Trump Supporters - Trump is still president

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Those same idiots say the country is in a terrible state. The border is a mess. The economy is a disaster. But Trump is still president. Morons.

Those same idiots say the country is in a terrible state. The border is a mess. The economy is a disaster. But Trump is still president. Morons.

But, when it is pointed out that trump must be responsible for all these terrible things if indeed he is still president, they pivot to the 2 government theory. Unbelievable. We can’t even get 1 government to function, let alone two stand-alone governments operating.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

you have been hitting it out of the park lately with your little pictures. The guy on the bottom right cracks me up every time I see him.

3 points for including Astbury.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Oh, did someone’s feelings get hurt. Watch any video of one of trumps rally’s and you will see a host of people who still think he is president. Stop pretending you don’t support him.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Yeah, watch the video clip I just posted (#4). I guess you’re sufficiently dumb that you don’t realize quite how dumb most Trump supporters are. Or vice versa.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Oh, did someone’s feelings get hurt. Watch any video of one of trumps rally’s and you will see a host of people who still think he is president. Stop pretending you don’t support him.

So your response is “go watch a video”. As I said, dumb.

Trumpers are deep in the cult. They wouldn’t be able to see the truth if you beat them to death with it.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Yeah, watch the video clip I just posted (#4). I guess you’re sufficiently dumb that you don’t realize quite how dumb most Trump supporters are. Or vice versa.

A comedian picking on old people that probably have about as much cognitive ability as Biden? That is your proof that “Trump Supporters” think he is still in the white house everyday and running things?

It must be a slow Friday.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

A local vocal MAGA chud (who was the campaign manager for his wife who ran for Congress twice on a MAGA platform that included “election integrity”, got trounced the first time then on her second run mysteriously dropped out after someone pointed out that a lot of the signatures on her election petitions looked remarkably identic… I mean similar) has frequently posted on FB since the last general election that Trump is still really in charge (Gen Flynn is apparently his second-in-command) and we should expect The Storm aaaaany day now. “Nobody can stop what’s coming” to the point of absurdity.

In line with the topic of this post, even though he claims Trump is really in control, the same guy frequently posts how Biden has trashed the economy to the point where he and his wife can barely afford to eat, which is doubly mystifying given how often he proudly posts the latest additions to his collection of tacky Trump merchandise.

Nope, not a cult. At all.

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Your wife can probably steer you in the right direction.

l know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Great questions. Mobs and cults are fascinating things. I recently saw these two documentaries on hbo/max. I was struck by the number of similarities between the followers in the first cult and in the second cult. To students of the human condition, both documentaries are outstanding, but the 2nd one is an absolute must watch for all US residents. Trailers:

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Yeah, watch the video clip I just posted (#4). I guess you’re sufficiently dumb that you don’t realize quite how dumb most Trump supporters are. Or vice versa.

A comedian picking on old people that probably have about as much cognitive ability as Biden? That is your proof that “Trump Supporters” think he is still in the white house everyday and running things?

It must be a slow Friday.

You asked for “one person.” I showed you three.

Here’s another one (3:22 in the video)

Another thread got me thinking.

Many of trump supporters still say Trump is president. If indeed he is, how do they square this will him running in 24 then?

I know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Can you show me one person that thinks Trump is currently sitting in the White House and is president? Of all the stupid posts you have created, this is perhaps the dumbest of them all.

Many supporters of Biden say he is not cognitively impaired and is perfectly healthy and capable of serving as President until he is 86? I know logic and reality is lost on those folks ( the majority of LR) but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocy and willingness to vote for a can of vegetable soup to run the Country again.

Oh, did someone’s feelings get hurt. Watch any video of one of trumps rally’s and you will see a host of people who still think he is president. Stop pretending you don’t support him.

So your response is “go watch a video”. As I said, dumb.

Reading comprehension wasn’t/isn’t your strong suit among many things is it?

Watch any video of one of trumps rally’s…?si=Pa0bdygD6JriV0WF

SDG has never let facts get in the way of his undying loyalty to the great orange one.

l know logic is lost on the vast majority of trump supporters(looking at you SDG and tyler), but I just can’t wrap my head around their idiocracy.

Great questions. Mobs and cults are fascinating things. I recently saw these two documentaries on hbo/max. I was struck by the number of similarities between the followers in the first cult and in the second cult. To students of the human condition, both documentaries are outstanding, but the 2nd one is an absolute must watch for all US residents. Trailers:

Perhaps I have the wrong take on this thread. Are you folks saying that “Trump Supporters” by and large are like the cult members in the “Mother God” cult, “Jones town followers”, “Branch Davidians” etc? Or are you simply saying, sure there are nuts in any group?

Surely you are not setting forth the position that all 70 some million Americans that voted for Trump are akin to drug induced, cultists?

If you are simply saying there are a few fringe nutz in any group, carry on, that is apparent. If you are saying 70 some million that voted for Trump have the qualities and personalities of true believer cutlitst…Dumb, very dumb.