Truth Social activity down 20% y/y and 4% month to month, is Honest Don losing influence?

Truth Social’s average number of daily active US users on iOS and Android dropped by 19% year over year in April to about 113,000.

and The Similarweb data, which captures the first 29 days of April, showed that the average number of users dipped 4% month over month.

Anyone have a take other than, people are getting less interested in what he has to say?

Do you remember Lenny Bruce? At one time Lenny was a very funny, social commentating comedian. In the end, his drug addiction and all his trials got to him and all he did on stage was complain about his legal problems

Trump is reminding me of that these days. He has nothing to say and all he does is repeat the same complaints about how he is being mistreated.

I’m happy that his fans are loosing interest.

The Truth hurts.

I would say that, aside from Trump fatigue, it seems like social media sites can be like restaurants; very easy to fail. If you don’t get off the ground with enough initial oomph to really get users packed in, it quickly loses steam. Google+ was like that, and it obviously didn’t have anything to do with Trump.

I would say that, aside from Trump fatigue, it seems like social media sites can be like restaurants; very easy to fail. If you don’t get off the ground with enough initial oomph to really get users packed in, it quickly loses steam. Google+ was like that, and it obviously didn’t have anything to do with Trump.

The only oomph and I think interest this social media site had was Trump, maybe loosely pushing the Trump agenda but kind of the same thing.

No one thought that place would be the next Twitter, but it had the hope of building to be the Rights hang out. The folks who went there where the supporters of the agenda, I think a significant and apparently consist drop in numbers is a sign the agenda is losing followers. Which doesn’t seem to be a surprise as someone else said, all Trump posts about is Trump, his legal issues, and the corrupt courts, he has no apparent agenda outside that, or if he does he cant focus on it long enough, to keep peoples attention.

Willing to hear from the right (or someone on the left playing the role of someone on the right) to try and come up with a positive spin on this or why this is not an issue for the movement.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at their agenda. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

Their agenda. As we are discussing in other thread as well, I don’t think the Republicans are in a state of disorganization. I think they know exactly what they are doing. They’ve told us exactly what they want to do and they are executing well.

Trump appointed 50% more federal judges per year than both Bush and Obama. By far the most per year since Carter. Blame it on the Dems if you want, but them blowing it was by design. Trump wasted no time.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

Their agenda. As we are discussing in other thread as well, I don’t think the Republicans are in a state of disorganization. I think they know exactly what they are doing. They’ve told us exactly what they want to do and they are executing well.

Trump appointed 50% more federal judges per year than both Bush and Obama. By far the most per year since Carter. Blame it on the Dems if you want, but them blowing it was by design. Trump wasted no time.

I guess where we disagree, is what you want to call Republicans, the party worked hard used local elections and conserv funding to set up a power play, then Trump took over the party and took advantage of the position. I am not sure the traditional Republican’s are happy with the chaos Trump has caused or even his nominations. But their was nothing to be done at the time.

I think things go back to a much more normal position if Trump gets out of the picture. He is the latest extension of Tea Partiers (except I don’t think Trump actually has a political agenda he was using who he could to get the power). I think many of the traditional Republican’s could find themselves on the wrong side of Trumps witch hunts if he is re-elected.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

Their agenda. As we are discussing in other thread as well, I don’t think the Republicans are in a state of disorganization. I think they know exactly what they are doing. They’ve told us exactly what they want to do and they are executing well.

Trump appointed 50% more federal judges per year than both Bush and Obama. By far the most per year since Carter. Blame it on the Dems if you want, but them blowing it was by design. Trump wasted no time.

I guess where we disagree, is what you want to call Republicans, the party worked hard used local elections and conserv funding to set up a power play, then Trump took over the party and took advantage of the position. I am not sure the traditional Republican’s are happy with the chaos Trump has caused or even his nominations. **But their was nothing to be done at the time. **

I think things go back to a much more normal position if Trump gets out of the picture. He is the latest extension of Tea Partiers (except I don’t think Trump actually has a political agenda he was using who he could to get the power). I think many of the traditional Republican’s could find themselves on the wrong side of Trumps witch hunts if he is re-elected.

Whether you believe the bolded or not, there is plenty they can do now and they simply aren’t doing it. As far as I can tell, they are staying out of his way. On an electorate level, no one forced them to vote for him in the primaries and no one with be forcing them to vote for him in the general. If he’s such a harbinger of chaos they have a great opportunity to make him go away.

To your last point and again, here in GA, they’ve already found themselves on the wrong side and set back our conservative movement for many years to come. They went along with the ride as long as it suited them and unfortunately, until it was too late.

ETA- But you are right in that our definitions of the modern Republican probably aren’t connecting well. I see a large segment that are completely OK with what is going on. I see another large segment that may not love what is going on, but Still holding mentality of better us than the alternative. Unfortunately, there’s a small segment that is actively fighting to get it back.

You have been chiming in on “Survivor”. Amazing Race all in. You do see what’s going on? Who is your final pick if they can’t vote Trump out?

You have been chiming in on “Survivor”. Amazing Race all in. You do see what’s going on? Who is your final pick if they can’t vote Trump out?
If Trump Wins, he makes Sue Hawks, tribal rant look like a nursery story, I think we get a new view of scorched earth, and nothing and no one is safe, The only safe vote (May not be the last, but will be standing longer than most picks) would have to be the Don himself.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

Their agenda. As we are discussing in other thread as well, I don’t think the Republicans are in a state of disorganization. I think they know exactly what they are doing. They’ve told us exactly what they want to do and they are executing well.

Trump appointed 50% more federal judges per year than both Bush and Obama. By far the most per year since Carter. Blame it on the Dems if you want, but them blowing it was by design. Trump wasted no time.

I guess where we disagree, is what you want to call Republicans, the party worked hard used local elections and conserv funding to set up a power play, then Trump took over the party and took advantage of the position. I am not sure the traditional Republican’s are happy with the chaos Trump has caused or even his nominations. **But their was nothing to be done at the time. **

I think things go back to a much more normal position if Trump gets out of the picture. He is the latest extension of Tea Partiers (except I don’t think Trump actually has a political agenda he was using who he could to get the power). I think many of the traditional Republican’s could find themselves on the wrong side of Trumps witch hunts if he is re-elected.

Whether you believe the bolded or not, there is plenty they can do now and they simply aren’t doing it. As far as I can tell, they are staying out of his way. On an electorate level, no one forced them to vote for him in the primaries and no one with be forcing them to vote for him in the general. If he’s such a harbinger of chaos they have a great opportunity to make him go away.

To your last point and again, here in GA, they’ve already found themselves on the wrong side and set back our conservative movement for many years to come. They went along with the ride as long as it suited them and unfortunately, until it was too late.

ETA- But you are right in that our definitions of the modern Republican probably aren’t connecting well. I see a large segment that are completely OK with what is going on. I see another large segment that may not love what is going on, but Still holding mentality of better us than the alternative. Unfortunately, there’s a small segment that is actively fighting to get it back.

Not sure you understand the bolded. The Judge spots were open (through a grand plan) they appointed who trump sent, maybe they could have guided his picks, but I dont think so, and same as the SC spots opened, I dont think the Koch brothers or their modern equivalent really supported the extreme wacks, he put on the SC. But at that point there was little to be done about it. I don’t know fed. courts well, but it seems there are only a few true rouges out there, and they have even put some controls on Texas district courts assignment of Judges (I think I have that right).

Yes, I would say 50% of “Republicans/Conservitives” have stepped away. Of what is left, Trump only is about 30%, 30% are Who ever has an R, and 30% are scared and hoping for change but not ready to stand up to Trump. Trump leaves, the quiet 30% speak up and try to get control, and will be supported as the 50% that have just left, start taking them somewhat serious. (Biden was the first and only time I have voted D for Potus). Bush was probably the last time I voted R (to be clear). But before the Rep, went wack, I would say locally I supported more R’s than D. I could be considered one of the 50%.

Rep, cant be sure a loss Makes Trump go away, He has literally taken control of the RNC. Even with a loss he will still control the purse strings. I think the only way others stand up is if he loses pretty large, which I can’t tell you what that is, other than unlikely.

But to get back on topic, If Truth Social is losing viewers and posting at these rates, maybe there is a growing number of people done with him, and a big loss could be starting to form up… Who Knows.

EDIT – Seeing the Holy Shit thread pop back up… its lack of posts, maybe also shows a sign of growing tiredness of Trump, and he really cant say anything anymore that shock’s people.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

The Rs have won the SCOTUS battle. It would take some extraordinary series of events for them to lose that control. The Ds will almost certainly not engineer some change in court structure that will enable them to regain control or even equalize things. One can debate the implications of the R control of SCOTUS. But it’s hard to deny that they have control, and that Thomas and Alito are highly unlikely to resign when a D is President.

Don’t look now, but he was quite successful at** their agenda**. Packed the Supreme Court. Packed the federal courts. Christofascism arguably at an all time high and continuing to rise. He set the stage for many years to come.

Who’s agenda? Yes the SC is a long term issue, but there is a clear and correct way out, that maybe the Dem’s decide to take on if they win, an total overhaul, increase number of justices to say 20 , random draws for cases, 40yr term every two years new person appointed to replace, or some similar situation. The Fed Court play was around before Trump, and was simple politics the Dems blew, that one is not as dire as you seem to thing. no clue what the last on is or what it means or its impact. I just don’t see the Republican party as any kind of cohesive thing without Trump.

He had his chance to set the stage, if he would have left the white house and then played king maker and organized the party around himself. But he is to ego driven to see what could have been to him if he wasn’t potus he does not care who is. What he has done with the RNC money since taking over just shows that he is not about advancing Republicans, its all about him.

But yes he has given some ground and footholds to the very conservative movement, sponsored by other more shadowy figures.

The Rs have won the SCOTUS battle. It would take some extraordinary series of events for them to lose that control. The Ds will almost certainly not engineer some change in court structure that will enable them to regain control or even equalize things. One can debate the implications of the R control of SCOTUS. But it’s hard to deny that they have control, and that Thomas and Alito are highly unlikely to resign when a D is President.

Off topic, but yes, But I am not sure traditional R’s they set it up well, won the critical election with a flake, and got burned (I believe by the extremist Honest Don put there). I still hold out hope (like the Tea Party) they MAGA time in the sun fades back, and maybe over the next 4 yrs, with some help from the R’s the overhaul of the court can happen to grow it, and make it a random draw. Probably wont happen but I like to think about big things happening, Maybe cause I grew up to see Soviet Union Dissolve and the Berlin wall come down among other big things most would say would never happen.

Thomas and Alito are highly unlikely to resign when a D is President

Agree. But one is 74, the other 75. Thomas’ health has shown cracks. IMO, I’d dial back your “extraordinary turn of events” just one notch to “unlikely turn of events.”

And even just one justice turning “liberal” could have quite a significant effect, even if it still leaves a “conservative” advantage on paper.

Thomas and Alito are highly unlikely to resign when a D is President

Agree. But one is 74, the other 75. Thomas’ health has shown cracks. IMO, I’d dial back your “extraordinary turn of events” just one notch to “unlikely turn of events.”

And even just one justice turning “liberal” could have quite a significant effect, even if it still leaves a “conservative” advantage on paper.

In the near term, three things would need to happen:

  1. Biden wins.

  2. Two out of the three older Rs (Thomas, Alito, Roberts) resign or die.

  3. The Ds hold the Senate.

The probability of all those things happening is very low. There are other ways for the Rs to lose control of SCOTUS. But, those are perhaps even more remote.

This thread seems to be very endemic of the Trumps power, and the lefts ineffectiveness.

Here is potentially a story about Trump losing support and momentum, and instead of carrying the banner and trying to build it up, the left, has to go off into a rabbit hole, and its turned into look Trump won again, he got the Republicans everything they wanted and well whoa is us we are just screwed.

It’s incredible to me, how the left can not seem to get messaging down and rally around a common cause.

This has been their issue for many years / decades. While the right does a very good job of low key movements that make a difference (winning local elections, to get the rulings and infrastructure to support the bigger longer term play) as documented here, in part with control of the Supreme court, and else where with election laws, and control of congress.

I am just glad, that my life will ultimately be little changed by whom ever wins. Probably personally do better if Trump wins. Society, long term my kids and lots of their friends wont do so well. But personally I think I’ll be okay.

And trump is back on Twitter today (prob as terms of the interview with Musk).

This has caused DJT to drop 6% points today. Will be interesting to see how low DJT goes if he stops posting on truth social.

And trump is back on Twitter today (prob as terms of the interview with Musk).

This has caused DJT to drop 6% points today. Will be interesting to see how low DJT goes if he stops posting on truth social.

This is how desperate he is. He’s back on Twitter which should effectively kill DJT.