Trump Stolen Documents Trial


U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida pending the resolution of multiple pretrial issues.

The trial had been scheduled to start May 20.

Nah, she’s not corrupt… YOU’RE CORRUPT!

She’s giving us a great glimpse into a world where Trump controls all the courts and can do whatever he wants.

This is probably (in my layman’s view) the most clear cut act of deliberate, premeditated, well documented criminality alleged in any of his felony cases. And now it’s as likely as not that it will never go to trial.

My main issue is the hypocrisy of it all.

Perfect example of Partisanship and incompetence .

I am trying to do some self examination to see if I am looking at Judge Cannon objectively or if I’m biased in thinking that she is purposely helping trump.

To me (ignorant of all the things that are necessary in a trial), her actions have indicated a decision to help trump delay the trial. She has refused to hold hearings regarding the classified documents and has avoided setting dates for deadlines.

Is there any way to justify her decisions and delays?

If not, is there no recourse? Since she has a lifetime appointment, can she just get away with it?

Recourse is impeachment. Good luck impeaching a federal judge. It basically never happens unless the Judge has been convicted of something criminal.

Recourse is impeachment. Good luck impeaching a federal judge. It basically never happens unless the Judge has been convicted of something criminal.

Is she required to provide some kind of rationale? Can the prosecutor escalate a complaint to a higher court somehow?

My news feed read suggests (reading between the lines) continued steep learning curve and a slow learning novice sitting in judgement on how the classified material evidence in a public trial is to be dealt with, so as to get it right the first time. Convenient excuse to be sure. As to her motivation, she can easily say she does not want to err and run afoul of the law and create a new classified disclosure fiasco. This assumption would fit were there documents that carry a truly no shit sensitive national security concern. She lacks confidence and is rattled by the enormity of her task. Baby steps for baby judges.

My news feed read suggests (reading between the lines) continued steep learning curve and a slow learning novice sitting in judgement on how the classified material evidence in a public trial is to be dealt with, so as to get it right the first time. Convenient excuse to be sure. As to her motivation, she can easily say she does not want to err and run afoul of the law and create a new classified disclosure fiasco. This assumption would fit were there documents that carry a truly no shit sensitive national security concern. She lacks confidence and is rattled by the enormity of her task. Baby steps for baby judges.

I can somewhat understand that argument - but if that is true then she has absolutely no business handling this case. The 11th circuit (or whoever) should never have let her be assigned to this case. The NFL wouldn’t let a new referee be assigned to the Super Bowl, they shouldn’t let an inexperienced judge be assigned to something this important.

My news feed read suggests (reading between the lines) continued steep learning curve and a slow learning novice sitting in judgement on how the classified material evidence in a public trial is to be dealt with, so as to get it right the first time. Convenient excuse to be sure. As to her motivation, she can easily say she does not want to err and run afoul of the law and create a new classified disclosure fiasco. This assumption would fit were there documents that carry a truly no shit sensitive national security concern. She lacks confidence and is rattled by the enormity of her task. Baby steps for baby judges.

I can somewhat understand that argument - but if that is true then she has absolutely no business handling this case. The 11th circuit (or whoever) should never have let her be assigned to this case. The NFL wouldn’t let a new referee be assigned to the Super Bowl, they shouldn’t let an inexperienced judge be assigned to something this important.

Pride in oneself can be a terrible affliction or an essential asset. Judges who sit in judgement should understand this best of all.


U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida pending the resolution of multiple pretrial issues.

The trial had been scheduled to start May 20.

One bright side, if you choose to look at it that way, is that this clears the calendar for Judge Chutkan’s 1/6 case to proceed: it was feared that Cannon would schedule the docs case in such a way as to preclude the DC case from being scheduled.

Of course, that requires SCOTUS to first rule on Trump’s immunity appeals. Mind-boggling that the two most obvious cases (IANAL) are being slow-walked and/or outright killed by Trump appointees.

Mind-boggling that the two most obvious cases (IANAL) are being slow-walked and/or outright killed by Trump appointees.

It is not mind boggling. It is very obvious partisan actors are protecting trump.

This is probably (in my layman’s view) the most clear cut act of deliberate, premeditated, well documented criminality alleged in any of his felony cases. And now it’s as likely as not that it will never go to trial.

This! This was my take too. Of all the criminal cases against him, this one seemed to most solid. Perhaps not the most egregious, where it proven, the punishment might still be minor. But he was given chance after chance after chance to cooperate and comply, and for whatever reason, refused. It was as if he was daring or inviting prosecution, or more likely, just thought he was above the law. While some of the allegations in the other cases are more serious, getting to the conclusions seemed to be more of a stretch.

I get this is complicated by the number of documents in question and the classifications of those documents.

Don’t know what Cannon is up to, but it really is starting to seem like she doesn’t like the case and is doing everything in her power to make prosecution difficult.

Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!

My news feed read suggests (reading between the lines) continued steep learning curve and a slow learning novice sitting in judgement on how the classified material evidence in a public trial is to be dealt with, so as to get it right the first time. Convenient excuse to be sure. As to her motivation, she can easily say she does not want to err and run afoul of the law and create a new classified disclosure fiasco. This assumption would fit were there documents that carry a truly no shit sensitive national security concern. She lacks confidence and is rattled by the enormity of her task. Baby steps for baby judges.

I can somewhat understand that argument - but if that is true then she has absolutely no business handling this case. The 11th circuit (or whoever) should never have let her be assigned to this case. The NFL wouldn’t let a new referee be assigned to the Super Bowl, they shouldn’t let an inexperienced judge be assigned to something this important.

Alas, that is not how it works. There is a random assignment process. Unless you’re conspiracy minded, then that’s how she got the case. The prosecution has not asked her to recuse herself, much less ask the appeals court to force her off the case. It is almost impossible to force a judge off a case merely because they are slow in getting things done.

I had a case where a judge failed to rule on a motion for more than 2 years. The other side tried to get the judge booted off the case and lost that effort. The judge then ruled for our side on the merits of the case. As they say about shooting at the king – don’t miss!

As they say about shooting at the king – don’t miss!

My greatest political worry is MAGA will have learned that lesson after their failed 2020 attempt to prevent normal transfer of power.


U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida pending the resolution of multiple pretrial issues.

The trial had been scheduled to start May 20.

Well, she continues to do everything she can to help Trump.

Today she seemed very skeptical about a gag order after Trump’s FBI email. And it seems that the prosecution are on trial. Funding for the prosecution seems to be relevant to this case. I’m not really sure how/why. Neither are many legal experts.


U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida pending the resolution of multiple pretrial issues.

The trial had been scheduled to start May 20.

Well, she continues to do everything she can to help Trump.

Today she seemed very skeptical about a gag order after Trump’s FBI email. And it seems that the prosecution are on trial. Funding for the prosecution seems to be relevant to this case. I’m not really sure how/why. Neither are many legal experts.

Yeah, it’s very different from the GA case. There, Fani Willis messed up and gave Trump and his co-defendants a line of attack which they have used quite effectively to derail the case. Here, it’s the judge who seems to be going out of her way to erect barriers to the prosecution of the case. As far as we know, Jack Smith has done nothing to warrant this intense scrutiny. In every case, the individual prosecutor is supposed to be accountable to the ultimate authority (an elected DA, an elected state AG, the federal AG, or whoever). But, we don’t let the defense get into the details of exactly how much oversight (on strategy or finances) that ultimate authority provides.