"Trump Can Win on Character"

That’s a headline that appeared not in The Onion, but in the NYTimes today. For an Opinion piece by the editor-in-chief of the National Review.

Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak, a phony, and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class. The scattershot Trump attacks on Harris need to be refocused on these character attributes.

The mind reels.

That’s a headline that appeared not in The Onion, but in the NYTimes today. For an Opinion piece by the editor-in-chief of the National Review.

Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak, a phony, and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class. The scattershot Trump attacks on Harris need to be refocused on these character attributes.

The mind reels.

I read this today as well and wondered how anyone could come up with Trump winning on character.

That’s a headline that appeared not in The Onion, but in the NYTimes today. For an Opinion piece by the editor-in-chief of the National Review.

Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak, a phony, and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class. The scattershot Trump attacks on Harris need to be refocused on these character attributes.

The mind reels.

I read this today as well and wondered how anyone could come up with Trump winning on character.

The same way many very staunch R’s say they only vote for him because they like his policies. Or how the evangelicals support him even though his character is the polar opposite of a devout Christian (but hey, abortion!). Some people are so divorced from reality they can convince themselves of just about anything.

That’s a headline that appeared not in The Onion, but in the NYTimes today. For an Opinion piece by the editor-in-chief of the National Review.

Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak, a phony, and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class. The scattershot Trump attacks on Harris need to be refocused on these character attributes.

The mind reels.
I almost thought, I’ll have what he’s (she’s?) having - 'cause they are out of their mind! However, not in a good way.

Perhaps an early April fools column?

Note: I’m not a fan of either, but seriously? The phrase batshit crazy MAGA seems fitting

by having a race to the bottom is how he wins on these character traits. Is she weak, is she a phony and does she not truly care for the middle class? Good luck making the comparison arguments weak v strong, phony v real, and then who has the back of the middle class.

Have at it Donald. FWIW, how does middle class support fit into defining a politician’s character ?

You can only be a successful con man if there are lot of rubes who fall for your schtick.

the headline should read “Trump Can Win by Slandering Character”

This reads as an appeal to an audience of one.


I read the piece and it is not that trump should run on his character, but by attacking Harris’ character. Which I guess is technically “running on character.”

Apparently there are just no standards for opeds. Or at least not standards when conservatives write them. You can just make shit up apparently.

Character and trump should never be in the same sentence. Unless of course it mentions lack of character.

It doesn’t seem like a winning strategy to remind people about character if the goal is a Trump victory. He’s the opposite of the six pillars of character.

Remember the six pillars of character? Omg. My kids saw those at school in Montana, Minnesota and California. The six pillars were drilled into our heads! Talk about indoctrination!

Trustworthiness—but what about Trump’s Big Lie?

Respect. Oh dear —world leaders laughed at Trump

Responsibility. Yikes, Trump is a constant victim/ “so unfair!”

Fairness—Trump wants total immunity for himself, and no one else gets that treatment in the US.
Kids agree: that’s not fair!

Caring. Trump gave paper towels to hurricane victims. Said victims of gun violence should “get over it.” What a jerk.

Citizenship. Trump tried to throw out the results of the 2020 election/January 6.
That’s NOT how we act as citizens, kids.


This reads as an appeal to an audience of one.


Who is going to read it to him?

That’s a headline that appeared not in The Onion, but in the NYTimes today. For an Opinion piece by the editor-in-chief of the National Review.

Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak, a phony, and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class. The scattershot Trump attacks on Harris need to be refocused on these character attributes.

The mind reels.

I read this today as well and wondered how anyone could come up with Trump winning on character.

Character could be positive or negative. It’s clear to me there’s a huge following that appreciates big T having an overtly negative character attribute. The like a strongman asshole.

That’s the character he would win on.

Sounds like the type of thing someone in a cult would say about their horribly flawed leader.

But it’s totally not a cult.

Speaking of character, apparently Trump went to Arlington National Cemetery on the anniversary of the deaths of thirteen service members who died at the airport in Afghanistan. Photos show Trump standing with (assumedly) family members behind the gravestone of Marine Sergeant Nicole Gee… with his usual thumbs up and stupid grin.

Who does that at a grave site?

Not to be outdone, the Republican Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committe released a respectful statement marking the occasion, including this bit:

Our Gold Star families and the American public deserve to have answers about what happened during the Biden-Harris administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. That is why I am investigating the evacuation and will be releasing a full report in the coming weeks. I will leave no stone unturned to get answers and accountability for the courageous men and women who sacrificed so much for our country.

Speaking of character, apparently Trump went to Arlington National Cemetery on the anniversary of the deaths of thirteen service members who died at the airport in Afghanistan. Photos show Trump standing with (assumedly) family members behind the gravestone of Marine Sergeant Nicole Gee… with his usual thumbs up and stupid grin.

Who does that at a grave site?

People who have never experienced empathy.