Two opinions/Same effect/One confused Tibbs

New little LBS opens. I go in to gander. Lots of Felt bmx, very very nice. Rap with the dude and for fun he measures me up. We yak I bring up the P3 he does some thinking and says something about short legs, long torso taller head tube. Says P3 is okish, Dual is spot on. John Cobb said something about shortish legs and longer head tube.

How does leg length effect head tube length?

How many angels can dance on the head of the pin that you are staring at. Read about bike building. Build the P3. Ride your ass off.

Longer legs should mean longer or taller head tube. Shorter legs would be the opposite. Are you a Long Body Roddy?

BTW–How did you get sized for your P3? If you are in the ballpark, I assume it may be pretty “adjustable”. My P2K was. I had to put risers on the aerobars, and shorten the stem, but with the seat turning around, going back and forth and up and down, there is a lot you can do. Bone grafts and surgery should only be considered as a last resort.

I went into Bicycle Sports a few months back and John Cobb gave me an eyeball fit and this dude at the new LBS gave his two cents. Can we be over thinking this sport?

i’m a little stretched in the torso.


You wreck that P3 by riding it with your head above your saddle and there’ll be a movement to take it back. Get the absolute shortest headtube you can find (9cm). No spacers. Low profile bars. Treat the bike right man.

Rodger wilco.

Well, according to the Slowtwitch Bike Picker, you should do well on the P3 if you ride it steep.

over thinking this sport
Thats the fun.

i’m a little stretched in the torso.
They mean length.

I went into Bicycle Sports a few months back and John Cobb gave me an eyeball fit
…and, and, and, what size did they come up with?


after watching cobb’s shop spend around 2 hours fitting a friend with great success, I would favor their opinion over others…

yuck yuck yuck hardy har har

58 cm

Tibbs - no offense here…but didn’t you post a thread about losing some weight and you’re around 230? If that’s the case, I’m venturing a guess you’re not flexible enough to get the full benefits of a P3.

Why not just buy a comfortable bike which puts you in a better position?

I can loose wieght and stretch. I have only been this heavy about a year and over 200 for 3. I am not this heavy regualry I have just medicated myself with and sleep.

I will change to my bike. I will go to her and have her love me.

Fair enough.

I’d like to introduce the term to the Slowtwitch community!

It’s called “Game Improvement”!

Worthy of another thread…

“Can we be over thinking this sport?”


Great line. Great question.

The quick answer, is an emphatic, “Yes”!


“Game Improvement”

(leans forward. hands open. eye contact made. shows great desire for learning.) Please go one.