Tyreek Hill Arrest Video

On https://govsalaries.com I found the average salary for a police officer is $82,527, while teachers average salary in Miami is $60,825. Being a police officer in Miami does not require a college degree, while being a teacher does.

Police officers are also given lethal weapons and the ability to enforce the law. Society should expect more from them. They don’t have to be perfect, but they should be able to admit to mistakes and work to improve.

Per this site from the Miami Police, Reality Based Training - Miami Police Department, they are trained in de-escalation. That could be 10 minutes or 10 weeks. Hopefully the Miami Police use this as a learning opportunity and improve the training.

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I was going to say that teachers don’t have to worry about getting shot but sadly that’s not the case over there. I’m not sure that many teachers would trade roles for the extra pay, but that’s speculation.

There’s just too many people who feel the need to act superior to police after they’ve clearly been in the wrong. We recently had two guys here drag racing up a coastal hwy in a Ferrari and Porsche. I would have liked to have seen them get similar loving.

Get the facts right. Per the citation issued by the officer, Hill was driving AT MOST 20 miles over the speed limit. He wasn’t drag racing. He was speeding, yes. But I suspect the vast majority of the people here have driven 20 over the limit in the last year (hopefully not very many times).

A lie was told (90 in a 45) and now the truth has become irrelevant. Continuing this lie has allowed you and others to portray Hill as you want to see him. What does this fabrication say about you? I’ll tell you one thing, it doesn’t say a darn thing about Hill.

Does anyone actually think that a simple speeding ticket should end in forcible removal from your car? Does anyone here actually think that proper policing should include enforcing rules of decorum? I don’t think you believe that at all. Which is why the lies about what Hill persist. Your so certain that Hill was in the wrong that the facts don’t matter to you.

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Actually I never made absolute statements about how this athlete was driving. My two posts were more about how police have a job most of us would not want to do. I said too many people thing they are above the police and can act in a manner that suits them. The vision of the athlete winding up the window is (in my opinion) evidence of this.

The drag racing comment was in relation to local events, where I said I wished that the attending officers had given these local drivers similar treatment.

He started it, they finished it, and both sides acted like entitled POS’s. There is no winner here, and no one should be hanging their hat on either side as to a way to comport oneself in these types of situations.

Monty, hope you are OK. I know you live close to Mt Badin Powell and that the fire swept through there burning 13 houses in Wrightwood.

So you think if a driver wants to shoot a cop, the way a cop can dissuade the driver from doing that is for the cop to scream, curse, and threaten said driver? Do you think someone would be like, “I was going to shoot this cop, but then he screamed, cursed, and threatened me, and that calmed me down and I didn’t wish that cop any harm.”

Thanks for asking and checking in. SO far so good, but the fire is right out the back door a few miles and only held at bay by favorable winds at the moment. Lots of smoke of course, but can deal with that. Treadmill is going to get a workout I’m afraid this week… (-;

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I stand by my previous posts regarding the video and facts displayed. No time for “what-ifs.”

Everyone went home alive.