I have a P series built up with Omega One bars, a few spacers underneath, then the Delta aerocover attached. I have seen this set up several times on this site and TriRig’s own. I have noticed the Delta is falling away from the aerobars with a wedge shape gap appearing. I have used the supplied tape to fix to the forks but it looks like the Delta is being pushed off. I suspect this is caused by the hydraulic brake hose putting pressure on it. Has any one else experienced this and found a solution? I am thinking I will have to cut into the Delta to make a gap to relieve the pressure but would like to see others solutions.
Is this with an Alpha One? Are you using any stem spacers? If you are using the A1 with a slammed stem you can use headed bolts instead of the included screws and firmly attach the Delta to the A1 stem through the cavity.
Is this with an Alpha One? Are you using any stem spacers? If you are using the A1 with a slammed stem you can use headed bolts instead of the included screws and firmly attach the Delta to the A1 stem through the cavity.
What Ben said.
I am using spacers so can’t do that. I have contacted TriRig about using bolts already but can’t with spacers in place which is frustrating. It seems a really flimsy way of attaching the Delta to just rely on the tape. Any form of pressure and this begins to fail.
I simply wrapped 3m tape a few times around the fork and cover. Looks just ok put holds great. The L Tape supplied did not worn for me.
I simply wrapped 3m tape a few times around the fork and cover. Looks just ok put holds great. The L Tape supplied did not worn for me.
This is actually what I do as well. Just snapped some pictures. Even though I have the bolted setup, I like it to not shift at all. Electrical tape might as well be invisible and helps keep everything tight. I also put a few strips on at the top connecting to the stem for good measure.
I have the same issue and have tried this solution on a QR PR3. For me the tape didn’t hold and I got worried that I might crack the Delta cover, so didn’t apply more pressure. The way you do it is pretty neat so might give it another go
I put Velcro in the lower part of the Delta, and a corresponding strip on the fork. It took the heavy Velcro to hold the bottom part of the Delta tabs in, but it seemed to work like a charm, even through 112 miles of rough Tulsa roads, by far the biggest test I’ve given it.