True Detective: Night Country

Anyone else catch the first episode? I think the fact that it is taking place during the long nights of a northern Alaskan winter is adding a certain mystique and atmosphere to it. Parts of the first episode were also Lynchian in some aspects, eg when that woman was following her dead ex-husband to the bodies in the ice and he did that little dance.

So far, I am really enjoying it. Best first episode of any of the TD seasons in my view. Has a cool soundtrack too, with “bury a friend” by Billie Eilish being the opening theme.

I read a review that suggested Foster’s performance gets subverted by too many competing plot lines, or something to that effect. But I’ll probably watch.

I loved the first season (who didn’t), hated the second, but haven’t seen the third. Is it worth the time investment?

Only real plot line is that a previous murder investigation could be linked to the recent murder investigation and that there is a clash between Jodie and another law enforcement officer about how Jodie’s character dealt with previous one.

The other elements (eg supernatural and economic and social/cultural) all just propel this or expand on it in some way. In my view. But then I have only seen the first episode.

First episode is definitely atmospheric.

Thanks, I’ll definitely check it out.

3rd season is excellent. Steven Dorff and Mahershala Ali are both top notch.

I liked it a lot, especially the supernatural elements and native mythology/spiritually. The opening scene with the caribou herd was amazing and bewildering.

My wife disliked it because it was “too creepy.” It was creepy, which I loved. I’m hooked already.

Agree with all of the above … season 1 was great. Season 2 was garbage. And season 3 was great.

The only redeeming thing about Season 2 was the way that Vince Vaughn died in the desert

Watching and will continue but not loving it and struggling to maintain interest. Uncompelling female leads (my wife’s assessment: “too many women”) making it a tough slog. Makes me want to rewatch Mare of Eastown instead.

Definitely falls short of the first season (which unfortunately seemed to set the bar extremely high) but it’s OK, and 2 episodes in I’m going to stick with it through to the season finale.

Anyone catch the connection in Episode 2 to the first season (specifically Matthew McConaughey’s character)?

The supernatural swirl deal is hard to miss, if that’s what you’re getting at? I suspect not. What reference in particular?

I did note that the name Tuttle came up again, which was the powerful family name in S1 so there’s a clear connection here.

The supernatural swirl deal is hard to miss, if that’s what you’re getting at? I suspect not. What reference in particular?

I did note that the name Tuttle came up again, which was the powerful family name in S1 so there’s a clear connection here.

Oh I forgot to mention that one! I was referring to the last name of Rose’s ex.

I just saw a clip from S1 where MM’s character talks about moving to Alaska with his dad Travis, a survivalist with “crazy ideas.” I have to assume that’s the dead Travis who appears now and then to his widow?

I just saw a clip from S1 where MM’s character talks about moving to Alaska with his dad Travis, a survivalist with “crazy ideas.” I have to assume that’s the dead Travis who appears now and then to his widow?

They weren’t married, but when Rose is talking to the trooper she mentions Travis’ last name - Cohle.

(We had subtitles on so the spelling jumped out)

One of Rose’s lines in that scene seems to confirm Travis is Rust’s father. She describes him walking off into the ice and saying he “didn’t want the leukemia to get him.” Rust told the detectives in S1 that his dad Travis moved to Alaska and had leukemia. Can’t be coincidental.

No need to speculate, Issa (show runner) has confirmed that Travis is Rust’s father.

‘True Detective: Night Country’: Is Travis the father of Rust Cohle? | Mashable

I’m a bit disappointed after two episodes. Correct on the David Lynch parallel. Reminds me of Twin Peaks, of which I got through just two episodes even though it was the phenom show of that year.

It’s not filmed in Alaska but Iceland and you can see the difference. Alaska’s infrastructure is slapped together, the buildings in these places are plywood and 2X4s. The stuff in the show is all nice hardwood-Scandinavian design. Subtle and minor detail.

I’m just not liking the story lines so far, and most of the characters are not that likeable. Not that Season 1 was a bowl of cherries.

Speaking of unlikeable (and I agree completely), I’m not sure I’ve seen a more cringe inducing sex scene on the small or large screen. My wife said immediately after, “that was a lot of bone and tendon” which made me chuckle just enough to unclench my jaw.

Watching and will continue but not loving it and struggling to maintain interest. Uncompelling female leads (my wife’s assessment: “too many women”) making it a tough slog. Makes me want to rewatch Mare of Eastown instead.

I’m liking it enough to stick with it a bit longer. Gotta ask, is there any guy in town that Chief Danvers hasn’t slept with?

We can’t figure out if she’d slept with the state trooper as well. My guess is, when you live near the arctic circle everyone is an opportunist.

I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet but the reviews are not encouraging. I mean I’m this far in and I’m not pressed for time so I’ll follow it through to the end, but I’m definitely not enjoying it and mostly vexed that it’s as bad as it’s been given the potential. I’m preparing myself to be thoroughly annoyed by the ending, which I think at this point is inevitable.