Trump embodies the seven deadly sins, but…

Which one does he least personify? Discuss.

Probably sloth. Maybe envy.

Sloth. Hard to say about envy. He might be envious of some people. He is definitely not a sloth.

From reports he spent pretty much every White House morning lying in bed watching TV.

He spent almost as much away from the White House as he did at the White House. Lots of golf rather than doing actual work.

Sounds kind of slothful to me.

I was going to say sloth as well. He may not move too much but he does seem to usually be up to something. On a normal person you might say he is slothful, but since his other traits are so strong…

Sloths also poop once - maybe twice - a week, which would help explain Trump’s perpetual fullofshitness.

I was going to say sloth as well. He may not move too much but he does seem to usually be up to something. On a normal person you might say he is slothful, but since his other traits are so strong…

Sloth - Reluctance to do work or make an effort.

That is Trump. He works hard at not working. Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of.

From reports he spent pretty much every White House morning lying in bed watching TV.

He spent almost as much away from the White House as he did at the White House. Lots of golf rather than doing actual work.

Sounds kind of slothful to me.

He might be slothful compared to other Presidents. Compared to people his age he seems quite active: traveling, speaking, texting, planning, golfing, etc.

From reports he spent pretty much every White House morning lying in bed watching TV.

He spent almost as much away from the White House as he did at the White House. Lots of golf rather than doing actual work.

Sounds kind of slothful to me.

He might be slothful compared to other Presidents. Compared to people his age he seems quite active: traveling, speaking, texting, planning, golfing, etc.

He’s a complex beast. His desire to be doted upon is what drives him to do speeches. Golf is simply to avoid work and to conquest his playing partners. By cheating of course. Improving your game takes work.

If you think he was doing any actual work while he was president, I have some land to sell you.

Joe Biden is 100x worse. Amirite?


What are the 7 deadly sins? I get them confused with sleepy, sneezy, lazy and papa Smurf.

What are the 7 deadly sins? I get them confused with sleepy, sneezy, lazy and papa Smurf.

The envy pic should be trump and Putin.

are the 7 deadly sins? I get them confused with sleepy, sneezy, lazy and papa Smurf.

Cockoo for Cocoa Puffs was apparently just saluting everything today.

Saluting Amazing Grace…

Cockoo for Cocoa Puffs was apparently just saluting everything today.

Saluting Amazing Grace…

See? More hard work — saluting while much younger people are just standing around listening.

Would you rather have the black President or the white president? They’d rather the white president.

Nothing earth shattering, but a good interview by a conservative host of a conservative guest.