Tubular glue impaired

So I bought a tube of hutchinson tubular glue and am attempting to glue my brand new HED Stinger 60 rim (cleaned thouroughly). I haven’t even gotten to trying to glue the tire yet. The tube was “new” from the shop, but I swear I can’t get the glue to stick to the rim? Its like a huge yellow bugger that won’t stick to anything but itself. Spreading it out doesn’t work, it pretends to stick, gets my hopes up and then springs back into a big blob again. I read on another post this is from old glue? Is this true? If so, I got jipped because it was like 5$ a tube.

Is there any dates on the tubes to look at? I didn’t see any.

holy shit $5. for glue !!!
you using your finger to spread the snot er a glue ??
old glue is just good for snifing ;+)

just kiding

I have never had glue come out like that, it might possibly have a tiny hole letting a very small amount of air in. I do however have some Mastic one that I can send you if you pm me. I have not found anything better.

now now now

mastic is not for tubbies it say so right hear on the back of the tube :slight_smile:
the slowtwitch police won’t like you using it is isn’t hard enough :wink:

I like big red tubes
less trips to the bike shop.

You are right, I am sorry it is great for carbon rims… It is no shellac though.

Well, I would of course use it myself if it was not for the fact I am now racing clinchers. So there :slight_smile:

race is on sunday so I’m off to LBS tonight. I’ll try vittoria this time maybe.