TriRig BTA Riser - Is this Proprietary to TriRig bikes?

Hi All,

I’m looking for solutions to raise 2 bottles between my arms (back to back) and I’m looking at the TriRig BTA Riser. Is this proprietary to TriRig bikes, or would they work on other setups? I have a Trek Speed Concept, which has mounts for a BTA bottle.

Though the TriRig says “Base Mounting Bolts are 42mm apart” which isn’t to my measurements a standard bottle mounting pacing. Unless I’m missing something, it would seem that you can’t use this on a standard bottle setup - am I correct in assuming this?

If so, this sucks since this is (to my knowledge) the one metal/alloy solution in a world of plastic BTA solutions.

I ordered one without doing my research, but it looks like it’ll work for a standard bottle mount, I’ve only laid it out as I haven’t found my bracket to actually get everything setup yet.

you can make it work with the new SC. The spacing on the small side of the riser doesn’t make holes on the bottle cage exactly (depending on the cage) you can make it work with some washers or fabricate something. Example: using a xlab gorilla cage the mount hole lines up in the big opening in the middle of cage. I had some random hardware laying around to make it work.

I was able to get it installed on my E-119 Tri+. Definitely takes some different screws than included but it works. I apologize for the dirt and the awkwardly sized pictures.


I ordered one - but I didn’t catch the 42mm spacing and had to improvise.

Yea, mine’s “upside down” essentially. I’ll probably get a chance this weekend if the weather permits to put a bottle in it and see if it’s stable enough like this.

TriRig makes great stuff, it’s too bad they seem to be trying to keep this proprietary.

I installed one on my Gen 2 Speedconcept (with the bontrager bridge/bracket) using an X-Lab cage optimizer kit I had laying around and some MacGyvering. The bottom bolt hole spacing is not standard so you need to improvise.

That is actually what I did with the Cage optimizer and a few washers.

This Wolf Tooth adapter works as well. You turn it upside down and you use bolt nuts + washers in the channel on the back to mount the tri rig the riser.

That is actually what I did with the Cage optimizer and a few washers.


not sure if everyone is overthinking this or not, I didn’t have an issue mounting it on my gen 2 SC. Turn it upside down then you have a variety of holes to choose from to attach to the Bontrager mount, then the bottom of the wedge you have a variety of holes to choose from to attach to the stand.


Thanks for confirming, as I also have a gen 2 Trek SC.

Are the wedges also made of alloy or are they plastic?
Would an upside-down mount + a wedge be sufficient strength to hold 2 bottles, back to back? (I would put a 2:1 bracket on top of the wedge, followed by the bottles)

Also unrelated, but what model are those arm cups? Is it this model? And I presume you just install it the same as the regular SC arm rests? And are these for aero or comfort?


Is the BTA bracket secure the way you’ve attached it? With the one screw? That is how I would most likely have to secure mine and would worry it would rattle too much. Thanks.

Everything has two bolts holding it in. There are two bolts going into the riser stack, one goes through the BTA extension, the other bolt for the BTA extension is the one you probably see in the pictures.

Everything seems tight, but we’ll see once i get on the road with a full bottle.

The wedges are alloy as well. I assume it would be strong enough to hold two bottles with the right brakes on top to allow two cages. It might be a tight fit length wise compared to body though, not sure as I haven’t really ever thought about two cages.
That does appear to be the same cups, closed back and long, I got them about 2 years ago. Combination of reasons, comfort and much easier to maintain arm position in the cups which ultimately means more aero.

I’m looking for solutions to raise 2 bottles between my arms (back to back)

I am curious on the why ? Is it an aero, comfort or I need two bottles thing ?

Not judging in any way, just curious.

I’m looking for solutions to raise 2 bottles between my arms (back to back)

I am curious on the why ? Is it an aero, comfort or I need two bottles thing ?

Not judging in any way, just curious.

Two reasons
1 - I’m trying to find aero ways to carry an extra bottle (1 BTS, and 1 BTA already, nothing on the frame), which will allow me not to have to stop in a 70.3 and avoid a hyper concentrated mix in an IM (2 bottles of concentrate instead of 1 means its harder to make a mixing mistake, as at my last IM - 1/3 of a bottle is easier to measure out at each aid station vs 1/6).
2 - I’m trying replicate the effects of a bottle down the jersey by putting the 2nd bottle (if I can) in a similar position, if I feel that the setup is safe

2 - I’m trying replicate the effects of a bottle down the jersey by putting the 2nd bottle (if I can) in a similar position, if I feel that the setup is safe

I wonder if anyone has tested this to be equivalent. I tried once and it wasn’,t but it 1 person in the A2 tunnel.

Not that I’m in the wind tunnel or have any way to measure, I’m just operating on general principles here - but was the repositioned bottle at least better than baseline?

Not that I’m in the wind tunnel or have any way to measure, I’m just operating on general principles here - but was the repositioned bottle at least better than baseline?

2w slower average across 0 to -12.5, slower at low yaw, equal at higher yaw

Remember, sample of 1

Ben Deal does a dual, similar to what you wanting to do on his Cervelo P3. He uses the TriRig BTA mount for one bottle and I believe something like a Wolf Tooth B-RAD mount for the second bottle. This is all affixed to his Dragon fly which has 5 bolts on the BTA.

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