Trump/Vance platform

Can anyone who is going to vote for Trump tell us what you understand his policies to be? We don’t tend to hear much about them in his speeches.

My understanding is they include:
Tariffs on all imports Deport all undocumented immigrants Redesignate tens of thousands of career civil servants as political appointees and replace them with loyalists Stop funding support for Ukraine Reduce/roll back environmental protections Cut taxes for businesses and wealthy citizens

Please correct me or add to the list. Appreciate it.

I believe that when we analyze the polls after November, we will know (pretty much) how many White Supremacists and Christian Nationalists we have here; not on a name-by-name basis, of course, but where the “hives” are

I could be wrong, of course

Co-opt the DOJ to pursue retribution against those who were meanies?

The assumption there is a cogent consistent platform is flawed.

Can anyone who is going to vote for Trump tell us what you understand his policies to be? We don’t tend to hear much about them in his speeches.

My understanding is they include:
Tariffs on all imports Deport all undocumented immigrants Redesignate tens of thousands of career civil servants as political appointees and replace them with loyalists Stop funding support for Ukraine Reduce/roll back environmental protections Cut taxes for businesses and wealthy citizens**A national holiday to commemorate the late, great Hannibal Lecter **Mandatory shark/battery safety training

Please correct me or add to the list. Appreciate it.

No tax on tips.

Defund the ATF.

On day 1 fix inflation and the crisis on the border
Open up drilling in Arctic - btw this will fix inflation by freeing up the energy sector
End the wars in Ukrainian and Gaza. This is allegedly easy.

I know you don’t actual want this but*aj9daz*_gcl_au*MTI2Mzk3MjAzOC4xNzIzMDgwODYx&_ga=2.66436588.353067270.1723080862-319399774.1723080861

No tax on tips.

Defund the ATF.

Not sure if you are aware of this but tax and spending comes from Congress, not the executive branch…the “Power of the purse”.

So both of these are little more than talking points for the base.

Can anyone who is going to vote for Trump tell us what you understand his policies to be? We don’t tend to hear much about them in his speeches.

My understanding is they include:
Tariffs on all imports Deport all undocumented immigrants Redesignate tens of thousands of career civil servants as political appointees and replace them with loyalists Stop funding support for Ukraine Reduce/roll back environmental protections Cut taxes for businesses and wealthy citizens

Please correct me or add to the list. Appreciate it.

Restrict rights for transgender people, put god back in school, don’t give any federal funding to any school (they all require vaccines, and trump has said no federal funding for any school with vaccines).

Ok i downloaded and have some questions. For example this policy statement on college costs.

“Accessible Higher Education
To reduce the cost of Higher Education, Republicans will support the creation
of additional, drastically more affordable alternatives to a traditional four-year
College degree.”

How does this reduce higher education costs? I assume the theory is people would attend this instead of 4 year colleges and so college prices would drop due to reduced demand? Assuming that is the logic, what is the form of this new education? How is it going to get setup in the next 4 years at a large scale big enough that it would ever reduce attendance at 4 year colleges? Having seen what is involved in setting up just a small school this seems unlikely to happen quickly.

So I like the policy statement of having accessible higher education (which i read as we need to reduce college costs), but the details seem to have little to do with reducing costs but instead setting up an alternative form of education that isn’t described. So this seems like a policy statement but with no information on what it means or how it would happen.

Am I missing something on this policy?

No tax on tips.

Defund the ATF.

Not sure if you are aware of this but tax and spending comes from Congress, not the executive branch…the “Power of the purse”.

So both of these are little more than talking points for the base.

Basically every single Presidential campaign includes a ton of platform and policy ideas that would require Congress or the Judiciary to take action. Part of the President’s job is to influence Congress in the direction of the policies he/she advocates.

Trump has said he plans to eliminate income tax. This would be a disaster, of course, but don’t let that concern you.

Ok i downloaded and have some questions. For example this policy statement on college costs.

“Accessible Higher Education
To reduce the cost of Higher Education, Republicans will support the creation
of additional, drastically more affordable alternatives to a traditional four-year
College degree.”

How does this reduce higher education costs? I assume the theory is people would attend this instead of 4 year colleges and so college prices would drop due to reduced demand? Assuming that is the logic, what is the form of this new education? How is it going to get setup in the next 4 years at a large scale big enough that it would ever reduce attendance at 4 year colleges? Having seen what is involved in setting up just a small school this seems unlikely to happen quickly.

So I like the policy statement of having accessible higher education (which i read as we need to reduce college costs), but the details seem to have little to do with reducing costs but instead setting up an alternative form of education that isn’t described. So this seems like a policy statement but with no information on what it means or how it would happen.

Am I missing something on this policy?

You would have to ask those who wrote the platform and the multiple paragraphs of explanation that go with each point

I didn’t post it in order to defend it chapter and verse

KS asked a question. I tried to provide the most “source” document I believed matched the request

The list of those tasked with composing it are in the back of the document. I’m sure they all have public email addresses to forward your question

No word on where the shark and electifying questions get directed.

All that said I work in an industry that has a robust apprenticeship program which includes nightly trade school classes through both the union halls and local 2 year trade schools

I think it would be great if the federal government saw these pathways as being a viable pathway for young people to obtain the necessary skills to build a middle class life for themselves and their families

For the feds to promote this option more and subsidize it where appropriate would go a long way

These are already established programs so the establishment time you speak of doesn’t exist

But there are plenty of skilled tradespeople, welders etc in programs like this that could be expanded and encouraged with the same funds we are now using to forgive billions of student loans for people who in some cases had no business trying to attend college in the first place and in other cases obviously must not have gotten the value out of the education they borrowed for and can now apparently not pay back such that we the tax payer are now subsidizing (regardless of the fact that the SC has ruled these loans can’t be cancelled)

I know you don’t actual want this but*aj9daz*_gcl_au*MTI2Mzk3MjAzOC4xNzIzMDgwODYx&_ga=2.66436588.353067270.1723080862-319399774.1723080861

Actually that was helpful, thanks.

To go through them, these are my thoughts:

  1. Seal the border, and stop the migrant invasion.

This is what both parties want, but only the leader of one party blocked a bipartisan bill that would have increased border security and significantly reduced the time for asylum seekers to be processed.

  1. Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.

Sounds illegal and would likely be blocked by courts. Reminiscent of the Muslim ban. Sounds racist too, but racism and nationalism clearly “sell” to the MAGA base.

  1. End inflation…

As we all know, this is not something the president can snap his/her fingers and do. The Fed is working to bring inflation down, as are other central banks, with some success. The US economy has outperformed most other OECD countries in the last few years, unemployment is low and the USD is strong because of these factors.

Also, Trump’s plans to slap tariffs on all imports to the US will likely drive prices higher.

  1. Make America the dominant energy producer in the world.

The US is producing more oil than ever and is energy independent. The Biden administration has been focusing efforts on expanding renewable energy sources, which is just good policy given the devastating impact carbon emissions are causing on our planet.

  1. Stop outsourcing, and boost manufacturing.

Biden’s policies have had a significant positive impact on US manufacturing growth, including high tech manufacturing.

  1. Large tax cuts for workers, and Tom tax on tips!

Trump’s tax cuts tend to serve corporations and wealthy people more than the middle or lower classes. And they will likely drive up the deficit, which I thought was something conservatives were against.

  1. Defend our Constitution…

Says the guy who said he wanted to rewrite the constitution, and the man who refused to accept that he last the last election. Surely this is sarcasm?

  1. Prevent WWIII, restore peace in Europe and Middle East…

Restore peace in Europe by stopping funding and support for Ukraine and try to persuade them to give up lost territory to Russia (I presume?). And I thought Kushner fixed the Middle East?! This is just silly, but I guess MAGA people will drink it up.

  1. End the weaponization of government against the American people.

This is actually comical. Project 25 and Schedule F will do exactly this, and JD Vance wrote the foreword for the Project 25 manifesto (publication of which has now been delayed until post-election, for obvious reasons). Meanwhile GOP legislators around the country are trying to impose “anti-woke” laws to control our teachers and our libraries, to say nothing of the loss of women’s reproductive rights.

  1. Stop the migrant crime epidemic…

Crime statistics don’t support this notion of a migrant crime epidemic, and violent crime is down under Biden vs Trump (even pre-COVID).

  1. Rebuild our cities… make them safe, clean and beautiful again.

Our cities are fine. Crime is down, and there are no mass protests against police violence on blacks, as there were under Trump. (Police reform would be a good campaign promise.)

  1. Strengthen and modernize our military…

Already done…. Military spending is still high under Biden.

  1. Keep the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Unlikely to change, although Trump’s tariffs on all imports could have a modest detrimental effect on the use of the US dollar as the favored reserve currency.

  1. Fight for and protect social security and Medicare with no cuts.

This is a departure from Trump’s earlier approach to cut benefits, but then he realized it was a losing policy so he came towards the Dems.

  1. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations.

This is just bad policy for Americans and the environment, but good for the big oil companies.

  1. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical race ideology…

This is just red meat to the MAGA base and not founded in any reality. Sad.

  1. Keep men out of women’s sports.

Don’t disagree, but it should be done by sporting federations, and with common sense and compassion at different levels of competition. (I thought they wanted less government in our lives too.)

  1. Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.

More red meat for the base…

  1. Secure our elections…

They are.

  1. Unite our country…

It’s more united now than it was under Trump, obviously. It’s also likely to be significantly less united if Trump’s policies are implemented, particularly Project 25 and mass deportations.


Thanks for the reply, there is no other info in the doc, this is the detailed paragraph about higher education. Unfortunately it doesn’t give an explanation, nor are there links to additional information in the document. The end of the doc does list about 50 names of people involved in creating the doc, but no emails or followup info.

It just seems really weak and light on any details compared with policy docs I am used to seeing. (Other policy points seem similarly weak on actual details) I will be interested in comparing with the Democrat policy/platform for higher education they produce after their convention.

Thanks for the link.

No tax on tips.

Defund the ATF.

Not sure if you are aware of this but tax and spending comes from Congress, not the executive branch…the “Power of the purse”.

So both of these are little more than talking points for the base.

And Harris says that she will create an assault weapon ban by executive action if congress doesn’t in the first 100 days of her presidency.

If Harris doesn’t force the Supreme Court to rule on assault weapon bans, there was an en banc ruling by the 4th Circuit yesterday (Bianchi v. Brown) that will definitely be granted certiorari.

I’m sure the DNC will produce a similar product for you to provide your thoughts for as well

Reasonable points , funding trade schools and encouraging attendance is a good idea. However that doesn’t appear to match their description since trade schools aren’t new. ( Also if it is referring to trade schools why not just include it in the description?) At any rate I still don’t see how funding more trade schools would reduce the cost of higher education. It would reduce costs for some particular students who choose to go to trade school or apprentice. But how would that impact 4 year college costs?