck Fox for buying the rights but not showing all the games.

I’ll try and catch Belgium at noon, and France at 3 today.

Haven’t checked, but are all knockout games going to be shown?

England are meh…

Not unusual… high hopes, underwhelming opener. They’ve got the team/strikers to win it it (on paper)

I’ll try and catch Belgium at noon, and France at 3 today.

Haven’t checked, but are all knockout games going to be shown?

No idea, I haven’t looked forward.

England are meh…

Not unusual… high hopes, underwhelming opener. They’ve got the team/strikers to win it it (on paper)

Agreed. Hopefully the underwhelming performance continues.

England are meh…

Not unusual… high hopes, underwhelming opener. They’ve got the team/strikers to win it it (on paper)

Agreed. Hopefully the underwhelming performance continues.

At least they’re not Belgium. Upset by Slovakia, biggest upset in Euros history.

OMG! Belgium … Spoiler below…

Slovakia pulls off a huge upset! 1-0

2 tying goals disallowed (rightly so, but still).

Belgium should still advance . . . but you never know.

My watch list today is Portugal v Czechs at 3pm… Turkey vs. Georgia is at noon (but honestly, little appeal ).

Next couple of days are

Germany plays on Weds at noon (vs. Hungary). Will try to catch some of that.
Scotland vs. Switzerland at 3. Scots are always a gritty bunch, but always have worse luck and poorer outcomes than the English.

England vs. Denmark on Thurs at noon.
Spain vs. Italy at 3. That’s a must see! Should be good.

The georgia team has some loooong last names.

A work colleague is from Albania. He was very happy on Saturday. For about 12 minutes.


Caught the 2nd half. Drama, tension, and finally pulling out a win in the waning moments.

Tough D from Czechia. Just 2 moments of bad luck by same guy :frowning: turns out to be costly.


Caught the 2nd half. Drama, tension, and finally pulling out a win in the waning moments.

Tough D from Czechia. Just 2 moments of bad luck by same guy :frowning: turns out to be costly.

Very entertaining game. My son pointed out that Ronaldo is just a glorified target man these days.


Caught the 2nd half. Drama, tension, and finally pulling out a win in the waning moments.

Tough D from Czechia. Just 2 moments of bad luck by same guy :frowning: turns out to be costly.

Very entertaining game. My son pointed out that Ronaldo is just a glorified target man these days.

True. He’s still got quite the vertical leap in the box, hitting the post on a header on that disallowed goal.

After this game, other teams gotta figure that a lot of Portugal’s offense will be geared to just sending the ball into Ronaldo.

A work colleague is from Albania. He was very happy on Saturday. For about 12 minutes.

Your work colleague must be feeling pretty good at the moment vs. Croatia.

Thanks, I will check in with him. I am WFH today.

He’s the property maintenance person for our office. We typically have these games on the TV in the cafeteria. I am certain that he’ll be “cleaning the cafeteria” for the next hour or so.


Jubilation to heartbreak to jubilation.

What a game.