Trump is the oldest presidential candidate ever

What is the GOP thinking? How could they possibly think that running a candidate that old is a good idea?

Last month Trump was demanding cognitive tests for candidates. He, and Harris, should do one…and post the scores.

The narrative will be interesting and democrats need to pounce on this. Many people have been very unhappy simply as both candidates were too old. Well this changes that. I wasn’t going to vote for either, I will now vote dem, I know that I am not alone.

I agree. He’s too old. I’m too old, and I’ll only be 64 (my age is rapidly beginning to line up with my IQ) this year. Three of the four (Trump, Biden, and Harris) pols on both tickets are (or were, in President Biden’s case) too old.

Us geezers need to get out of the way. Time for a young, dynamic, fresh and attractive new set of crooks, liars and thieves to run things from now on.

The narrative will be interesting and democrats need to pounce on this. Many people have been very unhappy simply as both candidates were too old. Well this changes that. I** wasn’t going to vote for either, I will now vote dem, I know that I am not alone**.

I hope that a lot of people are making the same decision that you are, and agree that there probably are.

Hopefully she chooses a solid VP that will pull in more moderate Republicans or Independents.

I wonder what this will do for the black votes that trump was counting on? Hopefully there won’t be any anti-trump voters that turn away because she is a black woman; as you would think that those people are voting for him anyway.

What is the GOP thinking? How could they possibly think that running a candidate that old is a good idea?

If it’s Harris she is a good deal younger than trump, and below the social security age.

The age of the candidates wasn’t too important before - because they were both very old. It should be now.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

Which is too old. Time for the geezers and geezettes – like Vice-President Harris, like President Biden and former President Trump (like me as well) – to get out of the way and let the younger ones have a go at it. Our time has come and gone and we’ve made quite a mess of things, to be honest.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

Which is too old. Time for the geezers and geezettes – like Vice-President Harris, like President Biden and former President Trump (like me as well) – to get out of the way and let the younger ones have a go at it. Our time has come and gone and we’ve made quite a mess of things, to be honest.

59 is before the retirement age. Obama is the only ex president in that age bracket.

What is the GOP thinking? How could they possibly think that running a candidate that old is a good idea?

Also a convicted felon and insurrectionist that is appalling for any country that claims to be democratic or ‘the land of the free’.

Should be in jail.

What is the GOP thinking? How could they possibly think that running a candidate that old is a good idea?

Also a convicted felon and insurrectionist that is appalling for any country that claims to be democratic or ‘the land of the free’.

Should be in jail.

The, “law and order” party is supporting the convicted felon over the career prosecutor. Somebody make it make sense.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

Which is too old. Time for the geezers and geezettes – like Vice-President Harris, like President Biden and former President Trump (like me as well) – to get out of the way and let the younger ones have a go at it. Our time has come and gone and we’ve made quite a mess of things, to be honest.

59 is before the retirement age. Obama is the only ex president in that age bracket.

“Retirement age.” For Social Security? That’s not what I meant. She’s just too old. Past her expiration date, past her “sell by” or whatever.

Same for Donald Trump, same for Joseph Biden, same for all of the AARP-eligible horde in D.C. American politicians at the federal level own the highest average age among all countries in the world. They should go home and get some rest.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

Which is too old. Time for the geezers and geezettes – like Vice-President Harris, like President Biden and former President Trump (like me as well) – to get out of the way and let the younger ones have a go at it. Our time has come and gone and we’ve made quite a mess of things, to be honest.

59 is before the retirement age. Obama is the only ex president in that age bracket.

“Retirement age.” For Social Security? That’s not what I meant. She’s just too old. Past her expiration date, past her “sell by” or whatever.

Same for Donald Trump, same for Joseph Biden, same for all of the AARP-eligible horde in D.C. American politicians at the federal level own the highest average age among all countries in the world. They should go home and get some rest.

59 just isn’t too old for politics. Bush 2 was 55 when he became president. Clinton was young. So was Obama. Regan was 70. Nixon was 55.

59 for a woman - who age better than men - just isn’t too old for politics. I personally think anything over 65 is too old. Mainly because that’s what the government has set retirement age as - for a reason. Much like I think anything below 18 or 21 is too young.

Welcome back.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

She’s literally the youngest of the boomers. 1964 is the final year of the baby boom, she’s an October 64 baby.

Welcome back.

Thanks. Good to see you’re still here.

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

She’s literally the youngest of the boomers. 1964 is the final year of the baby boom, she’s an October 64 baby.

“… the youngest of the boomers.”

Now, I call that “damning with faint praise.”

Time for ALL Boomers, the storied “Me Generation” (and I count myself among that demographic, being a September 60 “baby”) – to get out of the way and let someone else have a crack at the golden ring. Or the Ring of Power, or whatever. GenX, Millennial and so on.

Now, I’m off to go buy a new Corvette and otherwise refuse to give in to the ravages of age while I enjoy my at-least-semi-permanent retirement.

What is the GOP thinking? How could they possibly think that running a candidate that old is a good idea?

We like our dictator on Day 1 old.

This way we can plug Don jr in soon.

Are these winning positions in Canadian politics??? Because that would explain a lot

Vice-President Harris is, in my personal and definitely unlearned position, too old as well. I’m not sure if she’s a Boomer or if she managed to eke into the GenX cohort, but she’s one of the oldest of the GenXers if she did manage to avoid the dreaded Boomer tag.

Truly, I wish there were younger ones at the top of the respective tickets. At this point, I’d even push for a constitutional amendment that says if you’re eligible for AARP membership, you’re too old to run for president.

She’s 59.

Which is too old. Time for the geezers and geezettes – like Vice-President Harris, like President Biden and former President Trump (like me as well) – to get out of the way and let the younger ones have a go at it. Our time has come and gone and we’ve made quite a mess of things, to be honest.

I am sure that you felt that way in 1984 (Reagan-73), 1988 (Reagan-77), 1992 (Bush41-64). 1996 (Dole-73), 2008 (McCain-72), 2012 (Romney-65), 2016 (H.Clinton-69, Trump-70), 2020 (Trump-74, Biden-101). How many of these folks did you vote for? Thank God for youngsters like Carter/Clinton/Bush43/Obama who saved us from the geriatric brigade!