Two vs one piece Tri suit

Thoughts on two vs one piece tri suits. Pros and cons? Any good or bad experiences to be mindful of?

Thoughts on two vs one piece tri suits. Pros and cons? Any good or bad experiences to be mindful of?

1 piece = better sun coverage, typically the manufacturers signature piece, typically what get’s tested if they actually do any.

2 piece = potential burn across lower back, sometimes trickle down technology, sometimes mods to make a 1 piece a 2 piece. 110% easier to use the bathroom with a 2 piece.

Hope that helps

110% easier to use the bathroom with a 2 piece.

Solved by the DeSoto FliSuit if going #1 and you’re a male.

Also solved by the Desoto “sneak-a-poo” trisuit if you are a female.

I am not, but the name cracks me up and the Desoto Fli-suit is awesome!

110% easier to use the bathroom with a 2 piece.

Solved by the DeSoto FliSuit if going #1 and you’re a male.

Can be used for #2 if worn backwards.

Also solved by the Desoto “sneak-a-poo” trisuit if you are a female.

I am not, but the name cracks me up and the Desoto Fli-suit is awesome!

I do feel sorry for the first woman who forgets to zip that up and hops back on her bike. That’s a lot of potential exposure.

I was a long term advocate of the 2 piece, then after the sunburn issues as discussed, and a desire to be a bit more aero then went the de soto flisuit way (have 3 now). Worked well for me over last 4-5 years, and actually found minimally more hassle than a 2 piece when I did need to ‘sit down’. Still need to take off race belt so not really any time diffrence in reality over 11+ hours (ok, I’m not racing for Kona when 4seconds could make a difference).


2 piece = potential burn across lower back,

Absolutely! A friend had what must have been close to 1st degree burns after one full distance race, where the top had ridden up when on the bike leg (maybe in part due to the top being relatively short). Looked like he’d been holidaying with his back next to Chernobyl reactor #4 for a fortnight. Still visible skin difference a year+ later for him.

I’m slow and prefer a 2 piece on long races, just for the ‘ease of access’ at a bathroom. But I make sure the top is long enough.

Thoughts on two vs one piece tri suits. Pros and cons? Any good or bad experiences to be mindful of?
Same as always: two piece waistband will dig into your abdomen on long course. Two piece is probably sleeveless and leads to shoulder sunburn. Much easier to use porta potties in a two piece. One piece are available sleeved and sleeveless. No waistband issues with a one piece. If it’s pulling your shoulders it is too small. Going to porta potties in a one piece can be an exercise in yoga or gymnastics.

for those that are citing that 1 piece > 2 piece for sun protection… your mileage may vary

I’ve been sunburned from a 1 piece along my entire back because the fabric stretched and the sun barrier feature became ineffective. Could have been solved by getting a size larger, but then the suit wouldn’t have fit in other places.

The 2 piece sunburn issue can be resolved by getting a tri kit that has a longer top that provides coverage while in aero. There are several women’s brands that do this.

At De Soto, we make two-piece and one-piece trisuits.

We also make tops that overlap really well.

We also make Hirise versions of trishorts, and we invented the tri bib (bibbed trisport).

We still offer regular rise and low rise for those with abs to show off when they do sprint races in the early morning where sun is less of a factors