Tucker Carlson makes it official, he is a Putin propagandist

Fucker Carlson has interviewed Putin and will broadcast his utter bullshit to all the MAGAts of the world.

How does that asshole sleep at night?

He can join the other traitor.


Be a real shame if a Ukrainian hit squad or drone got him.

Be a real shame if a Ukrainian hit squad or drone got him.

\He has to be careful; folks do fall out of windows there.

Be a real shame if a Ukrainian hit squad or drone got him.

\He has to be careful; folks do fall out of windows there.

They also get blown up and shot.

Be a real shame if a Ukrainian hit squad or drone got him.

\He has to be careful; folks do fall out of windows there.

They also get blown up and shot.


Be a real shame if a Ukrainian hit squad or drone got him.

\He has to be careful; folks do fall out of windows there.

Not folks who will spread Russian propaganda throughout the US.

That’s a beautiful hair piece Seagal is rocking.

Someone needs to tell Seagal the color black isn’t as slimming as it’s made out ot be.

Fucker Carlson has interviewed Putin and will broadcast his utter bullshit to all the MAGAts of the world.

How does that asshole sleep at night?

It is amazing to me to watch the vast majority of the Republican party descend into a place where pro-Putin/Russia and anti-Democracy is the norm while simultaneously holding up Reagan as their most-- well, second-most for the most MAGAtty- respected and admired POTUS.

It is as though they are in a cult.

Tucker is soulless and rudderless.

NBC News 2017
AP 2013
New York Times Op-ed 2013
60 Minutes 2015
Bloomberg 2016
Oliver Stone 2017

I’ll take “What are news organizations that interviewed Putin for $20”.

We need a snappy nick name like Fucker Carlson for all them also.

NBC News 2017
AP 2013
New York Times Op-ed 2013
60 Minutes 2015
Bloomberg 2016
Oliver Stone 2017

I’ll take “What are news organizations that interviewed Putin for $20”.

We need a snappy nick name like Fucker Carlson for all them also.

Tucker Carlson is not news.

I would love for an actual western journalist to interview Putin.

NBC News 2017
AP 2013
New York Times Op-ed 2013
60 Minutes 2015
Bloomberg 2016
Oliver Stone 2017

I’ll take “What are news organizations that interviewed Putin for $20”.

We need a snappy nick name like Fucker Carlson for all them also.

By pointing out that it has been **8 years **since a western news organization has interview Putin you are only reinforcing the fact that Putin is scared to talk with actual journalists and needs to relying on propagandists like Fucker to spread his bullshit.

NBC News 2017
AP 2013
New York Times Op-ed 2013
60 Minutes 2015
Bloomberg 2016
Oliver Stone 2017

I’ll take “What are news organizations that interviewed Putin for $20”.

We need a snappy nick name like Fucker Carlson for all them also.

Tucker Carlson is not news.

I would love for an actual western journalist to interview Putin.

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil’s opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox’s lawyers: The "‘general tenor’ of the show should then inform a viewer that is not ‘stating actual facts’ about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in ‘exaggeration’ and ‘non-literal commentary.’ "
She wrote: “Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statement he makes.”

Spoiler Alert. The format will be as follows…

“Good evening. I’m Tucker Carlson. I am interviewing Vladimir Putin.

“Lies. Lies. Lies.”

“Good night.”

NBC News 2017
AP 2013
New York Times Op-ed 2013
60 Minutes 2015
Bloomberg 2016
Oliver Stone 2017

I’ll take “What are news organizations that interviewed Putin for $20”.

We need a snappy nick name like Fucker Carlson for all them also.

By pointing out that it has been **8 years **since a western news organization has interview Putin you are only reinforcing the fact that Putin is scared to talk with actual journalists and needs to relying on propagandists like Fucker to spread his bullshit.

2021 - NBC
2021 - CNBC

… We receive numerous requests for interviews with the president, but mostly, as far as countries in the collective West are concerned, these are from major network media: traditional TV channels and large newspapers that don’t even attempt to appear impartial in their coverage. Of course there’s no desire to communicate with this kind of media.

I am making no overall statement, although I don’t really believe there are any journalists anymore, just propagandists.

2021 - NBC

Very first question calling out Russia for aiding Iran’s belligerence.

But I want to begin— with— some news from the U.S.— just today. In the U.S. it’s reported that Russia is preparing, perhaps within months, to supply Iran with an advanced satellite system, enabling Tehran to track military targets.

2021 - CNBC

Very short interview about mostly energy at an energy conference. None of it particularly pandering. Though not hard-hitting either. Interview ends right after Putin is asked about Navalny. Not sure if that’s a coincidence.

Now if Carlson goes after Putin for aiding Iran’s belligerence in the Middle East, starting a war in Ukraine, or crushing political dissidence including wiht lots of “mysterious” deaths and known detentions, I’ll give credit to Carlson.

But somehow I don’t think that’s what we’re going to get. Do you? Contrary to you, I think we’re in a sort of golden age of journalism. There is a lot of enshittified crap, but also unreal access to a huge variety of quality information. On any subject imaginable you have at your fingertips viewpoints from an incredible spectrum of context. It takes effort for the reader to avoid the crap. You can’t just “trust” any source, like maybe we could a bit more in the past. (though I think the era of 100% trustworthy, non-opinionated journalism is pure myth). The “journalism is bad” thing is a, to me, a lazy meme, promoted by propagandists who don’t particularly want people to seek out good journalism.

2021 - NBC

Very first question calling out Russia for aiding Iran’s belligerance.

But I want to begin— with— some news from the U.S.— just today. In the U.S. it’s reported that Russia is preparing, perhaps within months, to supply Iran with an advanced satellite system, enabling Tehran to track military targets.

2021 - CNBC

Very short interview about mostly energy at an energy conference. None of it particularly pandering. Though not hard-hitting either. Interview ends right after Putin is asked about Navalny. Not sure if that’s a coincidence.

Now if Carlson goes after Putin for aiding Iran’s belligerence in the Middle East, starting a war in Ukraine, or crushing political dissidence including wiht lots of “mysterious” deaths and known detentions, I’ll give credit to Carlson.

But somehow I don’t think that’s what we’re going to get. Do you?

Let’s hope it is a first floor studio.

NBC News 2017
AP 2013
New York Times Op-ed 2013
60 Minutes 2015
Bloomberg 2016
Oliver Stone 2017

I’ll take “What are news organizations that interviewed Putin for $20”.

We need a snappy nick name like Fucker Carlson for all them also.

By pointing out that it has been **8 years **since a western news organization has interview Putin you are only reinforcing the fact that Putin is scared to talk with actual journalists and needs to relying on propagandists like Fucker to spread his bullshit.

2021 - NBC
2021 - CNBC

… We receive numerous requests for interviews with the president, but mostly, as far as countries in the collective West are concerned, these are from major network media: traditional TV channels and large newspapers that don’t even attempt to appear impartial in their coverage. Of course there’s no desire to communicate with this kind of media.

I am making no overall statement, although I don’t really believe there are any journalists anymore, just propagandists.

The NBC interview by Kier Simmons was a good one, he actually pressed him on some real topics. The CNBC “interview” was a few minutes in a hallway at an energy conference.

Your quote from the Kremlin confirms what I wrote, Putin is scared to talk to any real journalists. After trying, and failing, to convince Simmons it is understandable that he prefers to talk with groupies like Carlson.

I don’t think Putin is scared, he most likely is just only interested in being portrayed in a certain way. Hopefully Tucker gives him some hard hitting questions, like “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”