Trisuit with the Thinnest chamois

Hey everyone! I’ve got a full Ironman coming up and am looking for a new trisuit. I’ve usually raced all of my long races in Wattie Ink kits, which the chamois is super super thin, almost not even there. They’ve since gone out of business and the couple suits I’ve tried have had a thicker chamois. Anyone know a good trisuit that has a super thin chamois? 5-6mm seems thicker than is comfortable for me.

I know at least some of the DeSoto shorts still have a fleece pad - check their descriptions though because not all are the same.

Is the fleece pad the thinner style that Wattie ink used do you know? Or that’s the thinner style in general?

My Ryzon suit got a ridiculously small chamois!

Look on eBay. I’ve found a couple pairs of Wattie Ink shorts on there. Pretty decent prices but limited selection.

De Soto do 4mm ( 7mn too, so check what you order). You want the Forza line by default not riviera, but you can custom the riviera suits with fleece or 4mm.

That said all my I’m since 2005 have been in Forza kits, initially fleece then lately 4mm. Even in training and pure marathons, one most that kit is still going strong

De Soto do 4mm ( 7mn too, so check what you order). You want the Forza line by default not riviera, but you can custom the riviera suits with fleece or 4mm.

That said all my I’m since 2005 have been in Forza kits, initially fleece then lately 4mm. Even in training and pure marathons, one most that kit is still going strong

Looks like the less expensive DeSoto Carrera line still has fleece.

Ah yes. But having tried both, the 4mm really is good. No way of saying this politely but it doesn’t get sweaty damp and is really a slippy and thin. As someone else that likes minimalist it’s worth trying

I agree - but I haven’t tried the Wattie Ink shorts, so I don’t know exactly how they compare.

OP: Emilio is really good with these sorts of questions - email him and he can probably recommend the closest De Soto short to try.

My Surpas Insane MD v2 suit has a very thin one

Just recently bought a new Sumarpo hybrid sleeveless for around $170, no complaints so far.

Skinfit short course suits have an exceedingly thin but comfortable pad
