Turning 50//lifestyle changes --> how to adjust training?

So … I am turning 50, moved to the burbs where safe bike routes are hard to come by, and find myself in a new relationship suddenly parenting 2 teenagers and a bulldog (not exactly an ideal running partner!).

As a result, I am constantly tired and trying to stuff 8 lbs of life into a 5lb bag. So I am trying to figure out how to get the most out of my training… not teyi6ng to recreate my times from 10 years ago. Just trying to stay healthy and fit.

Long weekend outdoor rides are no longer possible due to no great access (and certainly not on back to back days!). So I am thinking of shifting back to riding only indoors. I am ok w/ that. I liked my trainer dueing covid and enjoy the Sufferfest videos. Question is how to structure training rides around that if doing 2 rides/week.

And other question is, since i am now older and don’t recover quite as quickly, how do i structure my workouts overall? How many rest days do people take at this age? How do you sequence swim-bike-run-strength workouts? And what’s your mix of straight endurance vs shorter but higher intensity workouts?

Ahhhh, the joys od getting old!

I’m 45. I use Trainerroad. I’ve found there new low volume masters plans work really well for me (currently doing their full IM plan). You could just do two of the three offered workouts per week, or use the train now option which selects a list of workouts suited to your current fitness? Takes the guesswork out of it. You have to be ok with staring at a workout screen though. I usually run TR on my ipad, and netflix on my laptop next to it. During spring/summer/fall I do all my workouts outdoors, but you could certainly keep it all indoors if that’s what works for you!

I have a book called the time crunched triathlete. The author was Lance Armstrong’s coach so he knows a thing or two about training. Putting aside the whole performance enhancing drug thing I think the system would work. But I am not very organized about training I like to do what I enjoy when I want to do it.

I wonder if anybody has followed this type of plan and the results they got. I think when you are over 50 for sure you need more recovery time. I think 50-60 is where for most people the decline in performance with age accelerates so you likely have to accept that.

On the plus side parenting a couple of teens is tremendously rewarding IMHO. Done well you have friends for life! How many people might visit you when you are old. And dogs are great.